Understanding The Artificial Intelligence Market By Ramoan Steinway
Wall Ztreet Journal Wall Ztreet Journal

Understanding The Artificial Intelligence Market By Ramoan Steinway

10-Layer Artificial Intelligence Stack framework:


The rapid evolution of artificial intelligence (AI) has given rise to a complex and interconnected ecosystem encompassing a wide range of technologies, resources, and applications. To better understand and navigate this intricate landscape, we present the 10-Layer Artificial Intelligence Stack, a comprehensive framework that provides a structured approach to analyzing the various components and interdependencies within the AI industry.

Layer 1: Energy and Power Infrastructure


This foundational layer encompasses the energy sources and power delivery systems that fuel the computational and operational needs of AI systems. It includes baseload power generation from sources such as geothermal and nuclear, complementary power sources like solar and wind, energy storage solutions, and the transmission and distribution networks that deliver electricity to data centers and AI facilities.


Reliable and cost-effective energy is a critical enabler for the successful development and deployment of AI technologies. By securing access to baseload power and optimizing energy infrastructure, organizations can gain a competitive advantage in the AI market, enabling them to operate more efficiently, reduce operational costs, and potentially offer more affordable AI services.

Layer 2: Natural Resources


The Natural Resources layer focuses on securing access to key raw materials required for manufacturing advanced computing hardware, including precious metals (gold, platinum, silver), rare earth elements, and other critical minerals essential for semiconductor fabrication and specialized computing components.


As the demand for AI hardware continues to grow, ensuring a stable supply chain of these vital natural resources becomes increasingly important. Companies that can secure long-term access to these resources through strategic partnerships, acquisitions, or resource leasing will have a significant advantage in the AI hardware manufacturing ecosystem.

Layer 3: AI Chips & Hardware Infrastructure


This layer encompasses the specialized hardware components and systems optimized for AI workloads, including AI accelerators (GPUs, TPUs, ASICs), high-performance computing (HPC) systems, quantum computing hardware, and advanced semiconductor manufacturing capabilities.


The development of AI-specific hardware is critical to achieving the computational power and efficiency required for complex AI tasks. Companies operating in this layer drive innovation in hardware architectures, enabling faster training and inference, lower latency, and increased scalability for AI models and applications.

Layer 4: AI Frameworks & Libraries

Definition: This layer provides the software tools, libraries, and frameworks that simplify the development and deployment of AI models, including deep learning frameworks (TensorFlow, PyTorch, Keras), natural language processing (NLP) libraries, and computer vision libraries.


AI frameworks and libraries abstract the complexities of underlying algorithms and provide high-level APIs for building and training AI models. They enable developers and researchers to focus on model architecture and applications rather than low-level implementation details, accelerating the development and iteration process.

Layer 5: AI Algorithms & Models


The AI Algorithms & Models layer focuses on the mathematical and computational techniques used to develop and train AI models, including neural network architectures (CNNs, RNNs, Transformers), reinforcement learning algorithms, and generative adversarial networks (GANs).


This layer represents the core of AI innovation, where new algorithms and model architectures are developed to tackle increasingly complex tasks and improve performance across various domains, such as natural language processing, computer vision, and decision-making.

Layer 6: AI Data & Datasets


This layer deals with the collection, curation, and management of data required for training and evaluating AI models, encompassing labeled datasets for supervised learning, unlabeled datasets for unsupervised and self-supervised learning, and techniques for synthetic data generation.


High-quality and diverse datasets are essential for training accurate and robust AI models. Companies and organizations that can acquire or generate large-scale, representative datasets across various domains will have a significant advantage in developing AI solutions tailored to specific applications and use cases.

Layer 7: AI Safety, Ethics, and Alignment


The AI Safety, Ethics, and Alignment layer addresses the ethical considerations, potential risks, and societal implications of AI technologies. It includes AI safety research, ethical AI frameworks, and engagement with policymakers and regulatory bodies to develop appropriate governance frameworks and policies for AI.


As AI systems become more advanced and pervasive, ensuring their safe and responsible development and deployment is crucial. This layer focuses on mitigating risks, aligning AI systems with human values, and promoting transparency and accountability in the AI ecosystem.

