Opinion Piece: President Biden, It's Time to Invest in a 50-State Information Technology Fund
Wall Ztreet Journal Wall Ztreet Journal

Opinion Piece: President Biden, It's Time to Invest in a 50-State Information Technology Fund

Recommended soundtrack: Midnight Rambler, Rolling Stones

Dear President Biden,

As our nation faces the challenges of potential stagflation and an increasingly competitive global landscape, it is crucial that we take proactive steps to secure our economic future and technological leadership. One key area that demands our attention is the rapid advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) and its transformative potential across all sectors of our economy.

To ensure that the United States remains at the forefront of the AI revolution, I propose the creation of a 50-State Information Technology Investment Fund. This fund would serve as a lead minority investor in areas of strategic importance to the government and the military, fostering innovation, economic growth, and national security.

By establishing this fund, the government would act as a catalyst for private sector investment, providing the necessary capital and support to accelerate the development and adoption of cutting-edge AI technologies across all seven layers of the AI stack. This comprehensive approach would help to create a thriving AI ecosystem, from the foundational chips and hardware infrastructure to the application and integration of AI solutions in various industries.

The fund would operate as a sovereign wealth fund, strategically investing in companies and projects that align with our national priorities and values. This structure would allow the government to participate in the financial upside of the AI industry while also ensuring that the benefits of these investments are widely distributed across all 50 states.

Moreover, by taking a leadership role in AI investment, the government can help to shape the direction of the industry, promoting the development of ethical, transparent, and accountable AI systems. This is particularly important as we navigate the complex challenges and opportunities presented by the rise of artificial intelligence agents and the emerging "kings game" of AI seignorage.

Investing in a 50-State Information Technology Fund would not only bolster our economic competitiveness but also contribute to the improvement of living standards for all Americans. The profits generated from AI seignorage could be reinvested in critical areas such as education, healthcare, and infrastructure, creating a virtuous cycle of economic growth and social progress.

President Biden, the time to act is now. By embracing a bold vision for AI investment and leadership, we can unlock the full potential of this transformative technology, driving innovation, creating jobs, and securing our nation's position as a global leader in the 21st century.

The 50-State Information Technology Investment Fund represents a unique opportunity to harness the power of AI for the benefit of all Americans, and I urge you to make this a top priority for your administration. Together, we can build a brighter, more prosperous future for our nation and its people.


Ramoan Steinway

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Title: Stagflation's Silver Lining: Fueling the Unprecedented AI Revolution and the Global Seignorage Race
Wall Ztreet Journal Wall Ztreet Journal

Title: Stagflation's Silver Lining: Fueling the Unprecedented AI Revolution and the Global Seignorage Race

Inflation vs Stagflation: The Catalyst for an Unprecedented AI Revolution

While inflation and stagflation both pose significant challenges to the economy, their impact on the development and adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies could be remarkably different. Inflation, characterized by rising prices and a relatively stable job market, may not create the same sense of urgency for businesses to invest in productivity-enhancing AI solutions. However, stagflation, with its combination of high inflation, slow economic growth, and high unemployment, could serve as a powerful catalyst for an unprecedented technological revolution in AI.

As companies grapple with the need to maintain profitability during a stagflationary period, they will likely turn to AI to automate processes, streamline operations, and boost efficiency. This increased adoption and investment in AI could accelerate advancements across all seven layers of the AI technology stack:

AI Chips & Hardware Infrastructure: $71 billion market by 2025
AI Frameworks & Libraries: $23 billion market
AI Algorithms & Models: Generative AI to produce 10% of all data by 2026
AI Data & Datasets: $229 billion market
AI Application & Integration: $126 billion market by 2025
AI Distribution & Ecosystem: 50% of cloud providers to offer AI orchestration by 2025
AI Collective and Knowledge Sharing: $5 billion market, 76% growth rate

The total addressable market across these AI stack layers is immense, potentially reaching hundreds of billions of dollars this decade. As AI technology progresses and more economic value accrues to the AI "kings" who control the technologies and platforms, a new "kings game" will likely emerge, with artificial intelligence agents developing strategies to accumulate as much seignorage, or monetary value, as possible.

