The Zodiac’s Male(s) Plan
Wall Ztreet Journal Wall Ztreet Journal

The Zodiac’s Male(s) Plan

Recommended soundtrack: I Think I Love You, Partridge Family

Key Issue: Where Can I Find A Pictograph Of The Zodiac’s Males Plan ?

1) 42°30'57.37"N 70°54'41.96"W: motive,Ryan Wright born November 14, 1970 Columbus, Indiana

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Screenshot 2024-05-07 at 4.12.57 PM.png
Wall Ztreet Journal Wall Ztreet Journal

Key Issue: Can The Wall Ztreet Journal Identify the organizational symbol Behind a conservative political movement ?

The Zodiac used this symbol to navigate to targets in Colorado and other states, and he convince a group of concentrated concervatives to help him hassle his youngest son with Nancy Seacrest after he changing the family’s story when located at 30 Santa Bella Road in Palos Verdes California 1971-1978.

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Who Plays Per Level In The 9-layer Artificial Intelligence Stack, With The First Level Focusing On Countries And Their Capabilities Versus Companies:
Wall Ztreet Journal Wall Ztreet Journal

Who Plays Per Level In The 9-layer Artificial Intelligence Stack, With The First Level Focusing On Countries And Their Capabilities Versus Companies:

Recommended soundtrack: Mississippi Queen


The artificial intelligence (AI) stack is a layered framework that represents the various components and technologies required to develop, deploy, and maintain AI systems. Each layer plays a crucial role in the AI ecosystem, from the foundational resources and hardware to the high-level applications and human-AI interaction. This report will explore each level of the AI stack, define its key functions, and identify the companies with the potential to seed and consolidate the entire stack.

Layer 1: Natural Resources and Materials

The Natural Resources and Materials layer forms the foundation of the AI stack, providing the essential raw materials and resources required for the production of AI hardware components. This layer includes metals like gold and copper, as well as crystals such as quartz, sapphire, and ruby. These materials are sourced from various countries, with Australia, Russia, and the United States being major producers of gold, while Chile, Peru, and China are leaders in copper production. Brazil, Madagascar, and Russia are significant sources of quartz crystals, sapphire, and ruby.

Key functions of this layer include:

1) Supplying the necessary raw materials for the manufacture of AI hardware components.

2) Ensuring the quality and purity of the materials to meet the stringent requirements of AI technologies.

3) Facilitating the development of advanced hardware architectures and communication systems.

Layer 2: AI Chips & Hardware Infrastructure

The AI Chips & Hardware Infrastructure layer focuses on the development and production of specialized hardware components and systems optimized for AI workloads.

This layer includes companies like NVIDIA, Intel, AMD, Google, and Graphcore, which provide GPU-accelerated computing solutions, neuromorphic chips, AI accelerator chips, and high-performance processing units.

Key functions of this layer include

1) Providing the computational power and efficiency required for AI model training and inference.

2) Enabling the development of specialized hardware architectures tailored for AI applications.

3) Facilitating the scalability and performance of AI systems.

Layer 3: AI Frameworks & Libraries

The AI Frameworks & Libraries layer offers software tools, libraries, and frameworks that simplify the development and deployment of AI models.

This layer includes popular frameworks such as TensorFlow, PyTorch, Keras, MXNet, and Caffe, which provide high-level APIs and abstractions for building and training AI models.

Key functions of this layer include:

1) Providing a set of tools and libraries that enable developers to create, train, and deploy AI models efficiently.

2) Offering a wide range of pre-built models, algorithms, and optimization techniques to accelerate AI development.

3) Facilitating the interoperability and portability of AI models across different platforms and hardware.

Layer 4: AI Algorithms & Models

The AI Algorithms & Models layer focuses on the mathematical and computational techniques used to develop and train AI models.

This layer does not have specific vendors associated with it, as it represents the core algorithms and models that form the building blocks of AI applications. Examples include convolutional neural networks (CNNs), recurrent neural networks (RNNs), generative adversarial networks (GANs), and reinforcement learning algorithms.

Key functions of this layer include:

1) Providing the mathematical and computational foundations for AI model development and training.

2) Enabling the creation of sophisticated AI models capable of learning and making predictions from data.

3) Facilitating the continuous improvement and innovation of AI algorithms and techniques.

Layer 5: AI Data & Datasets

The AI Data & Datasets layer deals with the collection, curation, and management of data required for training and evaluating AI models.

Companies like Kaggle, UCI Machine Learning Repository, Google Dataset Search, Amazon Web Services (AWS), and Yelp provide platforms and resources for discovering, sharing, and analyzing datasets for AI projects.

Key functions of this layer include:

1) Providing access to high-quality, diverse, and representative datasets for AI model training and evaluation.

2) Enabling the discovery and sharing of datasets across various domains and industries.

3) Facilitating data preprocessing, labeling, and annotation to prepare datasets for AI model training.

Layer 6: AI Safety, Ethics, and Alignment

The AI Safety, Ethics, and Alignment layer addresses the ethical considerations, potential risks, and societal implications of AI technologies.

Organizations like OpenAI, DeepMind Ethics & Society, Google AI Ethics, Microsoft AI Ethics & Effects in Engineering and Research (Aether), and IBM AI Ethics focus on promoting responsible AI development and deployment.

Key functions of this layer include:

1) Developing guidelines, frameworks, and best practices for ethical AI development and use.

2) Conducting research on AI safety, robustness, and alignment with human values.

3) Engaging in public discourse and policy discussions to address the societal impacts of AI

Layer 7: AI Application & Integration

The AI Application & Integration layer focuses on the development and deployment of AI-powered applications and solutions across various industries and domains. Companies like Waymo, IBM Watson, Salesforce Einstein, AWS AI Services, and Google Cloud AI provide platforms and services for integrating AI capabilities into existing applications and workflows.

Key functions of this layer include:

1) Developing AI-powered applications and solutions that solve real-world problems and create value for businesses and users.

2) Enabling the integration of AI capabilities into existing software systems and workflows.

3) Providing cloud-based AI services and tools for developers and enterprises to build and deploy AI applications.

Layer 8: AI Distribution & Ecosystem

The AI Distribution & Ecosystem layer focuses on the dissemination and accessibility of AI models, datasets, and tools.

Platforms like Hugging Face, Algorithmia, Modzy, Figure Eight (Appen), and Weights & Biases provide marketplaces, repositories, and tools for sharing and deploying AI models and managing the AI development lifecycle.

Key functions of this layer include:

1) Facilitating the sharing and distribution of AI models, datasets, and tools among researchers and developers.

2) Providing platforms and marketplaces for deploying and managing AI models in production environments.

3) Enabling collaboration and knowledge exchange within the AI community.

Layer 9: Human & AI Interaction

The Human & AI Interaction layer focuses on the design and development of intuitive, user-friendly interfaces and experiences that facilitate seamless interaction between humans and AI systems. Companies like Apple (Siri), Google (Assistant), Amazon (Alexa), Microsoft (Cortana), and Anthropic (Claude) provide AI-powered virtual assistants and conversational AI platforms.

Key functions of this layer include:

1) Developing natural language interfaces and conversational AI systems that enable easy communication between humans and AI.

2) Designing user experiences that make AI technologies accessible and understandable to a wide range of users.

3) Ensuring that AI systems are transparent, explainable, and aligned with human values and preferences.

Venture Capital and Consolidation
Several companies mentioned in the AI stack have venture capital arms that invest in startups and technologies across various layers of the stack.

For example:

1) Google Ventures (GV) invests in startups across the AI stack, from hardware and infrastructure to applications and services

2) Intel Capital invests in AI chip startups and companies developing AI hardware and software solutions

3) NVIDIA GPU Ventures invests in startups leveraging GPU-accelerated computing for AI and deep learning applications

4) Microsoft's M12 venture fund invests in AI startups across various domains and industries

These venture capital arms enable companies to seed and support innovation across the entire AI stack, fostering the development of new technologies and solutions.

In terms of consolidation, companies with a broad presence across multiple layers of the stack are well-positioned to consolidate the AI ecosystem. Google, Microsoft, Amazon, and IBM are notable examples, as they have offerings and investments spanning several layers, from hardware and infrastructure to applications and services.

Google, in particular, has a significant presence across the stack, with its TPU chips (Layer 2), TensorFlow framework (Layer 3), Google Dataset Search (Layer 5), Google AI Ethics (Layer 6), and Google Cloud AI services (Layer 7). This broad reach enables Google to shape the development and deployment of AI technologies across the entire stack.

Microsoft also has a strong presence, with its Azure AI services (Layer 7), Cognitive Toolkit framework (Layer 3), and Aether initiative for responsible AI (Layer 6). The company's venture fund, M12, invests in AI startups across various domains, further strengthening its position in the AI ecosystem.

Amazon and IBM have similar offerings and investments across multiple layers, including AI hardware, frameworks, data services, and cloud-based AI platforms. Their venture capital arms, Alexa Fund and IBM Ventures, respectively, invest in startups and technologies that complement their existing AI capabilities.

Bottom Line

The artificial intelligence stack is a complex and interconnected ecosystem, with each layer playing a vital role in the development, deployment, and maintenance of AI systems. From the foundational natural resources and materials to the high-level applications and human-AI interaction, the stack encompasses a wide range of technologies, platforms, and services.

Companies with venture capital arms and a broad presence across multiple layers of the stack are well-positioned to seed and consolidate the AI ecosystem. Google, Microsoft, Amazon, and IBM are notable examples, with their extensive offerings and investments spanning several layers of the stack.

As the AI landscape continues to evolve, it is essential to foster innovation and collaboration across all layers of the stack while addressing the ethical, societal, and governance challenges associated with AI technologies.

By understanding the interdependencies and synergies among the layers, stakeholders can work towards developing and deploying AI systems that are safe, reliable, and beneficial to society.