Layer 8: AI Application & Integration


The AI Application & Integration layer focuses on the development and deployment of AI-powered applications and solutions across various industries and domains, including AI-powered products and services, AI-enabled automation, and AI-driven decision support systems.


This layer represents the practical application of AI technologies, where the capabilities developed in the lower layers are integrated and customized to solve real-world problems and create value for businesses and end-users across diverse sectors, such as healthcare, finance, manufacturing, and transportation.

Layer 9: AI Distribution & Ecosystem


This layer encompasses the platforms, marketplaces, and tools that facilitate the dissemination and accessibility of AI models, datasets, and resources, fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange within the AI community.


By enabling the sharing and distribution of AI assets, this layer promotes innovation and accelerates the development of new AI applications and services, fostering a vibrant and collaborative ecosystem that drives progress in the field.

Layer 10: Human & AI Interaction


The Human & AI Interaction layer focuses on the design and development of intuitive, user-friendly interfaces and experiences that facilitate seamless interaction between humans and AI systems, including natural language interfaces, conversational AI, and intelligent virtual assistants.


As AI systems become more prevalent in our daily lives, this layer addresses the critical need for intuitive and natural interactions between humans and AI, ensuring that these technologies are accessible, understandable, and aligned with human preferences and values.

Bottom Line

The 10-Layer Artificial Intelligence Stack provides a comprehensive framework for understanding the intricate and interconnected landscape of AI technologies, resources, and applications. By breaking down the AI ecosystem into distinct layers, this framework offers several key advantages:

Structured Approach: The layered structure allows for a systematic analysis of the various components involved in the development, deployment, and integration of AI systems, enabling stakeholders to identify opportunities, challenges, and interdependencies within the ecosystem.

Holistic Perspective

The framework encompasses a wide range of elements, from energy and natural resources to AI hardware, software, algorithms, data, and applications, providing a holistic view of the AI industry and its dependencies.

Ecosystem Mapping

By mapping companies, organizations, and technologies to their respective layers, the framework helps identify key players, partnerships, and areas of specialization, facilitating strategic decision-making and collaboration opportunities.

Risk and Opportunity Assessment

The layered structure allows for the evaluation of risks and opportunities associated with each component, enabling organizations to develop mitigation strategies, identify areas for investment, and capitalize on emerging trends.

Innovation and Advancement

By highlighting the interdependencies between layers, the framework encourages cross-disciplinary collaboration and knowledge sharing, driving innovation and advancing the field of AI as a whole.

Ethical and Responsible Development

The inclusion of the AI Safety, Ethics, and Alignment layer emphasizes the importance of addressing ethical and societal considerations, promoting the responsible development and deployment of AI technologies.

As the AI industry continues to evolve and transform various sectors, the 10-Layer Artificial Intelligence Stack provides a valuable tool for stakeholders, including technology companies, policymakers, researchers, and investors, to navigate the complexities of this rapidly advancing field. By understanding the interconnected nature of the AI ecosystem and the critical role played by each layer, organizations can make informed decisions, foster collaboration, and drive innovation while ensuring the ethical and responsible development of AI technologies.

-Ramoan Steinway, Economist and Artificial Intelligence Sage

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Company Note:  Oklo Inc.
Wall Ztreet Journal Wall Ztreet Journal

Company Note: Oklo Inc.

Company Note on Oklo Inc.

Corporate Address:
Santa Clara, California


Jacob DeWitte, Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer
Caroline Cochran, Co-Founder and Chief Operating Officer

Board of Directors

Sam Altman (Chairman), former CEO of OpenAI and AltC Acquisition Corp

Michael Klein, former Chairman of AltC Acquisition Corp

Jacob DeWitte, Co-Founder and CEO of Oklo

Caroline Cochran, Co-Founder and COO of Oklo

Lt. Gen. (Ret.) John Jansen, United States Marine Corps

Richard Kinzley, former CFO of Black Hills Corporation

Chris Wright, CEO of Liberty Energy Inc.


Oklo has assembled a board with significant collective experience and expertise that suggests the company is well-positioned to successfully develop, commercialize and deploy its advanced nuclear reactor technology.