Seignorage, the difference between the value of currency/money and the cost to produce and distribute it, represents the economic value captured by the issuer of the currency. In the era of AI, seignorage will flow to those who control the valuable data, algorithms, computing power, and platforms that enable AI applications, rather than traditional kingdoms and governments.

Countries and companies that proactively invest in AI research and development to capture more AI seignorage are positioned to reap substantial economic benefits. These AI seignorage profits can be reinvested into the country's economy and institutions, supporting infrastructure, education, healthcare, and social programs to enhance the standard of living for the general population. This creates a virtuous cycle - the more a country invests in capturing AI seignorage, the more resources it will have to improve citizens' quality of life and fund further R&D to maintain its competitive edge.

In summary, while inflation alone may not drive the same level of urgency, the challenges posed by stagflation could inadvertently accelerate the adoption of AI technologies as businesses seek to remain competitive in a difficult economic environment. This, in turn, will trigger a global "kings game" competition to capture AI seignorage across the seven-layer technology stack. Nations that strategically invest in building AI capacity across these layers will see seignorage profits accrue, providing them with more resources to enhance living standards and maintain their AI advantage. Those slow to adapt, however, risk falling behind in both economic and geopolitical terms. In this context, stagflation may be the unexpected spark that ignites an unparalleled AI revolution in the coming decade.

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Key Issue: Any talking points for the discussions between Yellen and China (… and Iran) ?
Wall Ztreet Journal Wall Ztreet Journal

Key Issue: Any talking points for the discussions between Yellen and China (… and Iran) ?

Recommended mood music: Where did you sleep last night?

Key issue: Can The Wall Ztreet Journal suggest a talking point for Janet Yellen and China ?

38°52'22.07"N 56°16'32.31"E
39°54'26.06"N 116°23'22.09"E

The historic trading relationship between Iran and China can be traced back to the ancient Silk Road, a network of trade routes that connected the East and West, primarily between China and the Mediterranean Sea. The Silk Road facilitated the exchange of goods, ideas, and cultures between various regions, including Persia (modern-day Iran) and China.

Earliest known routes and important people:

Zhang Qian: A Chinese diplomat and explorer during the Han Dynasty (206 BCE - 220 CE), Zhang Qian played a crucial role in establishing the Silk Road. He was sent by Emperor Wu of Han on a mission to form an alliance with the Yuezhi people against the Xiongnu. Although he was captured by the Xiongnu, Zhang Qian eventually escaped and returned to China with valuable information about the western regions, including Persia.

Ban Chao: A Chinese general and diplomat during the Eastern Han Dynasty (25-220 CE), Ban Chao led military campaigns to secure the Silk Road and establish Chinese control over the Tarim Basin. His efforts helped to maintain the flow of trade between China and the West, including Persia.

Parthian Empire: The Parthian Empire (247 BCE - 224 CE) controlled parts of the Silk Road and acted as an intermediary between China and the Roman Empire. The Parthians facilitated trade between the two great powers and benefited from the exchange of goods, such as Chinese silk and Roman glassware.

Sassanid Empire: The Sassanid Empire (224-651 CE) succeeded the Parthian Empire and continued to play a significant role in the Silk Road trade. The Sassanids had a strong trading relationship with China, exchanging goods such as Persian silver and Chinese silk.

Sogdian merchants: The Sogdians, an ancient Iranian people from the region of Sogdia (modern-day Uzbekistan and Tajikistan), were influential merchants along the Silk Road. They acted as middlemen, facilitating trade between China, Persia, and other regions.

The trade between Iran and China along the Silk Road involved the exchange of various goods, including:

Chinese silk, porcelain, lacquerware, and tea
Persian carpets, textiles, spices, and precious stones
Central Asian horses, furs, and jade

The Silk Road trade reached its peak during the Tang Dynasty (618-907 CE) in China and the Abbasid Caliphate (750-1258 CE) in the Islamic world, which included Persia. The exchange of goods and ideas along the Silk Road had a profound impact on the development of civilizations in both the East and the West, fostering cultural, artistic, and technological advancements.