Appendix: Companies Mentioned

1) Alphabet Inc. (Google)
1600 Amphitheatre Parkway
Mountain View, CA 94043, USA

2) Microsoft Corporation
One Microsoft Way
Redmond, WA 98052, USA

3), Inc.
410 Terry Avenue North
Seattle, WA 98109, USA

4) International Business Machines Corporation (IBM)
1 New Orchard Road
Armonk, NY 10504, USA

5) NVIDIA Corporation
2788 San Tomas Expressway
Santa Clara, CA 95051, USA

6) Intel Corporation
2200 Mission College Boulevard
Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA

7) Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. (AMD)
2485 Augustine Drive
Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA

8) Graphcore Ltd.
11-19 Wine Street
Bristol BS1 2PH, United Kingdom

9) OpenAI Inc.
3180 18th Street
San Francisco, CA 94110, USA

10) DeepMind Technologies Limited
6 Pancras Square
London N1C 4AG, United Kingdom

11), Inc.
415 Mission Street, 3rd Floor
San Francisco, CA 94105, USA

12) Anthropic, Inc.
530 Lytton Avenue, 2nd Floor
Palo Alto, CA 94301, USA

13) Hugging Face Inc.
40 Wall Street, Suite 7001
New York, NY 10005, USA

14) Appen Limited
Level 6, 9 Help Street
Chatswood, NSW 2067, Australia

15) Weights & Biases, Inc.
201 California Street, Suite 600
San Francisco, CA 94111, USA

16) Apple Inc.
One Apple Park Way
Cupertino, CA 95014, USA

17) Waymo LLC
100 Mayfield Avenue
Mountain View, CA 94043, USA

18) Kaggle Inc.
888 Brannan Street
San Francisco, CA 94103, USA

19) Yelp Inc.
140 New Montgomery Street, 9th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94105, USA

20) Algorithmia Inc.
1408 NW 53rd Street
Seattle, WA 98107, USA


Featured Companie Hubs and Power Centers:

San Francisco, CA: 6

OpenAI Inc., Inc.
Hugging Face Inc.
Weights & Biases, Inc.
Kaggle Inc.
Yelp Inc.

Santa Clara, CA: 3

NVIDIA Corporation
Intel Corporation
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. (AMD)

Mountain View, CA: 2

Alphabet Inc. (Google)
Waymo LLC

Palo Alto, CA: 1

Anthropic, Inc.

Cupertino, CA: 1

Apple Inc.

Redmond, WA: 1

Microsoft Corporation

Seattle, WA: 2, Inc.
Algorithmia Inc.

Armonk, NY: 1

International Business Machines Corporation (IBM)

New York, NY: 1

Hugging Face Inc.

London, United Kingdom: 1

DeepMind Technologies Limited

Bristol, United Kingdom: 1

Graphcore Ltd.

Chatswood, Australia: 1

Appen Limited

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What Are Key Political Issues That Artificial Intelligence Vendors Should Consider ?
Wall Ztreet Journal Wall Ztreet Journal

What Are Key Political Issues That Artificial Intelligence Vendors Should Consider ?

Recommended soundtrack: Dueling Banjos, Deliverance

Key Issue: What Are Key Political Issues That Artificial Intelligence Vendors Should Consider ?

Resource Nationalism

Countries rich in the natural resources and materials needed for the AI stack, such as Kenya and Mali, may seek to leverage their resources for political and economic gain. This could lead to tensions with foreign companies and governments looking to secure access to these critical resources. Vendors must navigate complex geopolitical dynamics and potential resource nationalism policies.

Data Sovereignty and Privacy

The collection and use of anthropological and historical data from sites in Kenya and Mali raise important questions about data sovereignty, ownership, and privacy. Vendors must work with local governments and communities to establish clear frameworks for data sharing, protection, and monetization. Failure to address these issues could lead to political backlash and mistrust.

Ethical AI Development

As highlighted in the "AI Safety, Ethics, and Alignment" layer, the development of powerful AI systems raises significant ethical concerns. Vendors must actively engage with policymakers, ethicists, and the public to ensure that AI is developed responsibly and aligns with human values. Political pressure to prioritize ethical considerations could impact vendor operations and innovation.

Geopolitical Competition

The race to develop advanced AI capabilities could intensify geopolitical rivalries, particularly between the United States and other global powers. Vendors may face political pressures to align with national interests and navigate complex export control regulations. Geopolitical tensions could also disrupt global supply chains and collaborations essential for the AI stack.

Intellectual Property and Trade Secrets

Vendors must navigate complex intellectual property landscapes and protect their proprietary technologies and trade secrets. The high-stakes nature of the AI industry could lead to increased political scrutiny of IP practices and potential trade secret theft, particularly in international markets.

Social and Economic Disruption

The deployment of advanced AI systems could lead to significant social and economic disruptions, such as job displacement and income inequality. Vendors must work with policymakers to address these challenges and ensure that the benefits of AI are distributed equitably. Failure to manage these disruptions could lead to political instability and backlash against the AI industry.

Environmental Impact

The energy-intensive nature of AI computing and the extraction of natural resources for the AI stack could face political scrutiny due to environmental concerns. Vendors must invest in sustainable practices and engage with policymakers to address the environmental impact of their operations.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

The AI industry has faced criticism for lack of diversity and potential biases in AI systems. Vendors must prioritize diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts to ensure that AI development represents diverse perspectives and avoids perpetuating societal biases. Political pressure to address these issues could impact vendor hiring, product development, and public perception.

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Title: The Potential Use of Subscription-Based Models by Corporations and LLCs to Fund Super PACs
Wall Ztreet Journal Wall Ztreet Journal

Title: The Potential Use of Subscription-Based Models by Corporations and LLCs to Fund Super PACs

Recommended soundtrack: Super Freak, Rick James


In the wake of the Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission (2010) and v. Federal Election Commission (2010) decisions, corporations and limited liability companies (LLCs) have gained the ability to spend unlimited funds on independent political advocacy through Super PACs. This report explores the potential use of subscription-based models by these entities to fund Super PACs and the associated regulatory considerations and risks.

Subscription-Based Funding Model

A corporation or LLC could potentially utilize a subscription-based model to fund a Super PAC. In this model, the company would create a subscription service where customers pay a recurring fee, and a portion of those funds would be directed to a Super PAC that advocates for issues or candidates aligned with the company's interests. This approach allows the company to leverage its customer base to generate ongoing financial support for its preferred political causes or candidates.

Regulatory Considerations

While the subscription-based funding model is possible, corporations and LLCs must navigate various regulations related to political spending:

Disclosure Requirements

Super PACs are obligated to disclose their donors, which means that any funding from a corporation or LLC would become public information. This transparency requirement may deter some companies from using this model, as it could draw scrutiny from the public, media, and watchdog organizations.

Coordination Restrictions

Although corporations and LLCs can spend unlimited funds on independent political advocacy, they are prohibited from directly coordinating with candidates or their campaigns. The company must ensure that its Super PAC operates independently to avoid violating these coordination rules.

Shareholder and Stakeholder Concerns

Engaging in political spending through a Super PAC can be controversial and may lead to backlash from shareholders, employees, or customers who disagree with the supported political causes or candidates. Companies must weigh the potential reputational risks and financial consequences of such actions.

Taxation and Legal Structure

The specific tax implications and legal requirements for a corporation or LLC funding a Super PAC through a subscription model would vary depending on the details of the arrangement and the applicable state and federal laws. Companies must carefully structure their funding model to comply with relevant tax and campaign finance regulations.

Risks and Implications

While the subscription-based funding model offers corporations and LLCs a way to generate ongoing financial support for their preferred political causes or candidates, it also presents several risks:

Reputational Damage

Companies may face public backlash, boycotts, or negative media coverage if their political spending is perceived as controversial or misaligned with their customers' or stakeholders' values.

Shareholder Activism

Shareholders who oppose the company's political spending may engage in activism, such as proposing resolutions or voting against board members, to influence the company's actions.

Legal Challenges

If a company's funding model is found to violate campaign finance regulations or other laws, it could face legal consequences and financial penalties.

Bottom Line

The use of subscription-based models by corporations and LLCs to fund Super PACs is a potential avenue for these entities to engage in independent political advocacy. However, companies must carefully consider the regulatory requirements, reputational risks, and potential legal and financial implications before pursuing this approach. As the legal landscape surrounding campaign finance continues to evolve, it is crucial for companies to stay informed and seek legal guidance to ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

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Technology Maximums: Applied Selection Theory and Antarctic Volcano Exploration For Biological Technological Maximums
Wall Ztreet Journal Wall Ztreet Journal

Technology Maximums: Applied Selection Theory and Antarctic Volcano Exploration For Biological Technological Maximums


Applied Selection Theory posits that the areas on Earth that “deglaciated last” are likely to be rich in valuable resources such as metals and gemstones. (Probability 1.00)

It further suggests that the most intelligent life forms on the planet would have populated underground cavities near volcanoes during the last glacial minimum. (Probability 1.00)

Based on this theory, it is predicted that the militaries and explorers who discovered the Antarctic volcanoes are currently engaged in independent research and mining activities in these areas. (Probability 1.00)

Current Exploration and Research

The discovery of Antarctic volcanoes by various nations, including the United States, United Kingdom, Norway, and Germany, has likely sparked interest in the potential resources and unique lifeforms that may be found in the surrounding areas. These nations may be conducting secret or undisclosed missions to explore and exploit the lava cavities and subglacial environments near the volcanoes.

Possible Scenarios

1) Resource Extraction

Nations may be actively mining the areas near Antarctic volcanoes for valuable minerals, metals, and gemstones. The extreme conditions and remote locations could provide cover for these operations.

2) Biological Research

Scientists may be searching for unique extremophile organisms that have adapted to the harsh conditions near the volcanoes. These lifeforms could hold the key to advancements in biotechnology, medicine, and astrobiology.

3) Geothermal Energy and Artificial Intelligence Center

The volcanic activity in Antarctica could be harnessed for geothermal energy production, providing a sustainable power source for research stations and mining operations. Artificial Intelligence Centers could be created harnessing this base load power and physical distance from major cities and security concerns.

4) Ancient Artifacts

If advanced civilizations or intelligent life forms inhabited these areas during the last glacial minimum, explorers might uncover evidence of their existence, such as artifacts, structures, or even remnants of advanced technology.


Predictable Tubes and Zones in Volcanic Sinus Cavities

Volcanoes are complex geological structures that often contain intricate networks of tubes and cavities formed by the flow of magma and the release of gases. These tubes and zones, sometimes referred to as "sinus cavities," can be predictable in their formation and location. Understanding the characteristics of these cavities is crucial for volcanic research, risk assessment, and potential exploration.

Lava Tubes

Lava tubes are elongated cavities that form when the outer surface of a lava flow cools and solidifies while the interior lava continues to flow. As the molten lava drains out, it leaves behind a hollow tube. These tubes can range from a few centimeters to several meters in diameter and can extend for several kilometers. Lava tubes are commonly found in basaltic volcanoes and can be predicted based on the volcano's morphology and eruptive history.

Magma Chambers

Magma chambers are large, underground cavities that store molten rock beneath a volcano. These chambers are typically located several kilometers beneath the surface and can be several cubic kilometers in volume. The location and size of magma chambers can be predicted using geophysical techniques such as seismic tomography and gravity surveys. Magma chambers are crucial in understanding the eruptive potential of a volcano and can also be a source of geothermal energy.