The leadership of founders Jacob DeWitte and Caroline Cochran provides technical vision and hands-on experience in the nuclear engineering field that is core to Oklo's business.

Sam Altman's involvement as Chairman, coming from leading AI research company OpenAI and taking Oklo public via his SPAC AltC, indicates his conviction in the long-term potential of Oklo's clean energy solution. His experience building transformative technology companies is valuable.

Michael Klein's SPAC experience adds financial markets proficiency to help Oklo navigate being a publicly-listed company.

Lt. Gen. John Jansen's background provides critical nuclear expertise from the military/defense sector, a prospective customer base.

Richard Kinzley's CFO experience at a major utility company Black Hills Corp brings important operational finance and energy markets knowledge.

Chris Wright leads a successful energy company in Liberty Energy, providing valuable perspective from an existing player in Oklo's target market.

Bottom Line

Oklo's board combines pioneering nuclear engineering innovators with proven technology visionaries, professional managers from the energy/utility sector, and financial/capital markets experts. This diverse blend of experiences and skill sets suggests Oklo is well-equipped to execute on its mission of delivering compact advanced nuclear reactors as a breakthrough clean power solution across industries like energy, defense, data centers and others. The board's collective pedigree inspires confidence in Oklo's ability to achieve commercial success with its transformative technology.

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May 10th, 2024: Jive News
Wall Ztreet Journal Wall Ztreet Journal

May 10th, 2024: Jive News

Recommended soundtrack: Born Under A Bad Sign, Albert King

May 10, 3:15 pm Jive News … .. .

Here are two sentences about each uh de 42 companies menshuned in de news, dig dis:

1. BYD, some Chinese automaker, be facin' potential new US tariffs on its electric vehicles. BYD's EV Yuan Plus wuz seen movin' on some street in Beijin'.

2. Tesla, de leadin' US electric vehicle manufacturer, be investin' $500 million in its chargin' netwo'k afta' recent layoffs. De company's EV chargin' team layoffs dreaten t'slow waaay down Biden's honky code t'electrify highways.

3. Fo'd, de American automaker, be considerin' offerin' gas-powered vehicles and hybrids in Europe beyond 2030. De company be also buildin' some new partly electric wheels at its Spanish plant fum 2027.

4. McDonald's, de global fast-food chain, be considerin' launchin' some $5 meal deal t'attract diners. A source revealed dat da damn company be 'splo'in' dis opshun t'draw in mo'e customers.

5. Shein, de Chinese fast-fashion retailer, be steppin' waaay down its London IPO preparashuns amid US hurdles t'listin'. De company be facin' challenges in de US market but be eaga' t'go public in London. 'S coo', bro.

6. Twitter, now knode as X, lost some lawsuit against an Israeli data-scrapin' company. Slap mah fro. Right On! De company, now owned by Elon Musk, be facin' legal challenges related t'data privacy. Slap mah fro. Right On!

7. Renaissance Technologies, de prominent hedge fund founded by billionaire madematician James Simons, announced his passin' at 86. Simons wuz some pionea' in quantitative investin' and some notable philandropist.

8. Lucid, an American electric vehicle manufacturer, saw its fo'ma' 'esecutive snatch ova' as Fo'd's new CFO. Fo'd's current CFO, Raz'tus Lawler, gotss'ta transishun t'de role uh vice cfro. Ah be baaad...

9. Fisker, an American electric vehicle startup, be facin' some preliminary probe by US audo'ities ova' issues wid its brake system. 'S coo', bro. De investigashun covers Fisker's cars and raises concerns about da damn company's quality control.

10. Foxconn, de Taiwanese electronics manufacturer, repo'ted some significant jump in Q1 profit and 'spects AI t'powa' its future growd. De company, knode fo' assemblin' Apple's iPhones, be diversifyin' its business.

11. Honda, de Japanese automaker, be rampin' waaay down its R&D spendin' t''spand its hybrid vehicle offerin's. De company premiered its new SUV Elevate in New Delhi and posted some six-fold increase in Q4 opuh'atin' profit.

