Project 2025
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Project 2025

Project 2025 is 887 Pages


“Ana”g-r-am(e): Sage’s (evens) Rho Ate 8 (Zodiak’s signature)

An extension of the first league of the Human Race

Adjusting for California:

IVY League 1973 Race

2/5/43 men were minted for the IVY League known latter as the ‘43 Steele Penny co-in-age. Linked to the treasury to align primary and metal economies.

37°47'34.65"N 122°23'43.73"W: Starting Point Minting “2/5/43 Pen Nies”


Project 2025 Republican Plan from I 2/5

39°44'26.05"N 105° 1'29.70"W

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41° 8'32.65"N 104°51'34.39"W


33°46'56.34"N 118°21'32.87"W

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Zodiac 1993 Key
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Zodiac 1993 Key

Recommended soundtrack: OPP

Zodiac’s Colorado Key Changing 1993 (Xenon/Cobble Key)

1) 39°43'57.43"N 105° 8'40.44"W 1976 : minus won
2) 39°43'55.70"N 105° 8'41.03"W
3) 39°43'56.62"N 105° 8'37.63"W
4) 39°43'44.93"N 105° 8'40.16"W:
5) 39°43'43.27"N 105° 8'28.25"W: Lamda

The Zodiac is a rapist, liar, psychopath and pederast.

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Warren Air Force Base & Watergate
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Warren Air Force Base & Watergate

Warren Air Force Base &

A Republican program to kill off select family members

Location: 41° 8'47.81"N 104°52'25.43"W 2_5 signature

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Primary Economic System, Los Angeles
Wall Ztreet Journal Wall Ztreet Journal

Primary Economic System, Los Angeles

Recommended soundtrack: NAH, Snow That Product

Primary Economic System 1966-1968 IVY League

1) 33°52'26.00"N 118°12'55.80"W : Trans headquarters, primary eco.
2) 33°52'39.20"N 118°12'50.48"W : National Game
3) 33°52'24.70"N 118°12'55.69"W: Change the wheel
4) 33°46'52.96"N 118°21'34.80"W: IVY Program '68 to 86, '89


CEO, IVY The Wong Way , Zodiak
1) 33°46'52.10"N 118°21'34.99"W: '66 2/5/43, Hull of Ship '99
2) 33°46'52.47"N 118°21'35.03"W: 1977 to 1974, 2/5/43, #30
3) 33°46'52.96"N 118°21'34.81"W : IVY Ticket '68 to '86 to '89
4) 42°49'15.25"N 75°32'45.43"W: Wong Way 2/5/74 ELW escaped

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The Zodiac’s Nebraska Network, 1970 DOB Slaughters
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The Zodiac’s Nebraska Network, 1970 DOB Slaughters

Recommended soundtrack: I mean it, G- Eazy

Network for D.O.B. 1970-78 Slaughters


2/5/34 engine Social Network Services, Primary Economy

1) 40°37'1.75"N 96°37'30.78"W
2) 40°36'58.96"N 96°37'29.57"W
3) 40°36'59.27"N 96°37'27.69"W

2/5/34 engine

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1973 Abuse Of Trust, A Zodiac Signature

1973 The Zodiac started to abuse and misuse the “Seacrest’s Trust” to purchase real estate. Abuse of the Seacrest Trust beginning in 1973 became a signature of the Zodiac.

1) 36°59'52.73"N 109° 2'42.67"W
2) 39°42'31.73"N 104°54'4.73"W

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Company Note: Baidu
Wall Ztreet Journal Wall Ztreet Journal

Company Note: Baidu

Recommended song: Boom Boom, John Lee Hooker

Company Note: Baidu

Baidu derives its revenues primarily from the following sources:

1. Online marketing services - This accounts for the majority of Baidu's total revenues. Baidu delivers online marketing services through its network of third-party agents and direct sales team to a diverse customer base. The online marketing services include P4P (pay for performance) services where customers bid for priority placement of paid sponsored links, as well as other marketing services.

2. Others - This includes revenues from Baidu Core businesses such as the Mobile Ecosystem (apps like Baidu App), AI Cloud (enterprise/public sector cloud and personal cloud services), and Intelligent Driving & Other Growth Initiatives (Apollo intelligent driving, DuerOS smart assistant, etc.).

Regarding AI work, Baidu has been investing heavily in AI research and development since 2010. Some key points about Baidu's AI efforts:

* Launched ERNIE Bot, a conversational AI assistant powered by Baidu's ERNIE foundation models, in early 2023. Released updated versions ERNIE 3.5 in May 2023 and ERNIE 4.0 in October 2023.