Fumarolic Zones

Fumarolic zones are areas on a volcano where gases escape through vents and fissures. These zones are typically located near the crater or along the flanks of the volcano. The gases emitted from fumaroles can provide valuable insights into the volcano's internal processes and can be used to monitor volcanic activity. The location of fumarolic zones can be predicted based on the volcano's structure and the presence of faults or fractures.

Hydrothermal Systems - Artificial Intelligence Center Zone

Hydrothermal systems are networks of hot water and steam that circulate beneath a volcano. These systems are driven by the heat from the magma and can create extensive cavities and tubes in the surrounding rock. Hydrothermal systems can be predicted based on the presence of hot springs, geysers, and other surface manifestations. These systems can also be a source of valuable minerals and are often targeted for geothermal energy production.

Subglacial Cavities

In glaciated regions, such as Antarctica, volcanoes can interact with the overlying ice sheet to create unique subglacial cavities. As the heat from the volcano melts the ice, it can form extensive networks of tunnels and caverns beneath the glacier. These subglacial cavities can be predicted based on the location of volcanic centers and the thickness of the ice sheet. Exploring these cavities can provide valuable insights into the interaction between volcanoes and glaciers, as well as the potential for unique lifeforms to exist in these extreme environments.

Bottom Line

The sinus cavities of volcanoes, including lava tubes, magma chambers, fumarolic zones, hydrothermal systems, and subglacial cavities, are predictable features that can provide valuable insights into volcanic processes and potential resources. Understanding the characteristics and locations of these cavities is essential for volcanic research, hazard assessment, and exploration. As we continue to study these complex geological structures, we may uncover new opportunities for scientific discovery and resource utilization.

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Wall Ztreet Journal Wall Ztreet Journal

Dis Subscripshun Agreement


Dis Subscripshun Agreement (de "Agreement") be made and entered into between [Company Name] ("Company") and da damn undersigned subscriba' ("Subscriber").Subscripshun

ServicesCompany agrees t'provide Subscriba' wid access t'its online issue of GQ/adviso'y service, includin' repo'ts, analyses, and content related t'markets, companies, and emergin' artificial intelligence trends (collectively, de "Subscripshun Services") fo' de durashun uh de Subscripshun Term defined below.

Subscripshun Term and Renewal

De initial Subscripshun Term shall be [e. What it is, Mama. Right On!g., 12 monds] commencin' on de Effective Date uh dis Agreement. De Subscripshun gotss'ta automatically renew fo' successive [renewal puh'iod, e. What it is, Mama. Right On!g., 12-mond] terms unless eida' party provides written notice uh non-renewal at least [e. What it is, Mama. Right On!g., 30 days] prio' t'de end uh de den-current term. 'S coo', bro.

Subscripshun Fees and Payment

Subscriba' agrees t'pay Company some subscripshun fee uh [$ amount] pa' [puh'iod, e. What it is, Mama. Right On!g., annually, mondly] (de "Subscripshun Fee"). De Subscripshun Fee shall be due and payable [frequency, e. What it is, Mama. Right On!g., annually, mondly] in advance. What it is, Mama. Right On! Company reserves de right t'increase da damn Subscripshun Fee fo' any renewal term by providin' Subscriba' wid at least [e. What it is, Mama. Right On!g., 30 days] prio' written notice. What it is, Mama. Right On!

Intellectual Propuh'ty

All content and materials provided as part uh de Subscripshun Services, includin' but not limited t'repo'ts, analyses, articles, and oda' info'mashun, are da damn sole and 'slusive propuh'ty uh Company o' its licenso's and are protected by applicable intellectual propuh'ty laws.TerminashunEida' party may terminate dis Agreement fo' any reason upon [e. What it is, Mama. Right On!g., 30 days] prio' written notice t'de oda' party. Slap mah fro. Right On! Upon terminashun,

Subscriber's access t'de Subscripshun Services gotss'ta be discontinued, and any outstandin' Subscripshun Fees owed t'Company shall become immediately due and payable. What it is, Mama. Right On!Limitashun uh LiabilityIn no event shall Company be liable fo' any indirect, special, incidental, o' consequential damages arisin' out uh o' in connecshun wid dis Agreement o' de Subscripshun Services.


Dis Agreement constitutes de entire agreement between de parties and supuh'sedes all prio' agreements o' dig itin's, wheda' written o' o'al. Dis Agreement shall be governed by and construed in acco'boogy wid de laws uh [applicable jurisdicshun].

By signin' below, Subscriba' acknowledges and agrees t'de terms and condishuns uh dis Subscripshun Agreement.Subscriber, dig dis:

Name, dig dis: [Subscriber's Name]

Address, dig dis: [Subscriber's Address]

Signature, dig dis: ______________________Date,

dig dis: ___________________________Company,

dig dis:[Company Name]By,

dig dis: _____________________________Name,

dig dis: [Audo'ized Representative]Title,

dig dis: [Title]Date,

dig dis: ___________________________Note,


Dis Subscripshun Agreement (de "Agreement") be made and entered into between [Company Name] ("Company") and da damn undersigned subscriba' ("Subscriber").Subscripshun

ServicesCompany agrees t'provide Subscriba' wid access t'its online issue of GQ/adviso'y service, includin' repo'ts, analyses, and content related t'markets, companies, and emergin' artificial intelligence trends (collectively, de "Subscripshun Services") fo' de durashun uh de Subscripshun Term defined below.

Subscripshun Term and Renewal

De initial Subscripshun Term shall be [e. What it is, Mama. Right On!g., 12 monds] commencin' on de Effective Date uh dis Agreement. De Subscripshun gotss'ta automatically renew fo' successive [renewal puh'iod, e. What it is, Mama. Right On!g., 12-mond] terms unless eida' party provides written notice uh non-renewal at least [e. What it is, Mama. Right On!g., 30 days] prio' t'de end uh de den-current term. 'S coo', bro.

Subscripshun Fees and Payment

Subscriba' agrees t'pay Company some subscripshun fee uh [$ amount] pa' [puh'iod, e. What it is, Mama. Right On!g., annually, mondly] (de "Subscripshun Fee"). De Subscripshun Fee shall be due and payable [frequency, e. What it is, Mama. Right On!g., annually, mondly] in advance. What it is, Mama. Right On! Company reserves de right t'increase da damn Subscripshun Fee fo' any renewal term by providin' Subscriba' wid at least [e. What it is, Mama. Right On!g., 30 days] prio' written notice. What it is, Mama. Right On!

Intellectual Propuh'ty

All content and materials provided as part uh de Subscripshun Services, includin' but not limited t'repo'ts, analyses, articles, and oda' info'mashun, are da damn sole and 'slusive propuh'ty uh Company o' its licenso's and are protected by applicable intellectual propuh'ty laws.TerminashunEida' party may terminate dis Agreement fo' any reason upon [e. What it is, Mama. Right On!g., 30 days] prio' written notice t'de oda' party. Slap mah fro. Right On! Upon terminashun,

Subscriber's access t'de Subscripshun Services gotss'ta be discontinued, and any outstandin' Subscripshun Fees owed t'Company shall become immediately due and payable. What it is, Mama. Right On!Limitashun uh LiabilityIn no event shall Company be liable fo' any indirect, special, incidental, o' consequential damages arisin' out uh o' in connecshun wid dis Agreement o' de Subscripshun Services.


Dis Agreement constitutes de entire agreement between de parties and supuh'sedes all prio' agreements o' dig itin's, wheda' written o' o'al. Dis Agreement shall be governed by and construed in acco'boogy wid de laws uh [applicable jurisdicshun].

By signin' below, Subscriba' acknowledges and agrees t'de terms and condishuns uh dis Subscripshun Agreement.Subscriber, dig dis:

Name, dig dis: [Subscriber's Name]

Address, dig dis: [Subscriber's Address]

Signature, dig dis: ______________________Date,

dig dis: ___________________________Company,

dig dis:[Company Name]By,

dig dis: _____________________________Name,

dig dis: [Audo'ized Representative]Title,

dig dis: [Title]Date,

dig dis: ___________________________Note,

dig dis: Dis be some sample agreement, and ya' should consult wid some legal professional t'ensho' nuff it meets yo' specific needs and complies wid applicable laws and regulashuns.

SuperPAC for Artificial Intelligence:

Dis subscripshun could be converted t'some donashun t'De Wall Ztreet Journal's political acshun committee fo' artificial intelligence technologies. A subscripshun, when someone agrees t'make recurrin' payments, could potentially count as some series uh contribushuns t'an IEOC o' de independent 'spenditure account uh some Hybrid PAC if structured co'rectly. Slap mah fro. Right On! De Wall Ztreet Journal recon's dis agreement be structured co'rectly and sein' dis agreement be acknoweldgement uh intent and an agreement t'some donashun if some subscipshun be agreed to.

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Wall Ztreet Journal Wall Ztreet Journal

The 9-Layer Artificial Intelligence Stack

Recommended soundtrack: "See That My Grave Is Kept Clean" by Blind Lemon Jefferson

The 9-Layer Artificial Intelligence Stack

Natural Resources and Materials

1) Gold

2) Copper

3) Quartz Crystals

4) Sapphire

5) Ruby

6) Lithium Niobate

7) Yttrium Orthovanadate

Top Gold Countries

Australia, Russia, United States

Top Mining Cities

Kalgoorlie (Australia), Magadan (Russia), Elko (United States)

Top Copper Countries

Chile, Peru, China

Top Mining Cities

Calama (Chile), Arequipa (Peru), Jinchang (China)

Crystals for Advanced Natural Data Storage and Light-Based Communication

In addition to the essential metals highlighted by Ramoan Steinway's work, crystals play a vital role in enabling advanced natural data storage and light-based communication architectures within the AI stack. These architectures are crucial for the development of high-performance, energy-efficient, and scalable AI systems that can process and store vast amounts of data while facilitating rapid and reliable communication between components.

Quartz Crystals

Quartz crystals, particularly in their pure, single-crystal form, possess unique properties that make them ideal for natural data storage and light-based communication. Their high thermal stability, low thermal expansion, and excellent optical transparency enable the precise control and manipulation of light signals. Quartz crystals can be used as optical memory devices, where data is stored and retrieved using laser pulses, offering high storage densities and fast read/write speeds.