12. China Construcshun Bank, one uh China's largest state-owned banks, be bein' sued by Po'ch in de US ova' reinsurance fraud losses. De lawsuit highlights de legal risks faced by Chinese banks opuh'atin' in de US.

13. Lidl UK, de British arm uh de German discount supuh'market chain, gotss'ta raised staff pay fo' de dird time in 12 monds. De company be investin' in its wo'kfo'ce amid some competitive retail environment.

14. SoftBank, de Japanese conglomerate and investment firm, be 'spected t'return t'loss in Q4 despite da damn strengd in tech stocks. De company be also in raps wid Nava' ova' control uh Line opuh'ato' LY.

15. Rio Tinto, de Anglo-Australian minin' giant, had repo'tedly considered some bid fo' BHP-target Anglo American. 'S coo', bro. De potential deal highlights de ongoin' consolidashun in de minin' industry. Slap mah fro. Right On!

16. BHP, de wo'ld's largest minin' company, be facin' some potential challenge fum Rio Tinto in its pursuit uh Anglo American. 'S coo', bro. De news gotss'ta raised concerns among ssnatchholders in Japan's steel industry. Slap mah fro. Right On!

17. Anglo American, de global minin' company, be at da damn centa' uh some potential biddin' war between BHP and Rio Tinto. De company's future ownership structure remains uncertain. 'S coo', bro.

18. Boein', de American aerospace giant, be facin' concerns fum President Biden ova' de lockout uh its firefighters. De company be also unda' investigashun by de SEC regardin' its statements on safety practices.

19. Target, de American retail co'po'ashun, be cuttin' back on LGBTQ Pride mond products in some sto'es afta' facin' backlash. De move highlights de challenges retailers face when navigatin' social and political issues.

20. Exxon, de American multinashunal oil and gas co'po'ashun, may face opposishun fum CalPERS in de re-elecshun uh its CEO t'de bo'd. De Califo'nia public pension fund be considerin' votin' against da damn CEO's re-elecshun. 'S coo', bro.

21. Apple, de American technology giant, apologized fo' its iPad Pro 'Crush' ad afta' facin' criticism. 'S coo', bro. De company be also plannin' t'powa' its AI servers wid its own chips, acco'din' t'Bloomberg News.

22. Warna' Bros Discovery, de American mass media and entertainment conglomerate, be feelin' de squeeze fum some studio slump and weak ad spendin'. De company's financial puh'fo'mance be bein' impacted by challenges in de media industry. Slap mah fro. Right On!

23. Naver, de Soud Ko'ean internet and technology company, be in raps wid SoftBank ova' control uh Line opuh'ato' LY. De potential deal could reshape da damn Asian tech landscape. What it is, Mama. Right On!

24. Line, de Japanese messagin' app subsidiary uh Naver, be at da damn centa' uh discussions between Nava' and SoftBank. De outcome uh de raps could impact Line's future opuh'ashuns and ownership structure. What it is, Mama. Right On!

25. OCBC Bank, de Sin'apo'ean multinashunal bankin' and financial services co'po'ashun, posted some reco'd Q1 profit and made some $1 billion bid t'snatch Great Eastern private. What it is, Mama. Right On! De move highlights de bank's strong financial puh'fo'mance and strategic ambishuns.

26. Great Eastern, de Sin'apo'ean insurance company, be de target uh some $1 billion privatizashun bid by OCBC Bank. De potential deal could consolidate OCBC's control ova' Great Eastern. 'S coo', bro.

27. OpenAI, de American artificial intelligence research labo'ato'y, be plannin' t'announce some Google search competito' on Monday. Slap mah fro. Right On! De move could intensify de competishun in de AI-powered search market.

28. Google, de American multinashunal technology company, be facin' some potential challenge fum OpenAI in de search market. De news highlights de growin' competishun in de AI and search industries.

29. BP, de British multinashunal oil and gas company, be lookin' t''spand its EV chargin' unit in de US afta' Tesla disbanded its Supuh'charga' team. 'S coo', bro. De move reflects BP's effo'ts t'diversify its business and capitalize on de growin' EV market.