* Developed AI chips like Baidu Kunlun and Baidu Honghu to support cloud, smart devices, and vehicle applications.

* Created PaddlePaddle, an open source deep learning platform.

* Applying AI in areas like autonomous driving (Apollo), smart assistant (DuerOS), and cloud solutions for enterprises/public sector.

So in summary, while online marketing still drives the majority of revenues, Baidu is leveraging its long-term investments in AI to expand into new business areas and drive future growth in the Baidu Core segment.

Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning

Across the entire time period, a major focus of Baidu's R&D efforts has been on artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies.

This includes work on:

* Foundation models, large language models and generative AI (ERNIE Bot, ERNIE 3.5, ERNIE 4.0)

* Multimodal AI models that combine language, vision and speech

* Neural networks and deep learning model architectures

* Adversarial training methods to make AI models more robust

* Efficient AI model compression and acceleration techniques

* Applications of AI to domains like speech recognition, computer vision, video understanding, question answering, etc.

From 2022-2024 there seems to be an increasing emphasis on foundation models, large language models and generative AI capabilities. Recent patents discuss Baidu's ERNIE Bot and more advanced ERNIE models.

Autonomous Driving

Another major long-term focus area for Baidu R&D is autonomous driving technologies. Over the years, patents cover:

* Perception and sensor fusion for self-driving cars

* AI planning and decision making for autonomous vehicles

* High definition mapping and localization

* Simulation environments for testing autonomous driving

Moreover in 2022-2023, there was work done on improving the robustness and efficiency of autonomous driving software and hardware.

Other Notable Areas:

* Search and information retrieval - improving web search, entity linking, knowledge graphs

* Recommender systems and personalization

* Healthcare AI applications

* Speech interfaces and emotion recognition from speech

* Computer vision for facial recognition, object detection, etc.

* Cloud computing infrastructure

* Hardware for AI acceleration

Bottom Line

Baidu has maintained a strong focus and active development in core AI technologies and applications over many years based on its patent portfolio. In recent years, larger AI models, generative AI, efficient deep learning and autonomous driving seem to be increasing areas of R&D investment. Baidu continues to leverage AI to enhance its products in search, recommendations, speech interfaces, computer vision and other domains.

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Roles of RIAs and Trustees
Wall Ztreet Journal Wall Ztreet Journal

Roles of RIAs and Trustees

Research: audio

What are the roles of RIA and Trustee ?

Registered Investment Advisors (RIAs) and trustees both play important roles in managing assets on behalf of clients, but there are several key differences between the two:

Fiduciary Duty


RIAs are legally bound by a fiduciary duty to act in their clients' best interests. They must prioritize their clients' financial well-being and make decisions that align with their clients' goals and risk tolerance.


Trustees also have a fiduciary duty to act in the best interests of the trust beneficiaries. They must manage trust assets in accordance with the terms of the trust agreement and applicable laws.

Scope of Services


RIAs offer investment advice and portfolio management services. They help clients develop investment strategies, select securities, and monitor portfolio performance.


Trustees have a broader range of responsibilities beyond investment management. They must also oversee the administration of the trust, including recordkeeping, tax filing, and distributions to beneficiaries.



RIAs are regulated by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) or state securities authorities, depending on the size of their assets under management. They must register with the appropriate regulatory body and comply with rules designed to protect investors.


Trustees are subject to state trust laws and may be supervised by state banking or financial services regulators. They must adhere to the prudent investor rule and other standards of care in managing trust assets.

Client Relationship

RIAs: RIAs typically work with individual clients or families who engage them for investment advice and portfolio management services. The relationship is governed by an investment advisory agreement that outlines the terms of the engagement.


Trustees are appointed to manage assets held in a trust for the benefit of the trust beneficiaries. The relationship is governed by the trust agreement, which specifies the trustee's powers, duties, and compensation.



RIAs often charge a percentage of assets under management as their fee. Some may also offer hourly or project-based pricing for financial planning or consulting services.


Trustee compensation is usually determined by the terms of the trust agreement or by state law. Trustees may charge a flat fee, an hourly rate, or a percentage of trust assets, depending on the complexity of their duties and the size of the trust.

While both RIAs and trustees have a responsibility to manage assets prudently and ethically, trustees have a more expansive role that includes overseeing all aspects of trust administration. RIAs, on the other hand, focus primarily on providing investment advice and managing client portfolios. Understanding these differences can help individuals and families make informed decisions about who to entrust with their assets based on their specific needs and goals.


Ramoan Steinway

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