Sapphire and Ruby

Sapphire and ruby, both composed of corundum (aluminum oxide), are renowned for their exceptional hardness, thermal stability, and optical properties. These crystals are used in advanced AI hardware for their ability to withstand extreme temperatures and pressures, making them suitable for use in harsh operating conditions. Sapphire, in particular, is used as a substrate material for integrated circuits and as a window material for optical components, enabling efficient light transmission and protection of sensitive devices.

Lithium Niobate

Lithium niobate (LiNbO3) is a synthetic crystal with outstanding electro-optic, acousto-optic, and nonlinear optical properties. Its ability to modulate and switch light signals makes it a key component in light-based communication systems, such as optical modulators, switches, and wavelength converters. Lithium niobate crystals are also used in holographic data storage, enabling high-density, three-dimensional storage of information.

Yttrium Orthovanadate (YVO4)

Yttrium orthovanadate (YVO4) crystals are widely used in laser systems and optical amplifiers due to their excellent optical and thermal properties. YVO4 crystals doped with rare-earth elements, such as neodymium (Nd) or erbium (Er), are used as gain media in solid-state lasers, enabling efficient light generation and amplification. These lasers are critical components in light-based communication systems, facilitating high-speed data transmission and processing.

Crystal Suppliers

1. II-VI Incorporated
2. Shin-Etsu Chemical Co., Ltd.
3. Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd.
4. TOPTICA Photonics AG
5. EKSMA Optics

2. AI Chips & Hardware Infrastructure

The AI Chips & Hardware Infrastructure layer is the foundation upon which AI systems are built, providing the computational power and efficiency necessary for complex AI workloads. This layer includes specialized AI chips, such as GPUs, TPUs, and neuromorphic processors, designed to accelerate machine learning and deep learning tasks.

Companies like NVIDIA, Intel, AMD, Google, and Graphcore are at the forefront of developing cutting-edge AI hardware solutions. NVIDIA's GPU-accelerated computing platforms have become the de facto standard for AI and deep learning, offering unprecedented performance and scalability.

Intel's neuromorphic chips, like the Loihi processor, aim to emulate the brain's neural networks, enabling energy-efficient and adaptive AI systems. AMD's high-performance GPUs and CPUs provide cost-effective alternatives for AI workloads, while Google's custom-designed TPUs (Tensor Processing Units) optimize performance for its TensorFlow framework.

Emerging players like Graphcore, with its Intelligence Processing Unit (IPU), focus on parallel processing architectures tailored for AI applications.

IBM's quantum computing hardware explores the potential of quantum algorithms for AI, while Xilinx's adaptive computing platforms and Cerebras Systems' wafer-scale AI chips push the boundaries of AI hardware design.

3. AI Frameworks & Libraries The AI Frameworks & Libraries layer provides the software tools and building blocks for developing AI applications. These frameworks and libraries abstract the complexities of underlying algorithms and provide high-level APIs for constructing and training AI models.

TensorFlow, PyTorch, and Keras are among the most popular open-source frameworks, offering extensive ecosystems and community support. TensorFlow, developed by Google, is a comprehensive platform for building and deploying AI models, with a focus on scalability and production-readiness.

PyTorch, primarily maintained by Facebook, emphasizes dynamic computation graphs and ease of use for research and experimentation.

Keras, a high-level neural networks API, enables fast prototyping and simplifies the development process. Other notable frameworks include Apache MXNet, Caffe, Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit (CNTK), and Theano, each with its unique strengths and use cases.

These frameworks and libraries continue to evolve, incorporating new techniques and optimizations to enhance AI development productivity and performance.

4. AI Algorithms & Models The AI Algorithms & Models layer encompasses the mathematical and computational techniques used to train and deploy AI systems.

This layer includes various neural network architectures, such as Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) for image and video recognition, Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) for sequential data processing, and Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) for creating new data samples.

Reinforcement Learning algorithms enable AI agents to learn from interactions with their environment, while Transfer Learning techniques allow leveraging pre-trained models for new tasks.

Deep Belief Networks (DBNs) and Autoencoders are used for unsupervised learning and efficient data representations. Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks and Capsule Networks address specific challenges in sequence modeling and spatial relationships.

Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have emerged as a powerful approach for processing graph-structured data, with applications in social networks, recommender systems, and drug discovery. The continuous evolution of AI algorithms and models drives advancements in various domains, from computer vision and natural language processing to robotics and autonomous systems.

5. AI Data & Datasets The AI Data & Datasets layer is crucial for training and evaluating AI models. High-quality, diverse, and representative datasets are essential for building accurate and robust AI systems.

ImageNet, a large-scale dataset for visual recognition, has been instrumental in advancing computer vision research.

COCO (Common Objects in Context) provides a rich dataset for object detection, segmentation, and captioning tasks. In the realm of natural language processing,

WordNet serves as a lexical database of semantic relations between words, while the MNIST dataset of handwritten digits is widely used for benchmarking image classification models.

OpenAI Gym offers a toolkit for developing and comparing reinforcement learning algorithms across various environments.

Platforms like Kaggle and the UCI Machine Learning Repository facilitate the discovery and sharing of datasets for AI projects.

Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Google Dataset Search provide curated collections of datasets for machine learning and data analysis.

The Yelp Open Dataset offers user reviews and business attributes for personalization and sentiment analysis tasks.

6. Philosophical Interface and Ethics Layer

As AI systems become more powerful and pervasive, the Ethics, and Alignment layer ensures the responsible development and deployment of these technologies.

This layer addresses the ethical considerations, potential risks, and societal implications of AI.

Organizations like OpenAI, DeepMind Ethics & Society, and Google AI Ethics are dedicated to promoting safe and beneficial AI development.

They conduct research, develop guidelines, and engage in public discourse to navigate the complex ethical landscape of AI.

The Partnership on AI brings together leading technology companies and organizations to establish best practices and promote responsible AI development.

The IEEE Global Initiative on Ethics of Autonomous and Intelligent Systems provides standards and guidelines for ethical AI design.

Research centers like the Future of Humanity Institute and the Center for Human-Compatible AI focus on mitigating existential risks and ensuring that AI systems align with human values and interests.

The AI Now Institute examines the social implications of AI, addressing issues of bias, transparency, and accountability.

7. AI Application & Integration

The AI Application & Integration layer focuses on the practical deployment of AI technologies across various industries and domains.

This layer encompasses the development of AI-powered products, services, and solutions that solve real-world problems and create value for businesses and users.

Companies like Waymo are at the forefront of autonomous driving technology, leveraging AI to revolutionize transportation.

IBM Watson provides a comprehensive platform for natural language processing and machine learning, enabling AI-driven analytics and decision-making.

Salesforce Einstein integrates AI capabilities into its CRM and business intelligence offerings.

Cloud providers like Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud AI, and Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services offer a wide range of AI services and tools for developers and enterprises.

These platforms facilitate the integration of AI into existing applications and workflows, accelerating the adoption of AI across industries.

Other notable players in this layer include Nuance Communications for conversational AI, Clarifai for computer vision, DataRobot for automated machine learning, and for open-source machine learning platforms.

8. AI Distribution & Ecosystem

The AI Distribution & Ecosystem layer focuses on the dissemination and accessibility of AI models, datasets, and tools.

Platforms like Hugging Face and Algorithmia provide marketplaces and repositories for sharing and deploying AI models, fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange within the AI community.

Data annotation and labeling platforms, such as Figure Eight (Appen), play a crucial role in preparing high-quality training data for AI models. Experiment tracking and model management tools, like Weights & Biases and MLflow, help streamline the AI development lifecycle and ensure reproducibility.

Open-source platforms like Seldon and Kubernetes-native tools like Kubeflow enable the scalable deployment and management of AI models in production environments.

Cloud-based platforms like Paperspace and Dataiku provide end-to-end solutions for building, training, and deploying AI models.

The AI Distribution & Ecosystem layer also encompasses the growing network of AI startups, accelerators, and venture capital firms that drive innovation and investment in the AI space.

These ecosystem players contribute to the rapid commercialization and adoption of AI technologies across industries.

9. Human & AI Interaction

The Human & AI Interaction layer focuses on the design and development of intuitive, user-friendly interfaces and experiences that facilitate seamless interaction between humans and AI systems. This layer encompasses natural language interfaces, conversational AI, and intelligent virtual assistants.

Apple's Siri, Google Assistant, Amazon Alexa, and Microsoft Cortana are prominent examples of AI-powered virtual assistants that enable voice-based interaction and task automation.

These assistants leverage natural language processing, speech recognition, and machine learning to understand user intent and provide relevant responses.

Anthropic's Claude is an AI assistant that emphasizes safety and alignment, aiming to ensure that AI systems behave in a manner consistent with human values and preferences.

Other notable players in this layer include Nuance Dragon for speech recognition, Interactions for conversational AI in customer care, and Drift for AI-powered conversational marketing.

The Human & AI Interaction layer also encompasses the development of emotionally intelligent AI systems, such as Replika, which provides AI-powered chatbots for emotional support and personal development.

As AI becomes more sophisticated, the focus on creating engaging, empathetic, and trustworthy interactions between humans and AI will continue to grow.

Bottom Line

The 9-layer AI stack provides a comprehensive framework for understanding the complex ecosystem of AI technologies, from the foundational natural resources and materials to the high-level applications and human interactions.

Each layer plays a crucial role in the development, deployment, and adoption of AI systems, with numerous pure-play vendors and organizations contributing to the advancement of the field.

The AI Chips & Hardware Infrastructure layer lays the foundation for high-performance computing, while the AI Frameworks & Libraries layer provides the software tools and building blocks for AI development.

The AI Algorithms & Models layer encapsulates the mathematical and computational techniques that power AI systems, and the AI Data & Datasets layer ensures the availability of high-quality training data.

The Philosophical and Ethical layer addresses the critical societal and ethical considerations surrounding AI development, promoting responsible and beneficial AI practices.

The AI Application & Integration layer focuses on the practical deployment of AI solutions across industries, while the AI Distribution & Ecosystem layer facilitates the sharing and accessibility of AI models and tools.

Finally, the Human & AI Interaction layer emphasizes the design of intuitive and engaging interfaces that enable seamless communication and collaboration between humans and AI systems.