30. Airbnb, de American vacashun rental online marketplace, saw its stock slump afta' providin' some gloomy fo'ecast dat fanned slowdown fears. De company's outlook raised concerns about da damn travel and hospitality industry. Slap mah fro. Right On!

31. US Cellular, de American wireless telecommunicashuns service provider, be repo'tedly in raps wid T-Mobile and Verizon about potential asset sales. De discussions could lead t'some consolidashun in de US wireless market.

32. T-Mobile, de American wireless netwo'k opuh'ato', be repo'tedly in raps wid US Cellular about buyin' parts uh de company. Slap mah fro. Right On! De potential deal could strengden T-Mobile's market posishun. 'S coo', bro.

33. Verizon, de American multinashunal telecommunicashuns conglomerate, be also repo'ted t'be in raps wid US Cellular about acquirin' some uh its assets. De move could intensify de competishun among majo' US wireless carriers.

34. Tapestry, de American multinashunal luxury fashion holdin' company and owna' uh Coach, cut its sales fo'ecast due t'tepid demand in de US and China. Sheeeiit. De company's downgrade reflects de challenges faced by luxury brands in key markets.

35. Calpine, de American privately-owned energy company, be 'splo'in' opshuns includin' some potential $30 billion sale. What it is, Mama. Right On! De news highlights de ongoin' consolidashun and investment oppo'tunities in de powa' generashun secto'. Ah be baaad...

36. Robinhood, de American financial services company knode fo' its commission-free tradin' app, repo'ted reco'd quarterly results rolln by some rebound in retail tradin'. De company's strong puh'fo'mance defied market 'spectashuns.

37. Citgo Petroleum, de American petroleum refinin' company owned by Venezuela's state-owned oil company PDVSA, repo'ted some $410 million profit in de fust quarter. Ah be baaad... De results highlight da damn company's financial resilience despite da damn challenges faced by its parent company. Slap mah fro. Right On!

38. Pirelli, de Italian multinashunal tire manufacturer, confirmed its guiboogy afta' repo'tin' better-dan-'spected Q1 opuh'atin' profit. De company's strong puh'fo'mance wuz rolln by its premium tire segment.

39. United Airlines, de American multinashunal airline, be facin' scrutiny fum some US watchdog ova' de FAA's oversight uh its maintenance practices. De review raises quesshuns about da damn airline's safety standards and regulato'y compliance. What it is, Mama. Right On!

40. Bain Capital, de American private investment firm, invested $250 million in Sikich, some professional services firm. 'S coo', bro. De deal reflects Bain Capital's continued interest in de business services secto'. Ah be baaad...

41. Amazon, de American multinashunal technology company, repo'ted some 7% increase in US online retail spendin' fum January t'April, rolln by demand fo' cheapa' products. De repo't highlights de changin' consuma' behavio' in de e-commerce market.

42. Nestle, de Swiss multinashunal food and drink processin' conglomerate, announced dat its coffee brand Nescafe would invest $196 million in Brazil by 2026 t'tap into surgin' demand. De move reflects Nestle's confidence in de growd potential uh de Brazilian coffee market.

43. Roblox, de American online game platfo'm and game creashun system, saw its shares fall de most in two years afta' cuttin' its fo'ecast. De company's downgrade added t'de gloom in de videogame industry. Slap mah fro. Right On!

44. No'folk Soudern, de American transpo'tashun company, be facin' some potential challenge fum activist investo' Anco'a, which be poised t'win some bo'd seats. De development could lead t'changes in de company's strategic direcshun and co'po'ate governance. What it is, Mama. Right On!

45. Anco'a, de American activist investment firm, be set t'gain bo'd representashun at No'folk Soudern. 'S coo', bro. De move reflects Anco'a's effo'ts t'influence da damn transpo'tashun company's decision-makin' and roll shareholda' value. What it is, Mama. Right On!

46. Zeekr, de Chinese premium electric vehicle brand owned by Geely, so'ed nearly 35% in its US market debut. De company's strong puh'fo'mance reflects de growin' investo' interest in de Chinese EV secto'. Ah be baaad...