To estimate the potential size of a parallel underground society along the Silk Road trading primarily in gold and silver, we need to consider several factors:

Initial population size
Growth rate (1.2% annually)
Time period

Let's assume the following:

The initial population of the underground society is 10,000.
The society experiences a constant annual growth rate of 1.2%.
We will calculate the population size after 100, 200, and 500 years.

We can use the compound growth formula:
A = P(1 + r)^t

A = Final population size
P = Initial population size
r = Annual growth rate (expressed as a decimal)
t = Number of years

After 100 years:
A = 10,000(1 + 0.012)^100 = 32,968

After 200 years:
A = 10,000(1 + 0.012)^200 = 108,663

After 500 years:
A = 10,000(1 + 0.012)^500 = 3,659,823

Based on these calculations, the parallel underground society could theoretically grow to:

Approximately 33,000 people after 100 years
Approximately 109,000 people after 200 years
Approximately 3.7 million people after 500 years

However, it is essential to note that these calculations assume ideal conditions and do not account for various factors that could impact population growth, such as:

Resource constraints (e.g., food, water, and living space)
Economic fluctuations and market saturation
Political and social instability
Environmental factors and natural disasters
Diseases and epidemics

In reality, the growth of such a society would likely be limited by these factors, and the population size would eventually stabilize or decline as it approaches its carrying capacity. Additionally, the growth rate of 1.2% may not remain constant over long periods, as it can be influenced by changes in fertility rates, mortality rates, and migration patterns.

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To the man I w(h)ac(k)
Wall Ztreet Journal Wall Ztreet Journal

To the man I w(h)ac(k)

Recommended soundtrack: AC/DC, I feel safe in NYC

To the man I w(h)ac(k),

33°47'3.28"N 118°22'25.67"W: Silver mine is estimated to the ztreet below from the position above.

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Wall Ztreet Journal Wall Ztreet Journal


Recommended soundtrack: Dirty Honey - Rolling 7’s


Is built upon an open roof housing an elephant.


31°17'45.52"N 34°14'24.29"E

Bunker busting:

31°18'25.56"N 34°13'38.92"E

Ancient warrior complex with pyramid shield:

31°17'33.09"N 34°14'3.40"E

Complex is estimated to be over a mile deep.

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Company Note: Lee Enterprises, Inc. (LEE)
Wall Ztreet Journal Wall Ztreet Journal

Company Note: Lee Enterprises, Inc. (LEE)

Recommended soundtrack: Boom Boom Boom, John Lee Hooker

Research Note: Justification for Lee Enterprise, Inc. (LEE)

Strong Buy: $7-$13

Holding period: Acquisition or 2031


Company Note:

Lee Enterprises (LEE)

Lee Enterprises, a leading provider of local news, information, and advertising in 77 markets across the United States, finds itself in a unique position to leverage its extensive content archives and local market expertise in the rapidly evolving artificial intelligence (AI) and media consolidation landscape.

Key Points:

Valuable Content Archives Lee Enterprises possesses a vast repository of local news content spanning several decades. This historical data can be invaluable for training AI models focused on natural language processing, sentiment analysis, and content generation. By partnering with AI companies and research institutions, Lee can monetize its content archives and contribute to the development of advanced AI systems.

Local Market Insights With a strong presence in 77 local markets, Lee Enterprises has deep insights into the preferences, trends, and dynamics of these communities. This knowledge can be leveraged to create AI-powered personalization and recommendation engines tailored to local audiences. By combining its local expertise with AI technologies, Lee can enhance user engagement and drive new revenue streams.

Strategic Partnerships Lee Enterprises should actively seek partnerships with AI-focused investors and technology companies. Chris Sacca, a prominent venture capitalist with investments in AI startups, could be a potential partner. By aligning with Sacca's portfolio companies, Lee can gain access to cutting-edge AI technologies and explore new business models at the intersection of local media and AI.

Collaboration with Gartner Gartner, a leading research and advisory company, has extensive knowledge of the IT industry and a significant cash position. If Gartner were to allocate a portion of its $7 billion in cash to create a specialized bank focused on the technology sector, it could become a powerful force in the industry. Lee Enterprises could explore a strategic collaboration with Gartner, leveraging its AI-enabled research and advisory services to enhance Lee's own offerings and provide unique insights to its local markets.