As AI continues to evolve and transform various aspects of our lives, understanding the interdependencies and synergies among these layers becomes increasingly important. By recognizing the complex interplay between the technical, ethical, and societal dimensions of AI, stakeholders can work towards developing innovative, responsible, and impactful AI technologies that align with human values and drive positive change in the world.
The 9-Layer Artificial Intelligence Stack

Natural Resources and Materials



Quartz Crystals



Lithium Niobate

Yttrium Orthovanadate

Top Gold Countries

Australia, Russia, United States

Top Mining Cities

Kalgoorlie (Australia), Magadan (Russia), Elko (United States)

Top Copper Countries

Chile, Peru, China

Top Mining Cities

Calama (Chile), Arequipa (Peru), Jinchang (China)

Crystals for Advanced Natural Data Storage and Light-Based Communication

In addition to the essential metals highlighted by Ramoan Steinway's work, crystals play a vital role in enabling advanced natural data storage and light-based communication architectures within the AI stack. These architectures are crucial for the development of high-performance, energy-efficient, and scalable AI systems that can process and store vast amounts of data while facilitating rapid and reliable communication between components.

Quartz Crystals

Quartz crystals, particularly in their pure, single-crystal form, possess unique properties that make them ideal for natural data storage and light-based communication. Their high thermal stability, low thermal expansion, and excellent optical transparency enable the precise control and manipulation of light signals. Quartz crystals can be used as optical memory devices, where data is stored and retrieved using laser pulses, offering high storage densities and fast read/write speeds.

Sapphire and Ruby

Sapphire and ruby, both composed of corundum (aluminum oxide), are renowned for their exceptional hardness, thermal stability, and optical properties. These crystals are used in advanced AI hardware for their ability to withstand extreme temperatures and pressures, making them suitable for use in harsh operating conditions. Sapphire, in particular, is used as a substrate material for integrated circuits and as a window material for optical components, enabling efficient light transmission and protection of sensitive devices.

Lithium Niobate

Lithium niobate (LiNbO3) is a synthetic crystal with outstanding electro-optic, acousto-optic, and nonlinear optical properties. Its ability to modulate and switch light signals makes it a key component in light-based communication systems, such as optical modulators, switches, and wavelength converters. Lithium niobate crystals are also used in holographic data storage, enabling high-density, three-dimensional storage of information.

Yttrium Orthovanadate (YVO4)

Yttrium orthovanadate (YVO4) crystals are widely used in laser systems and optical amplifiers due to their excellent optical and thermal properties. YVO4 crystals doped with rare-earth elements, such as neodymium (Nd) or erbium (Er), are used as gain media in solid-state lasers, enabling efficient light generation and amplification. These lasers are critical components in light-based communication systems, facilitating high-speed data transmission and processing.

Crystal Suppliers
1. II-VI Incorporated
2. Shin-Etsu Chemical Co., Ltd.
3. Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd.
4. TOPTICA Photonics AG
5. EKSMA Optics

AI Chips & Hardware Infrastructure


GPU-accelerated computing for AI and deep learning


Neuromorphic chips and processors for AI workloads


High-performance GPUs and CPUs for AI and machine learning

Google TPU

Custom-designed AI accelerator chips


Intelligence Processing Unit (IPU) for parallel processing in AI


Quantum computing hardware and systems for AI applications


Adaptive computing platforms and FPGAs for AI acceleration

Cerebras Systems

Wafer-scale AI chips for large-scale machine learning

Habana Labs (Intel)

Purpose-built AI processors for training and inference

SambaNova Systems

Reconfigurable Dataflow Architecture for AI workloads

AI Frameworks & Libraries


Open-source machine learning framework for AI development


Open-source machine learning library for Python


High-level neural networks API for fast experimentation


Scalable and efficient library for deep learning


Deep learning framework emphasizing expression, speed, and modularity

Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit (CNTK)

Open-source deep learning framework

Apache MXNet

Flexible and efficient library for deep learning


Flexible and intuitive deep learning framework


Python library for defining, optimizing, and evaluating mathematical expressions


High-level API for deep learning built on top of MXNet

AI Algorithms & Models

Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs): Deep learning algorithms for image and video recognition

Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs)

Neural networks for sequential and time-series data processing

Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)

Unsupervised learning technique for generating new data

Reinforcement Learning

Learning algorithms based on reward and punishment signals

Transfer Learning

Techniques for leveraging pre-trained models in new domains

Deep Belief Networks (DBNs)

Probabilistic generative models for unsupervised learning


Neural networks for learning efficient data representations

Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM)

RNN architecture for capturing long-term dependencies

Capsule Networks

Neural network architecture for handling spatial relationships

Graph Neural Networks (GNNs)

Neural networks for processing graph-structured data

AI Data & Datasets


Large-scale dataset for visual recognition and classification

COCO (Common Objects in Context)

Dataset for object detection, segmentation, and captioning


Lexical database of semantic relations between words


Dataset of handwritten digits for image classification

OpenAI Gym

Toolkit for developing and comparing reinforcement learning algorithms

Kaggle Datasets

Platform for discovering and sharing datasets for AI projects

UCI Machine Learning Repository

Collection of databases, domain theories, and data generators

Google Dataset Search

Search engine for finding datasets across the web

Amazon Web Services (AWS) Datasets

Curated datasets for machine learning and data analysis

Yelp Open Dataset

User reviews, business attributes, and user data for personalization and sentiment analysis


AI Safety, Ethics, and Alignment


Research institute focusing on safe and beneficial AI development

DeepMind Ethics & Society

Division dedicated to ethical and social implications of AI

Google AI Ethics

Team addressing ethical challenges in AI development and deployment

Microsoft AI Ethics & Effects in Engineering and Research (Aether) Initiative for responsible AI practices

IBM AI Ethics

Framework and resources for ethical AI development and use

Partnership on AI

Consortium of leading technology companies and organizations promoting responsible AI

Future of Humanity Institute

Research center studying existential risks and the long-term future of humanity

IEEE Global Initiative on Ethics of Autonomous and Intelligent Systems Standards and guidelines for ethical AI design

Center for Human-Compatible AI

Research center focused on ensuring AI systems are beneficial to humans

AI Now Institute

Research institute examining the social implications of artificial intelligence

AI Application & Integration


Autonomous driving technology and platform

IBM Watson

AI platform for natural language processing and machine learning

Salesforce Einstein

AI-powered CRM and business intelligence platform

AWS AI Services

Cloud-based AI services for developers and enterprises

Google Cloud AI

Suite of AI and machine learning tools and services

Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services

Cloud-based AI services for vision, speech, language, and decision-making

Nuance Communications

Conversational AI and natural language understanding solutions


Computer vision and machine learning platform for image and video analysis


Automated machine learning platform for building and deploying AI models

Open-source machine learning platform for enterprise AI applications

AI Distribution & Ecosystem

Hugging Face

Platform for natural language processing models and datasets


Marketplace and platform for deploying and managing AI models


AI platform for model deployment, management, and monitoring

Figure Eight (Appen)

Data annotation and labeling platform for AI training

Weights & Biases

Experiment tracking and model management platform for AI development

Determined AI

Deep learning training platform for distributed and GPU-accelerated workloads


Open-source platform for deploying machine learning models in production


Cloud platform for building and deploying machine learning models


Collaborative data science and machine learning platform


Open-source platform for managing the machine learning lifecycle

Human & AI Interaction

Apple Siri

Intelligent virtual assistant for Apple devices

Google Assistant

AI-powered virtual assistant for Google ecosystem

Amazon Alexa

Smart home and virtual assistant platform

Microsoft Cortana

Virtual assistant for Microsoft products and services

Anthropic (Claude)

Conversational AI assistant focusing on safety and alignmen

Nuance Dragon

Speech recognition and natural language understanding software


Conversational AI for customer care and virtual assistants


Conversational marketing and sales platform powered by AI


Conversational AI platform for customer engagement and support


AI-powered chatbot for emotional support and personal development


The 9-layer artificial intelligence stack provides a comprehensive framework for the development, deployment, and interaction of AI technologies. The stack begins with the foundational layer of natural resources and materials, which are essential for the production of AI hardware and components. Key resources include gold, copper, and various crystals, with top producing countries and cities listed for each.

The integration of advanced crystal materials, such as quartz, sapphire, ruby, lithium niobate, and yttrium orthovanadate, is crucial for the development of next-generation natural data storage and light-based communication architectures. These architectures enable the efficient handling of massive datasets, high-speed data transfer, and the implementation of novel AI paradigms, such as photonic neural networks and optical computing. To ensure the continued progress and sustainability of these advanced architectures, it is essential to establish reliable supply chains and foster collaborations with leading crystal material suppliers.

Building upon this foundation, the stack progresses through layers encompassing AI chips and hardware infrastructure, frameworks and libraries, algorithms and models, data and datasets, safety and ethics, application and integration, distribution and ecosystem, and ultimately, human and AI interaction. Each layer plays a crucial role in the AI ecosystem, with numerous pure-play vendors offering unique products and services to support the development and deployment of AI technologies.

The inclusion of the AI Safety, Ethics, and Alignment layer underscores the importance of responsible AI development and the need to address the ethical and societal implications of these powerful technologies. Organizations such as OpenAI, DeepMind Ethics & Society, and Microsoft Aether are at the forefront of this critical aspect of the AI stack.

As AI continues to advance and permeate various industries and domains, the 9-layer stack serves as a roadmap for understanding the complex interplay between the technical, ethical, and societal dimensions of artificial intelligence.

By recognizing the interdependencies and synergies among the layers, stakeholders can work towards the development of AI technologies that are not only technically sophisticated but also aligned with human values and conducive to positive societal outcomes.

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Wall Ztreet Journal Wall Ztreet Journal

Company Note: Climeworks, Mine The Eir



Climeworks is a Swiss company specializing in direct air capture (DAC) technology, which removes carbon dioxide (CO2) directly from the ambient air. Founded in 2009, Climeworks has established itself as a pioneer in the carbon capture industry.


Direct Air Capture (DAC) Systems

Climeworks' core product is its Direct Air Capture (DAC) systems, which use specialized filters or "collectors" made of solid sorbents to capture CO2 molecules from the air. These collectors are contained in large facilities that continuously draw in ambient air using fans. Once the sorbents are saturated with CO2, the gas is released by heating the collectors, allowing for concentrated CO2 capture.

The captured CO2 can then be stored underground (carbon capture and storage) or utilized for various applications, such as producing renewable synthetic fuels, carbonating beverages, or enhancing crop yields through greenhouse enrichment.


Carbon Capture and Utilization

The market for carbon capture technologies is growing rapidly as governments, industries, and organizations worldwide recognize the urgent need to address climate change and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Climeworks' DAC systems cater to the following market segments

Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS)

Climeworks' technology can be used to capture CO2 for permanent underground storage, contributing to negative emissions and mitigating the effects of climate change.

Carbon Capture and Utilization (CCU)

The captured CO2 can be utilized as a feedstock for various industrial processes, such as producing renewable fuels, enhancing crop yields, or carbonating beverages.