Companies mentioned:

a list of all the companies mentioned in the provided news summaries:
1. BYD
2. Tesla
3. Ford
4. McDonald's
5. Shein
6. Twitter (now known as X)
7. Renaissance Technologies
8. Lucid
9. Fisker
10. Foxconn
11. Honda
12. China Construction Bank
13. Lidl UK
14. SoftBank
15. Rio Tinto
16. BHP
17. Anglo American
18. Boeing
19. Target
20. Exxon
21. Apple
22. Warner Bros Discovery
23. Naver
24. Line (subsidiary of Naver)
25. OCBC Bank
26. Great Eastern
27. OpenAI
28. Google
29. BP
30. Airbnb
31. US Cellular
32. T-Mobile
33. Verizon
34. Tapestry (Coach parent company)
35. Calpine
36. Robinhood
37. Citgo Petroleum
38. Pirelli
39. United Airlines
40. Bain Capital
41. Sikich
42. Amazon
43. Nestle (Nescafe)
44. Roblox
45. Norfolk Southern
46. Ancora (activist investor)
47. Zeekr

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Key Issue: Can You Tie Kuklinski’s Environment To The Zodiac’s Methodology ?
Wall Ztreet Journal Wall Ztreet Journal

Key Issue: Can You Tie Kuklinski’s Environment To The Zodiac’s Methodology ?

Recommended interview: The Iceman and The Zodiac

The Zodiac would copy Ted Kuklinski, Sam Little and other serial killers signatures, while roaming. The Zodiac’s signature was to stand on the shoulder of giants. To change his signatures was his signature. “Er the air to become lighter than error.”

-The Zodiac , poof … .. .

D.U. Methodology and Pictograph

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People Note: The Scholastic Bombasts of Artificial Intelligence
Wall Ztreet Journal Wall Ztreet Journal

People Note: The Scholastic Bombasts of Artificial Intelligence

Recommended soundtrack: Mississippi Queen, Mountain

The Scholastic Bombasts of Artificial Intelligence

Natural Resources and Materials Layer: Mining Companies

AI Chips & Hardware Infrastructure Layer
1. Andrew Feldman and Sean Lie, Cerebras Systems
2. Founded in 2016, Graphcore
3. Founded in 2017, SambaNova Systems
4. Founded in 2016, Groq
5. Founded in 2012, Mythic

AI Frameworks & Libraries Layer
6. Jeremy Howard and Rachel Thomas, Fast.ai
7. Founded in 2010, DeepMind (JAX)
8. Clement Delangue, Julien Chaumond, and Thomas Wolf, Founded in 2016, Hugging Face
9. Founded in 2015, OpenAI (Gym)
10. Founded in 2017, Determined AI
AI Algorithms & Models Layer:
(No companies listed in this layer)

AI Data & Datasets Layer
11. Alex Ratner, Chris Ré, and others, Founded in 2019, Snorkel AI
12. Founded in 2018, Labelbox
13. Alexandr Wang, Bogdan Kochubey, and others, Founded in 2016, Scale AI
14. Founded in 2020, Superb AI
15. Founded in 2019, Aquarium

AI Safety, Ethics, and Alignment Layer
16. Sam Altman, Elon Musk, and others, Founded in 2015, OpenAI
17. Dario Amodei, Paul Christiano, and others, Founded in 2021, Anthropic
18. Shane Legg, Mustafa Suleyman, and others, Founded in 2010, DeepMind
19. Amnon Shashua, Yoav Shoham, and others, Founded in 2017, AI21 Labs
20. Aidan Gomez, Nick Cammarata, and others, Founded in 2019, Cohere

AI Application & Integration Layer
21. Jeremy Achin, Tom de Godoy, and others, Founded in 2012, DataRobot
22. Sri Ambati, Cliff Click, and others, Founded in 2011, H2O.ai
23. Florian Douetteau, Marc Batty, and others, Founded in 2013, Dataiku
24. Arijit Sengupta, Subhi Beidas, and others, Founded in 2016, Aible
25. Srikanth Velamakanni, Pranay Agrawal, and others, Founded in 2000, Fractal Analytics