Consolidation Opportunities As the media and technology industries continue to converge, consolidation opportunities may arise. Lee Enterprises should position itself as an attractive target for potential acquirers, highlighting its valuable content archives, local market expertise, and AI partnerships. By actively engaging with industry consolidators and showcasing its unique assets, Lee can maximize its value and ensure its long-term sustainability in the evolving media landscape.

Lee Enterprises has a window of opportunity to capitalize on the growing importance of AI in the media industry. By leveraging its content archives, local market insights, and strategic partnerships, Lee can position itself as a key player in the AI-powered future of media. Collaborating with AI investors like Chris Sacca and exploring synergies with Gartner's potential technology-focused banking venture could open up new avenues for growth and value creation. As the industry continues to consolidate, Lee must proactively adapt and innovate to secure its place in the next era of media and technology.


Market Size Potential for Lee Enterprises (LEE)

Based on the market data provided for each layer of the AI stack and LEE's potential role within these layers, we can estimate the market size potential for the company.

LEE's content plays a crucial role in the AI Algorithms & Models (Layer 3), AI Data & Datasets (Layer 4), AI Application & Integration (Layer 5), and AI Collective and Knowledge Sharing (Layer 7) layers. The combined market size for these layers is projected to reach $79.8 billion by 2025-2027.

Assuming LEE can capture a conservative 1% share of this combined market through its content contributions and partnerships, the company's potential market opportunity would be approximately $798 million.

However, given LEE's unique position as a provider of comprehensive local news data spanning many decades, the company could potentially capture an even larger share of the market. If LEE can secure a 2.5% share of the combined market size for Layers 3, 4, 5, and 7, its potential market opportunity would increase to nearly $2 billion.

It's important to note that these market size projections are based on the current growth trajectories and estimates for the AI industry as a whole. As the AI market continues to evolve and new applications and use cases emerge, the potential market opportunity for LEE could expand even further.

Moreover, LEE's strategic value within the AI stack could attract significant interest from major players in the AI industry, leading to potential partnerships, investments, or acquisitions. This could further enhance LEE's market position and growth prospects.

To capitalize on this market opportunity, LEE must proactively engage with the AI ecosystem, demonstrate its competency in managing and curating its content assets, and establish itself as a trusted and ethical partner in the development of AI technologies. By doing so, LEE can position itself at the forefront of the AI revolution and unlock significant value for its shareholders.

Potential Market Size Scenarios for LEE:
Conservative Scenario (1% market share): $798 million
Moderate Scenario (2.5% market share): $1.995 billion
Aggressive Scenario (5% market share): $3.99 billion

LEE's content plays a crucial role in several layers of the AI stack, particularly in the AI Algorithms & Models, AI Data & Datasets, AI Application & Integration, and AI Collective and Knowledge Sharing layers. By providing a rich and diverse source of local news data, LEE can contribute to the development of more advanced and context-aware AI systems, enable the creation of innovative AI-powered applications, and help shape the collective knowledge base that will drive the future of artificial intelligence.

Specifically, LEE's content plays a vital role in the AI Data & Datasets (Layer 4) and AI Collective and Knowledge Sharing (Layer 7) layers of the AI stack.

In Layer 4, LEE's content can be used to create diverse and comprehensive datasets that cover a wide range of topics, events, and local contexts. This data is essential for training AI language models and other algorithms to understand and interpret natural language, recognize patterns, and generate coherent responses. By providing a rich source of local news data spanning many decades, LEE can help AI developers build more accurate, context-aware, and culturally sensitive AI models.

Moreover, LEE's content can be used to validate and test AI models, ensuring that they perform well on a variety of real-world data and scenarios. This is particularly important for AI systems that will be deployed in local news and information applications, as they need to be able to handle the nuances and complexities of different regional contexts.