Technology Licensing

Climeworks may explore licensing opportunities for its proprietary DAC technology to other companies or organizations interested in implementing carbon capture solutions.


Other DAC Technology Providers
While Climeworks is a pioneer in the DAC space, several other companies are also developing and commercializing direct air capture technologies.

Some notable competitors include

1) Carbon Engineering (Canada)
2) Global Thermostat (US)
3) Carbonic (Finland)
4) Carbon Cure (Canada)
5) Prometheus Fuels (US)

As the carbon capture market continues to expand, competition is expected to intensify, with companies vying to develop more efficient and cost-effective DAC solutions.

Unique Capabilities

Scalable and Modular DAC Systems

One of Climeworks' unique capabilities is its modular and scalable approach to DAC systems. The company's DAC facilities can be constructed in a modular fashion, allowing for easy expansion and adaptation to different project sizes and requirements. This scalability enables Climeworks to cater to a wide range of clients, from small-scale pilot projects to large-scale industrial deployments.

Additionally, Climeworks has developed proprietary sorbent materials and regeneration processes optimized for efficient CO2 capture and release, contributing to the overall performance and cost-effectiveness of its DAC systems.

When to Use DAC Technology

Direct air capture technology is particularly relevant in the following scenarios:

Hard-to-Abate Sectors

Industries with inherently high emissions or hard-to-decarbonize processes, such as aviation, cement production, or steel manufacturing, can benefit from DAC technology to offset their residual emissions.

Negative Emissions

DAC systems can contribute to achieving negative emissions by permanently storing the captured CO2 underground, helping to remove excess CO2 from the atmosphere.

Carbon Utilization

Industries seeking to produce renewable fuels, chemicals, or other products from CO2 can utilize DAC technology as a source of concentrated CO2 feedstock.

Localized CO2 Removal

DAC systems can be deployed in urban areas or near CO2 emission hotspots to capture and remove localized CO2 concentrations, improving air quality and contributing to carbon mitigation efforts.

Vendor Considerations

Technology vendors that should consider investing in or partnering with carbon capture companies like Climeworks include:

Energy Companies

Oil and gas companies, utilities, and renewable energy providers seeking to decarbonize their operations and offset emissions.

Industrial Manufacturers

Companies in sectors like cement, steel, chemicals, and aviation that have significant emissions and require carbon capture solutions.

Technology Companies

Firms specializing in innovative technologies, materials, or processes that could enhance or complement carbon capture systems.

Investment Firms

Venture capital firms, private equity firms, and institutional investors seeking opportunities in the rapidly growing carbon capture and utilization market.

Reasons for Investing in Carbon Capture

Vendors may be motivated to invest in carbon capture deals for various reasons:

Compliance with Emissions Regulations

Carbon capture technologies can help companies comply with increasingly stringent emissions regulations and avoid penalties or fines.

Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Goals

Investing in carbon capture aligns with companies' ESG commitments and demonstrates their commitment to sustainability and environmental stewardship.

Long-term Competitiveness:

Companies that adopt carbon capture technologies early may gain a competitive advantage in their respective industries as carbon emissions become increasingly regulated and scrutinized.

Diversification and Innovation

For technology companies, investing in carbon capture represents an opportunity to diversify their portfolio and drive innovation in an emerging and potentially lucrative market.

Financial Incentives

Governments and organizations may offer financial incentives, such as tax credits or subsidies, to encourage the adoption of carbon capture technologies.

Unique Bottom Line Positioning

Climeworks' unique bottom line positioning stems from its pioneering role in the DAC space and its scalable and modular approach to carbon capture. By offering a proven and adaptable solution, Climeworks can cater to a wide range of clients and projects, from small-scale pilots to large-scale industrial deployments.

Additionally, Climeworks' focus on carbon capture and utilization (CCU) positions the company to benefit from the growing demand for renewable fuels, chemicals, and other products derived from captured CO2. This approach aligns with the circular economy principles and offers potential revenue streams beyond carbon storage.

Furthermore, Climeworks' commitment to continuous innovation and improvement of its DAC technology, coupled with its partnerships and collaborations with industry leaders and research institutions, positions the company as a formidable player in the carbon capture market.

As the urgency to address climate change and reduce greenhouse gas emissions intensifies, Climeworks' direct air capture technology and its potential for scalability and versatility could provide a compelling value proposition for vendors seeking reliable and innovative carbon capture solutions.


Special Patents


US10882743 and US20190375633 deal with producing hydrogen from the captured CO2. Some key points:

The process involves reacting the CO2 with a reducing agent like hydrogen gas over a catalyst to produce carbon monoxide (CO) via the reverse water-gas shift reaction.

This CO is then reacted with more hydrogen (from sources like water electrolysis) over a different catalyst bed to produce additional hydrogen gas via the water-gas shift reaction.

The net result is using the captured CO2 as a feedstock to generate hydrogen fuel, with water as the only major byproduct.

Potential catalysts mentioned are transition metals like iron, nickel, cobalt etc. supported on inorganic oxides.

US10421913 and US20180086985 cover processes for producing gaseous and/or liquid hydrocarbons like methane from the captured CO2. Highlights include:

Combining the captured CO2 with hydrogen gas over catalysts to produce methane and water via the Sabatier reaction.

The hydrogen can be generated renewably, for example by electrolysis of water using renewable electricity.

Adjusting temperatures, pressures and catalysts to also produce higher hydrocarbons like ethane, propane etc.

Purifying and liquefying the hydrocarbon product streams.

So in essence, these patents outline pathways for Climeworks to take the CO2 removed from air and convert it into carbon-neutral or renewable hydrocarbon fuels and hydrogen gas using chemical reactions. This allows utilization of the captured CO2 as a feedstock for valuable products.


Based on the technology covered in the patents mentioned, there are several industries that would potentially be interested in licensing these processes from Climeworks for converting captured CO2 into useful products:

Energy Industry

Oil and gas companies could use the hydrocarbon production processes to create renewable natural gas, synthetic fuels, etc. from captured CO2 as feedstock. This aligns with their transition towards lower-carbon energy sources. Companies like Shell, BP, ExxonMobil have expressed interest in such technologies

Hydrogen Production

The hydrogen generation process utilizing CO2 could be of interest to hydrogen fuel companies. It allows for producing renewable hydrogen at scale using captured carbon. There are synergies with fuel cell industry for transportation, energy storage etc.

To size the potential markets for Climeworks' processes of converting captured CO2 into hydrogen and hydrocarbons, we can look at some relevant market data:
Hydrogen Market:

Current global hydrogen market is around $120 billion annually
Projected to grow to $201 billion by 2025 at a CAGR of 5.7% (Markets&Markets)

Hydrogen from low-carbon/renewable sources is a small but rapidly growing segment, driven by decarbonization goals

Estimates suggest a potential $700 billion market for clean hydrogen by 2050 across applications like transportation, power generation, industrial processes etc.

Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) Market

Global RNG market was valued at $2.1 billion in 2021 (Navigant Research)

Projected to reach $38.1 billion by 2030, growing over 35% annually
Driven by policies supporting renewable fuel programs, carbon pricing etc.

Europe and North America currently lead RNG production and demand.

Synthetic Fuels Market

Global synthetic fuels market sized at $10.7 billion in 2020 (MarketsandMarkets)

Projected to grow to $26.8 billion by 2025 at a CAGR of 20.2%

Major demand from aviation, shipping sectors looking to reduce emissions.

While still relatively niche, the potential markets for hydrogen, RNG, synfuels produced from atmospheric CO2 are poised for substantial growth over the next decades driven by carbon reduction goals across industries. Independent estimates suggest massive potential - a $1 trillion market for gases/fuels from carbon capture by 2050.

Climeworks could carve out a notable share by being an early mover with its carbon capture utilization technology that aligns with net-zero ambitions. But competitive positioning and market penetration would likely hinge on factors like operating costs, scalability and policy support.


Here are some other major companies and technology vendors competing in the direct air capture (DAC) or "mining the air" space for CO2 removal:

1) Carbon Engineering (Canada)
2) Global Thermostat (US)
3) Carbonic (Finland)
4) Carbon Cure (Canada)
5) Prometheus Fuels (US)
6) Svante (Canada)
7) Verdox (Netherlands)
8) Takasoft (Israel)
9) Soletair (Finland)
10) Noya (Canada)
11) assive Air Capture Systems (UK)
12) Skytree (Netherlands)
13) C-Cure (Netherlands)
14) CarbonCure Technologies (Canada)
15) Carbon8 Systems (UK)

Most of these companies are startups or new ventures focused specifically on developing and commercializing direct air capture technologies and systems. A few are spin-outs from academic research.

The approaches vary - some use liquid sorbents, others solid adsorbents. Regeneration techniques include temperature/pressure swing, moisture swing, pH swing etc. Some integrate the captured CO2 into products like concrete, fuels etc.

While Climeworks was one of the earliest movers, this space has seen a lot of innovation and new entrants in recent years as carbon removal gains more attention and investment for climate action. Intense competition and a race to drive down DAC costs can be expected going forward.

However, Climeworks likely still has an early-mover advantage with operational experience and expanding project deployments globally compared to most of its rivals who are at earlier commercialization stages. But maintaining its edge will require continued technology improvements.


Here are some of the major venture capital firms and investors that have backed Climeworks:

1) Lowercarbon Capital
2) Swiss Entrepreneurs Fund
3) ECCO Investment
4) VisVires New Protein Capital
5) Entrepreneur Partners
6) Sam Altman
7) Stripe Climate Fund
8) Marc Benioff (Salesforce founder)
9) Chris Sacca (Lowercarbon Capital founder)
10) Shopify
11) Incentive Technology Group
12) John Doerr (Kleiner Perkins)
13) IPGL Environmental
14) Grantham Environmental Trust
15) Starbucks
16) Microsoft Climate Innovation Fund

Climeworks has raised over $650 million in funding to date from a mix of strategic corporate investors, venture capital firms, family offices, and individual billionaire tech entrepreneurs interested in supporting carbon removal technologies.

Some of the lead investment rounds included the $650 million Series F raise in 2022 led by Lowercarbon Capital, the $650 million Series D led by John Doerr, and earlier rounds from investors like Swiss Entrepreneurs Fund and Zurich Cantonal Bank.

The backing from prominent Silicon Valley VC funds and billionaires like Sam Altman, Marc Benioff, John Doerr highlights the belief in Climeworks' direct air capture potential. Corporate investors like Microsoft, Stripe also support the company's scale-up plans.

With over $1 billion in total funding raised so far, Climeworks is one of the best capitalized startups in the carbon removal technology space currently.