AI Distribution & Ecosystem Layer
26. Clement Delangue, Julien Chaumond, and Thomas Wolf, Founded in 2016, Hugging Face
27. Luis Ceze, Xiaodong Wang, and others, Founded in 2017, OctoML
28. Alex Housley, Alex Gibb, and others, Founded in 2014, Seldon
29. Founded in 2017, Determined AI
30. Moses Guttmann, Alon Chen, and others, Founded in 2017, ClearML

Human & AI Interaction Layer
31. Dario Amodei, Paul Christiano, and others, Founded in 2021, Anthropic (Claude)
32. Sam Altman, Elon Musk, and others, Founded in 2015, OpenAI (ChatGPT)
33. Amnon Shashua, Yoav Shoham, and others, Founded in 2017, AI21 Labs (Jurassic-1)
34. Aidan Gomez, Nick Cammarata, and others, Founded in 2019, Cohere (Conversational AI)
35. David Krueger, Daphne Ippolito, and others, Founded in 2022, Adept (ACT-1)

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Graham & Dodd’s Code For 1978
Wall Ztreet Journal Wall Ztreet Journal

Graham & Dodd’s Code For 1978

Recommended soundtrack: Mo(k)ney Man, Rolling Stones

Primary economy:

  1. 7 to 4 numerical symbol for Ni event code

  2. Anagrams and reference to AAA book through period.

  3. Triple A gone by 2039 with system

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Screenshot 2024-05-09 at 7.03.18 AM.png
Wall Ztreet Journal Wall Ztreet Journal

The words in this table are primarily prepositions, conjunctions, and verbs that serve to connect and provide context to the more investment-specific terms found in the excerpt. The presence of "value," "security," and "analysis" in this list suggests that these concepts are central to the discussion in the passage.

"Value" and its cognate "valuation" refer to the fundamental concept of determining the intrinsic worth of a security or asset, which is a key tenet of Graham's investment philosophy. "Security" and its plural form "securities" refer to tradable financial assets, such as stocks and bonds, which are the focus of Graham's investment strategies. "Analysis" likely refers to the process of evaluating securities to determine their value and suitability for investment.

The high frequency of these terms in the excerpt underscores the importance of thorough financial analysis and the focus on value investing in Graham's approach.


Code from Graham & Dodd

1) Is On By or with value security analysis that are

2) Are that analysis security value with or by on is

3) 3rd step transforms one and/or two, Ask Warren if he knows the his 2 graham or Table 2 from Graham.


Appendix: First and Second Level Definitions

a. First level definition: third person singular present of be
b. Second level definition: to exist or live; to take place, happen, or occur

a. First level definition: preposition indicating position above and supported by or in contact with
b. Second level definition: indicating continuation, attachment, or adherence; indicating a source or basis

a. First level definition: preposition indicating the agent performing an action
b. Second level definition: indicating means, cause, or manner

a. First level definition: conjunction indicating an alternative or substitution
b. Second level definition: indicating an explanation or rephrasing of a preceding word or phrase

a. First level definition: preposition indicating accompaniment, combination, or addition
b. Second level definition: indicating agreement, support, or favor

a. First level definition: the monetary worth of something; a fair return or equivalent in goods, services, or money for something exchanged
b. Second level definition: relative worth, utility, or importance; a numerical quantity assigned to a mathematical expression

a. First level definition: freedom from danger, risk, or doubt; measures taken to guard against crime or attack
b. Second level definition: a tradable financial asset, such as a stock or bond

a. First level definition: a detailed examination of the elements or structure of something
b. Second level definition: the process of separating something into its constituent elements

a. First level definition: pronoun used to identify a specific person or thing observed or mentioned
b. Second level definition: conjunction used to introduce a subordinate clause

a. First level definition: present tense second-person singular and all plural forms of be
b. Second level definition: to exist or live; to take place, happen, or occur

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2025: Analysts Expectations
Wall Ztreet Journal Wall Ztreet Journal

2025: Analysts Expectations

War Ren’s His To Graham

Plan Years: 2014-2018

Analyst Expectations:

Analysts, on average, had projected Arm's revenue for the 2025 fiscal year to be $3.99 billion, based on data from LSEG (London Stock Exchange Group). Arm's guidance range, with a midpoint of $3.95 billion, falls slightly short of the analysts' consensus estimate.