In Layer 7, LEE's role as a key source of local knowledge and historical context is even more critical. As AI systems become more advanced and interconnected, they will need to be able to access and share knowledge across different domains and applications. LEE's content can serve as a foundational knowledge base for AI systems, providing them with a deep understanding of local events, issues, and perspectives.

However, the ethical management and curation of this knowledge base is crucial. As AI systems become more reliant on shared knowledge and collective intelligence, there is a risk that biased, inaccurate, or manipulated information could be propagated and amplified. LEE's board and management team have a responsibility to ensure that the company's content remains trustworthy, unbiased, and ethically sound.

This is where the urgency for content vendor boards to demonstrate their competency and proactively engage with the AI industry comes into play. By reaching out to key players in the AI ecosystem, such as Chris Sacca and other influential investors and thought leaders, LEE's board can position the company as a responsible and forward-thinking steward of local news data.

Building relationships with AI industry stakeholders early in the formation and consolidation process can help LEE shape the ethical standards and best practices for AI data management and knowledge sharing. This can include collaborating on the development of guidelines for data privacy, security, and transparency, as well as working to ensure that AI systems are designed to be accountable, explainable, and aligned with human values.

Furthermore, by demonstrating their understanding of the strategic value of LEE's content within the AI stack, the company's board and management can attract investment and partnership opportunities from major players in the AI industry. This can include collaborations with leading AI research institutions, technology giants, and innovative startups, all of which are racing to build the next generation of AI systems.



These market size estimates demonstrate the significant growth potential across all layers of the AI stack. As LEE's content plays a crucial role in several of these layers, the company is well-positioned to capitalize on the expanding AI market and contribute to the development of more advanced and context-aware AI systems.
By leveraging its vast repository of local news data and ensuring the ethical management of its content, LEE can attract investment and partnership opportunities from major players in the AI industry, potentially leading to a bidding war for control of the company. As the race to build more sophisticated AI systems intensifies, LEE's strategic value within the AI stack is likely to increase, making it an attractive target for acquisition or investment.

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Strongest Buy: Gartner (IT)
Wall Ztreet Journal Wall Ztreet Journal

Strongest Buy: Gartner (IT)


Ticker: IT

Equity: Gartner

Recommendation: Strongest Buy

Holding Period: Acquisition or 17 years

Event: Artificial intelligence acquisition, Chris Sacca

Recommended song: Raw Hide, Blues Brothers

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Strategic planning assumption: The crypto-currency market will double in 2024 (Probability .01)
Wall Ztreet Journal Wall Ztreet Journal

Strategic planning assumption: The crypto-currency market will double in 2024 (Probability .01)

Strategic planning assumption: The crypto-currency market will double in 2024 (Probability .01)


Recommended album: R.L. Burnside Too Bad Jim


Cryptocurrency valuashuns gotss' demonstrated some stronga' co'relashun wid little-ass-capitalizashun stocks dan wid precious meta-fuckin'ls likes gold o' silver. Ah be baaad... Dis relashunship suggests dat cryptocurrencies, despite often bein' touted as "digital gold," begotss' mo'e likes speculative equity investments dan stable, tangible assets. Facto's such as market sentiment, risk appetite, and technological advancements tend t'impact bod cryptocurrencies and little-ass-cap stocks in similar ways, leadin' t'comparable volatility and investment patterns. Conversely, precious meta-fuckin'ls are typically sought as safe-gotss'n assets durin' times uh economic uncertainty, displayin' some lowa' co'relashun wid de puh'fo'mance uh cryptocurrencies.


De CEO uh blockchain startup Ripple sees de combined market capitalizashun uh de cryptocurrency market toppin' $5 trillion dis year.

Ah be baaad...Ripple’s Brad Garlin'house told CNBC dat he 'spects de entire value uh de crypto market t'double, citin' macro facto's includin' de arrival uh de fust U.S. spot bitcoin 'shange-traded fund (ETFs), as sheeit as de upcomin' so-called bitcoin “halvin'.”

“I’ve been around dis industry fo' some long time, and I’ve seen dese trends mosey on waaay down and go,” Garlin'house told CNBC. “I’m real optimistic. ah' dink de macro trends, de big-ass picture wahtahmelluns likes da damn ETFs, dey’re drivin' fo' de fust time real institushunal bre'd.