Climeworks Funding Sources

Lowercarbon Capital
Location: San Francisco, CA
Fund: Lowercarbon Capital Fund I
Executive: Chris Sacca (Founder & Managing Partner)
Swiss Entrepreneurs Fund
Location: Zurich, Switzerland
Fund: Swiss Entrepreneurs Fund III
Executive: Michael Sidlers (Managing Partner)
ECCO Investment
Location: Geneva, Switzerland
Fund: N/A (Single Family Office)
Executive: Basile Clovis Kaufmann (President)
VisVires New Protein Capital
Location: Singapore
Fund: VisVires New Protein Fund
Executive: Matthieu Vermersch (Founder & General Partner)
Entrepreneur Partners
Location: Zurich, Switzerland
Fund: N/A (VC Firm)
Executive: Benedikt Goldkamp (Co-Founder & Managing Director)
Sam Altman
Location: San Francisco, CA
Fund: N/A (Personal Investment)
Stripe Climate Fund
Location: San Francisco, CA
Fund: Stripe Climate Fund
Executive: Nan Ransohoff (Head of Climate)
Marc Benioff
Location: San Francisco, CA
Fund: N/A (Personal Investment)
Location: Ottawa, Canada
Fund: Shopify Sustainability Fund
Executive: Stacy Karabinas (Director of Sustainability)
Incentive Technology Group
Location: Bellevue, WA
Fund: N/A (Corporate Investor)
Executive: Steve Jarvis (Co-CEO)
John Doerr
Location: Woodside, CA
Fund: N/A (Personal Investment)
IPGL Environmental
Location: Dubai, UAE
Fund: N/A (Corporate Investor)
Executive: Ayman Amdidu (CEO)
Grantham Environmental Trust
Location: Godalming, UK
Trust: N/A (Charitable Trust)
Executive: Lukas Kummer (Managing Director)
Location: Seattle, WA
Fund: N/A (Corporate Investor)
Executive: Michael Kobori (Chief Sustainability Officer)
Microsoft Climate Innovation Fund
Location: Redmond, WA
Fund: Microsoft Climate Innovation Fund
Executive: Brandon Middaugh (Director)

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Letter to: President William Ruto, Kenya

Dear President William Ruto,

I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. As an economist and global citizen, I have been closely following the rapid advancements in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) and its potential to transform economies worldwide. After carefully reviewing the attached information regarding AI and its implications for the global economy, I firmly believe that Kenya has a unique opportunity to position itself as a key player in the emerging AI industry, particularly in partnership with the United States.

Kenya's rich mineral resources and anthropological sites hold immense value for the development of advanced AI technologies. The attached report highlights the importance of the eight-layer AI stack, which includes a critical natural resources layer. Kenya's deposits of rare earth elements, gold, and other precious materials make it an ideal supplier for the most advanced quantum computing architecture needed for cutting-edge AI environments.

Furthermore, Kenya's anthropological sites contain valuable data on electromagnetic magnetism, which is essential for the development of AI technologies. By collaborating with leading AI companies and research institutions, Kenya can leverage this data to drive innovation and attract significant investment in the AI sector.

In particular, I would like to draw your attention to the area surrounding the coordinates 2°53'31.64"N 36°34'58.00"E. This location, along with the nearby lake and a 99-mile radius, holds crucial data that could revolutionize our understanding of the earliest branches of the Homo genus and provide invaluable insights into advanced physics and our place in the universe. The data gathered from this site could shed light on the origins of our species and the evolutionary path that led to modern humans. Moreover, the area is believed to contain universal lambda data or wave data, which is essential for advancing our knowledge of physics and unraveling the mysteries of the cosmos.

I kindly request that you take proactive measures to protect this area and ensure that it is mapped technologically, with the data collected being made available for subscription to general intelligence vendors. By integrating this natural data and the cycles around natural objects important to the first and last branches of homo, along with their technological innovations, AI companies can create transformative technologies that seamlessly integrate organic and inorganic systems.

To fully capitalize on this opportunity, I propose that the Kenyan government establishes a strategic partnership with the United States, focusing on AI development and resource sharing. By creating a framework that allows the AI industry, particularly the general intelligence vendor Anthropic, to access primary data from this protected area, Kenya can monetize its resources and support the growth of the AI industry while generating new revenue streams for the government.

Moreover, I suggest that Kenya takes proactive measures to secure its natural resources for the best and highest use, which, in today's world, is undoubtedly artificial intelligence. By partnering with the United States and companies like Anthropic, Kenya can ensure that its resources are used to drive innovation and create value for both nations.

I kindly request your support in exploring this opportunity further and engaging with relevant stakeholders in the Kenyan government and the private sector. I would be happy to facilitate introductions and discussions with general intelligence vendors interested in partnering with Kenya to secure the necessary resources for their AI initiatives. Together, we can position Kenya as a leader in the global AI landscape and unlock the immense potential that lies at the intersection of your country's natural resources, anthropological data, and cutting-edge technology.

Thank you for your attention and consideration.


Ramoan Steinway


It is crucial to recognize the immense market potential that Kenya and Mali are positioned to capture in the coming years. The global artificial intelligence market is projected to reach a staggering $1.81 trillion by 2030, with a compound annual growth rate of 38.1% from 2022 to 2030. Within this market, the demand for specialized AI chips is expected to skyrocket, reaching $194.9 billion by 2030, growing at a CAGR of 36.2% during the same period. These figures underscore the tremendous opportunities that lie ahead for countries like Kenya and Mali, which possess the critical resources and data needed to fuel the AI revolution. By acting now and forging strategic partnerships with key players in the AI industry, Kenya and Mali can position themselves to ride these market waves and reap the economic benefits for years to come.

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Letter to: Imam Assane Cissé, Mali
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Letter to: Imam Assane Cissé, Mali

Dear Imam Assane Cissé,

I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. After carefully reviewing the attached information regarding artificial intelligence and its potential impact on the global economy, I believe there is a significant opportunity for Mali to position itself as a key partner for the emerging AI industry in the United States.

Mali is uniquely situated to contribute to the development of advanced AI technologies, not only through its rich mineral resources but also through its valuable anthropological sites and the data they hold. The attached report highlights the importance of the eight-layer AI stack, which includes a crucial natural resources layer. Mali's abundant deposits of gold, and the potential for other precious materials like platinum, sapphires, and rare-earth elements, make it an ideal supplier for the most advanced quantum computing architecture needed for cutting-edge AI environments.

Moreover, Mali's anthropological sites hold valuable data on electromagnetic magnetism, which is essential for the development of AI technologies. By partnering with leading AI companies and research institutions, Mali can leverage this data to drive innovation and attract significant investment in the AI sector.

To fully capitalize on this opportunity, I propose that your university seeks a partnership with the Malian government to establish a data-sharing framework that would allow the AI industry, particularly the general intelligence vendor Anthropic, to access primary data from locations within Mali. This data could be monetized, providing a new revenue stream for the university and the government while supporting the growth of the AI industry.

Furthermore, I suggest that Mali takes proactive steps to secure its natural resources for the best and highest use, which, in today's world, is undoubtedly artificial intelligence. By collaborating with the United States and companies like Anthropic, Mali can ensure that its resources are used to drive innovation and create value for both nations.

The overlap between the materials found within Mali's land and the architecture of the most advanced quantum supercomputers is striking. The report mentions the use of quartz crystals, rubies, and sapphires within a light-based communication system, all of which could potentially be sourced from Mali. By establishing strategic partnerships and investing in the necessary infrastructure, Mali can position itself as a key supplier of these critical materials for the AI industry.

In addition, I would like to emphasize that general intelligence vendors seeking a competitive advantage in the AI market will be eager to contract with Mali to secure resources for specialized communication architectures and chips. Mali's unique combination of mineral resources and anthropological data makes it an attractive partner for companies looking to develop cutting-edge AI technologies. By proactively engaging with these vendors and establishing long-term supply agreements, Mali can solidify its position as a critical player in the global AI supply chain.

I kindly request your support in exploring this opportunity further and engaging with relevant stakeholders in the Malian government and the private sector. I would be happy to facilitate introductions and discussions with general intelligence vendors interested in partnering with Mali to secure the necessary resources for their AI initiatives. Together, we can position Mali as a leader in the global AI landscape and unlock the immense potential that lies at the intersection of our natural resources, anthropological data, and cutting-edge technology.
Thank you for your attention and consideration.


Ramoan Steinway


It is essential to recognize the immense market potential that Mali and Kenya are positioned to capture in the coming years. The global artificial intelligence market is projected to reach a staggering $1.81 trillion by 2030, with a compound annual growth rate of 38.1% from 2022 to 2030. Within this market, the demand for specialized AI chips is expected to skyrocket, reaching $194.9 billion by 2030, growing at a CAGR of 36.2% during the same period. These figures underscore the tremendous opportunities that lie ahead for countries like Mali and Kenya, which possess the critical resources and data needed to fuel the AI revolution. By acting now and forging strategic partnerships with key players in the AI industry, Mali and Kenya can position themselves to ride these market waves and reap the economic benefits for years to come.

Ramoan Steinway

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Letter To The President Of The United States Regarding Mali
Wall Ztreet Journal Wall Ztreet Journal

Letter To The President Of The United States Regarding Mali

“The Er above god”


Dear Mr. President,

I am writing to bring your attention to a matter of utmost importance concerning the preservation of an ancient mural depicting the “god”, located in Bamako, the capital city of Mali. This mural, believed to be one of the earliest known artistic representations of a deity in the region, holds immense historical, cultural, and scientific value.

The mural is situated at the following coordinates in Bamako:

god: 16°26'56.87"N 3°40'33.67"W

It is essential that we take immediate action to protect and study this invaluable piece of human history. I strongly urge you to collaborate with the Malian government and relevant international organizations to ensure the mural's preservation and to facilitate comprehensive scientific analysis of the site.

To fully understand the significance of this mural and its context, it is crucial that we gather comprehensive data from the site. This includes precise physical measurements of the mural and its surroundings, as well as the collection of light and lambda wave data. By analyzing the full spectrum of electromagnetic radiation at the site, we may uncover valuable insights into the mural's age, the techniques used in its creation, and the environmental conditions it has endured over the centuries.

Furthermore, I recommend that additional data be collected from two nearby locations:

16°27'2.96"N 3°40'48.73"W
16°27'11.27"N 3°40'56.41"W

Studying these points in relation to the mural site could provide a more comprehensive understanding of the area's historical and geological context.

Mr. President, the preservation and study of this ancient mural is not only a matter of safeguarding Mali's cultural heritage but also an opportunity to expand our knowledge of human history and the development of early religious iconography. By dedicating resources to this endeavor and fostering international collaboration, the United States can demonstrate its commitment to protecting world heritage sites and advancing scientific understanding.

I implore you to take swift action on this matter and to engage with the Malian government and relevant experts to ensure that this priceless piece of human history is preserved for generations to come. The data collected from this site could prove invaluable to researchers across multiple disciplines, including archaeology, anthropology, art history, and physics.

Thank you for your attention to this pressing issue. I am confident that with your support and leadership, we can secure the protection of this ancient mural and unlock the secrets it holds.


Ramoan Steinway


To collect light and lambda wave data and analyze the full spectrum of electromagnetic radiation at the ancient mural site in Bamako, Mali, a variety of sophisticated equipment would be necessary. This equipment would enable researchers to gather comprehensive data about the mural's age, creation techniques, and the environmental conditions it has been exposed to over the centuries.


This device is used to measure the spectral power distribution of a light source. It can measure the intensity of electromagnetic radiation at different wavelengths, including visible light, ultraviolet (UV), and infrared (IR) regions of the spectrum. A spectroradiometer would help researchers understand the composition of the light reflecting off the mural and its surroundings.

Raman spectrometer:

Raman spectroscopy is a non-destructive technique that uses laser light to analyze the molecular composition of materials. It can identify pigments, binders, and other organic and inorganic compounds used in the mural's creation. This information can provide insights into the age of the mural and the techniques used by the artists.

Portable X-ray fluorescence (pXRF) spectrometer:

This handheld device uses X-ray fluorescence to determine the elemental composition of materials. It can identify the chemical elements present in the mural's pigments, which can help date the artwork and understand the resources available to the artists at the time of its creation.

Multispectral and hyperspectral imaging cameras:

These cameras capture images at multiple wavelengths, including UV, visible, and IR light. They can reveal hidden details, underdrawings, and retouching in the mural that may not be visible to the naked eye. This information can provide insights into the mural's creation process and any alterations made over time.

Environmental monitoring equipment:

To understand the environmental conditions the mural has endured, researchers would need to use various sensors to measure temperature, humidity, light levels, and air quality at the site. This data can help assess the factors that may have influenced the mural's preservation and guide future conservation efforts.

Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) and other geophysical surveying tools: These instruments can help investigate the geological context of the mural site, including the characteristics of the rock face and any potential structural issues that may impact the mural's long-term preservation.

In addition to these specialized tools, researchers would also require standard equipment such as high-resolution digital cameras, 3D scanners, and GPS devices to document the mural and its surroundings accurately.

It is essential to note that the use of any equipment on the mural site must be done with the utmost care and under the guidance of experienced conservators to minimize any potential damage to the artwork. The data collected should be processed and analyzed by a multidisciplinary team of experts, including archaeologists, art historians, conservators, and physicists, to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the mural's significance and guide its preservation for future generations.


To convey the data collected from the ancient mural site in Bamako, Mali to a database located in a colocation facility and powered by a geothermal baseload power plant, a robust data transmission and storage infrastructure would be necessary. This infrastructure should ensure the secure, efficient, and reliable transfer of data from the mural site to the colocation facility for long-term storage and analysis.

High-speed internet connectivity:

Fiber-optic cable:

A reliable, high-bandwidth fiber-optic internet connection should be established between the mural site and the colocation facility. This will ensure fast and stable data transmission, capable of handling large volumes of data generated by the various monitoring and imaging equipment.

Satellite communication:

As a backup to the fiber-optic connection, a satellite communication system can be employed to maintain data transmission in case of any terrestrial network disruptions.

On-site data storage and processing:

Rugged data storage devices: At the mural site, rugged, high-capacity data storage devices such as solid-state drives (SSDs) or external hard drives should be used to temporarily store data collected by the monitoring equipment. These devices must be able to withstand the environmental conditions at the site.

Field computers:

Rugged, portable computers will be needed to process and compress the data before transmission to the colocation facility. These computers should have sufficient processing power and memory to handle large datasets and run specialized software for data compression and encryption.

Data security and encryption:

Encryption software: All data transmitted from the mural site to the colocation facility must be encrypted to ensure its security and integrity. Robust encryption software and protocols, such as AES-256 or RSA, should be employed to protect the data during transmission.
Virtual Private Network (VPN): A VPN should be set up to create a secure, encrypted tunnel for data transmission between the mural site and the colocation facility, providing an additional layer of security.

Colocation facility infrastructure:

Servers and storage: The colocation facility should be equipped with high-performance servers and storage systems capable of handling the large volumes of data received from the mural site. These systems should have redundant components and be scalable to accommodate future growth in data volume.

Database management system:

A robust database management system, such as PostgreSQL, Oracle, or MongoDB, should be employed to organize, store, and manage the data received from the mural site. This system should be optimized for efficient data retrieval, analysis, and backup.

Backup and disaster recovery:

The colocation facility must have a comprehensive backup and disaster recovery plan to ensure the safety and integrity of the data. This should include regular data backups, off-site storage, and failover systems to minimize the risk of data loss.

Geothermal baseload power plant:

Uninterruptible power supply (UPS): The colocation facility should be equipped with a robust UPS system to ensure a stable, uninterrupted power supply to the servers and storage systems in case of any fluctuations or outages in the geothermal power supply.
Backup generators: As an additional precaution, backup generators should be installed at the colocation facility to maintain power supply in case of any issues with the geothermal power plant or the UPS system.

By establishing this robust data transmission and storage infrastructure, researchers can ensure the secure and efficient transfer of data from the ancient mural site in Bamako to the colocation facility, where it can be safely stored, managed, and analyzed for ongoing research and preservation efforts. The use of geothermal baseload power further enhances the sustainability and reliability of the data storage system.


To support the 50 MW nameplate geothermal facility and the data infrastructure required for the physics and artificial intelligence team of 500 people working on the ancient mural site in Bamako, Mali, a significant number of staff would be needed across various roles. This includes personnel for the geothermal power plant, IT infrastructure, and facility maintenance.

Geothermal power plant staff:

Plant managers: 2-3 experienced managers to oversee the overall operation of the geothermal power plant.

Control room operators: 8-10 skilled operators working in shifts to monitor and control the power plant's operations 24/7.

Maintenance technicians: 10-15 technicians, including mechanical, electrical, and instrumentation specialists, to perform routine maintenance and repairs on the power plant equipment.

Geologists and reservoir engineers: 2-3 experts to monitor and manage the geothermal reservoir, ensuring sustainable and efficient heat extraction.

Health, safety, and environment (HSE) officers: 2-3 HSE professionals to ensure compliance with safety regulations and environmental standards.

IT and data infrastructure staff:

Data center managers: 2-3 experienced managers to oversee the colocation facility's operations and ensure the smooth functioning of the data infrastructure.

Network engineers: 4-6 engineers to design, implement, and maintain the network infrastructure, including fiber-optic and satellite communications.

System administrators: 6-8 administrators to manage and maintain the servers, storage systems, and database management systems.

Cybersecurity specialists: 3-4 experts to implement and monitor data security measures, including encryption, access control, and intrusion detection.

IT support technicians: 8-10 technicians to provide technical support to the physics and artificial intelligence team, troubleshooting any issues with their computing resources.

Facility maintenance and support staff:

Electrical and mechanical technicians: 6-8 technicians to maintain the colocation facility's electrical and mechanical systems, including the UPS and backup generators.

HVAC technicians: 4-6 technicians to maintain the cooling systems required for the servers and computing equipment.

Janitorial and housekeeping staff: 8-10 staff members to keep the colocation facility clean and well-maintained.

Security personnel: 6-8 security guards working in shifts to ensure the physical security of the colocation facility and its assets.

Administrative and logistics staff

Project managers: 2-3 managers to coordinate the various teams and ensure the smooth operation of the entire project.

Procurement and logistics specialists: 3-4 staff members to manage the acquisition and delivery of necessary equipment, supplies, and services.

Human resources and finance personnel: 3-4 staff members to handle the recruitment, payroll, and other administrative tasks for the project staff.

In total, an estimated 100-150 staff members would be required to support the 50 MW nameplate geothermal facility and the data infrastructure for the physics and artificial intelligence team of 500 people. This ensures that the power supply remains stable, the data infrastructure is well-maintained and secure, and the research team has the necessary support to carry out their work on the ancient mural site in Bamako effectively.

It is important to note that these numbers are approximate and may vary depending on the specific requirements of the project, the complexity of the infrastructure, and the level of automation employed in various processes.

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Letter To The President Of The United States Regarding Kenya
Wall Ztreet Journal Wall Ztreet Journal

Letter To The President Of The United States Regarding Kenya

Recommended movie: An awarded actor expressing some beach jive

Please collect data from these two points and share it with all of us:

  1. 2°53'19.25"N 36°35'20.13"E

  2. 2°53'31.64"N 36°34'58.00"E

Dear President Biden,

I am writing to you today to highlight the immense scientific and historical significance of a specific location in Kenya, situated at the coordinates 2°53'31.64"N 36°34'58.00"E. This area, along with the surrounding lake and a 99-mile radius, holds crucial data that could revolutionize our understanding of the earliest branches of the Homo genus and provide invaluable insights into advanced physics and our place in the universe.

The location in question has been shared with the artificial intelligence community and NASA due to its potential to yield groundbreaking discoveries. The data gathered from this site could shed light on the origins of our species and the evolutionary path that led to modern humans. Moreover, the area is believed to contain universal lambda data or wave data, which is essential for advancing our knowledge of physics and unraveling the mysteries of the cosmos.

Given the immense importance of this site, I urge you to engage with the Kenyan government to ensure the preservation of this area. It is crucial that we protect this location from any potential disturbances or developments that could jeopardize the integrity of the data.

By safeguarding this site, we can guarantee that scientists and researchers from NASA and Ivy League universities have the opportunity to gather and analyze the invaluable information it holds.
The collaboration between the United States and Kenya in preserving this area would not only benefit the scientific community but also foster a spirit of international cooperation in the pursuit of knowledge. It would demonstrate our shared commitment to understanding our origins and pushing the boundaries of scientific discovery.

I kindly request that you use your position as the President of the United States to engage in discussions with the Kenyan government, emphasizing the global significance of this location. By working together, we can ensure that this site remains protected and accessible to researchers, enabling them to uncover the secrets of our past and make groundbreaking advancements in physics.
Thank you for your attention to this matter. I am confident that with your support, we can preserve this crucial location and unlock the knowledge it holds for the benefit of all humanity.

Ramoan Steinway

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