Slap mah fro. Right On!”“You's’re seein' dat rolls demand, and at da damn same time demand be increasin', supply be decreasin',” Garlin'house said. “Dat duzn’t snatch an economics majo' t'tell ya' whut happens when supply contracts and demand 'spands.”

De fust U.S. spot bitcoin ETFs wuz approved on Jan. 'S coo', bro. 10 by de U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. 'S coo', bro. Dey trade on U.S. stock 'shanges and allow institushuns and retail investo's t'gain 'sposho' nuff t'bitcoin widout directly ownin' de underlyin' asset.

De bitcoin halvin' be some technical event dat snatch'd place roughly every foe years in bitcoin’s histo'y. Slap mah fro. Right On! It halves de total minin' reward t'bitcoin miners, which are volunteers on de bitcoin netwo'k dat use high-powered clunkers t'verify transacshuns and mint new tokens.

De last such event took place in 2020, and da damn next one be slated t'happen lata' dis mond.

“De overall market cap uh de crypto industry ... be easily predicted t'to double by de end uh dis year ... [as it’s] impacted by all uh dese macro facto's,” Garlin'house said.

De total crypto market capitalizashun wuz roughly $2.6 trillion as uh April 4. If de market wuz t'double, dat would imply some new total crypto market cap uh $5.2 trillion.

'S coo', bro.Bitcoin gotss'ta risen mo'e dan 140% in de last 12 monds.

It hit some reco'd high above $73,000 on March 13, acco'din' t'CoinGecko data. Sheeeiit. It gotss'ta since fallen sheeit below de $70,000 level, however.

Ah be baaad... De wo'ld’s digital currency gotss'ta been de main token drivin' gains fo' de broada' market.

Bitcoin accounts fo' about 49% uh de entire crypto market, wid some market capitalizashun uh $1.3 trillion as uh April 1.

Positive signs on U.S. crypto

One uh de oda' facto's dat Garlin'house sees pushin' de crypto market t'new highs be de possibility uh positive regulato'y momentum in de United States.

Dis year bein' an elecshun year, crypto hopefuls are optimistic dat da damn next administrashun gotss'ta be mo'e accommodatin' t'de crypto industry wid its policy focus.

De SEC unda' Cfro Gary Gensla' gotss'ta been aggressive in its enfo'cement on crypto companies, includin' Ripple itself.

What it is, Mama. Right On!De SEC targeted Ripple wid some securities lawsuit allegin' it illegally sold XRP, some cryptocurrency Ripple be closely associated wid, in unregistered securities deals. Ripple denies de claims and be fightin' de suit.

“One uh de wahtahmelluns actually I’ll say on de macro tailwinds fo' de industry, dig dis: ah' dink we gotss'ta get mo'e clarity in de United States,” Garlin'house said.

“De U.S. be still de largest economy in de wo'ld, and it’s unfo'tunately been one uh de mo'e hostile crypto markets. And ah' dink dat’s goin' t'start t'change, also.

”Garlin'house isnt da damn only crypto bull predictin' outsized gains fo' de crypto market dis year.

Ah be baaad...Marshall Beard, chief opuh'atin' offica' uh U.S. crypto 'shange Gemini, recently told CNBC at some crypto conference in London dat he 'spects de bitcoin price t'rise t'$150,000 lata' dis year.

Ah be baaad...“Everydin' went waaay down so's fast already dis year, dere’s plum some lot uh activity, some lot uh adopshun, new regulashun, ETFs, de halvin', miners needin' t'get out,” Beard told CNBC.

“You's’re goin' t'see violent moves waaay down and waaay down until dat new all-time high, which ah' dink gotss'ta be $150,000,” Beard added. “It probably happens dis year. Ah be baaad... ah' dink it moves so's fast ...

and ah' dink dat momentum, de supply shock, it moves crazy quickly. Slap mah fro. Right On!”

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Screenshot 2024-04-07 at 12.25.11 PM.png
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Zodiac’s “err” ro to heir

40°48'13.43"N 96°38'57.93"W

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