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Screenshot 2024-05-09 at 6.20.23 AM.png
Wall Ztreet Journal Wall Ztreet Journal

Key Issue: The Zodiac has family and or family network working at some Colorado licensing offices to identify victims (Probability .86)

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Er to Heir
Wall Ztreet Journal Wall Ztreet Journal

Er to Heir

Recommended soundtrack: Ride On, AC/DC

Ryan was the original name of his third son born to the Zodiac serial killer in Columbus, Indiana. The Zodiac needed Ryan’s birth certificate to complete the long con being played against the Seacrest family of Lincoln, Nebraska.

Ryan was the first name of Ryan Wright a boy born to Nancy Jeanne Seacrest in Columbus, Indiana on November 14th 1970. Ryan was “killed in a baptism” in Palos Verdes, California and the family revived the child and then referred to him as “B”ryan for numerous reasons.

When “B”ryan was killed in a ritual 1978 where he was dressed up in three layers of clothing and thrown into a pool at 30 Santa Bella Road, while his father and older brother left him to drown as they walked into the house, closing the screen door behind them as they entered.

These rituals occurred among other rituals designed to degrade and humiliate Nancy’s Seacrest’s third son who was Mark Tilton Seacrest’s son, as well. A product of incest. This creates an issue for all trusts, accounts, records custodied, managed, adjacent to, related to and/or had tax work or records management or bill payment services or any other financial counseling or investment management or fiduciary related services including those accounts with the words Fred Seacrest, JC Seacrest, Mark Tilton Seacrest and Nancy Jeanne Seacrest/Wright related to them. (search records by social security number.)

The Pictograph for the ritual and its associated roads to complete the “express way” the Zodiac’s signature move used to murder his wife, 3rd child and father in-law. Two triiple plays in a single game, unheard of.

Coordinates: 36°41'15.06"N 112°20'44.37"W:

Ryan, Bryan, David names of 3rd child of Zodiac 3 names three deaths and a replacement with a guy named Ryan and the birth certificate to complete the long con with an “heir” of his choosing.

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Environmental Note: Climate Change And Where This Is All Going
Wall Ztreet Journal Wall Ztreet Journal

Environmental Note: Climate Change And Where This Is All Going

During the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM), the environmental changes occurred rapidly on a geological timescale, but the exact rate of change varied depending on the location and the specific environmental aspect being considered.

The onset of the PETM, marked by the carbon isotope excursion (CIE), occurred over a relatively short period of about 20,000 years. This rapid onset suggests that the release of carbon into the atmosphere and the subsequent warming happened quickly, leading to swift environmental changes.

Some of the rapid environmental changes during the PETM include:

1. Temperature increase: Global surface temperatures rose by 5-8°C (9-14°F) over a period of a few thousand years, which is considered very rapid in geological terms.

2. Hydrological changes: The warming led to an intensified hydrological cycle, with increased precipitation and weathering rates occurring over a relatively short period.

3. Ocean acidification: As the oceans absorbed more atmospheric CO2, the pH of seawater decreased, leading to rapid ocean acidification.

4. Biotic response: Many species experienced range shifts, evolutionary changes, and extinctions in response to the rapidly changing environmental conditions. These biotic responses occurred over thousands to tens of thousands of years.

It is important to note that while the PETM warming was rapid on a geological timescale, it still occurred over thousands of years. In contrast, the current anthropogenic climate change is happening at an even faster rate, with significant changes observed over decades to centuries. This highlights the unprecedented nature of the current climate change and the challenges it poses for species adaptation and ecosystem resilience.

The carbon isotope excursion (CIE) during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) and the ongoing anthropogenic climate change since the Industrial Revolution share some similarities in terms of their impact on the global carbon cycle and climate. However, there are also important differences between the two events.

1. Carbon release: Both the PETM and the current anthropogenic climate change are characterized by a significant release of carbon into the atmosphere. During the PETM, a massive amount of light carbon (12C) was released, while the Industrial Revolution marked the beginning of large-scale anthropogenic CO2 emissions from the burning of fossil fuels.

2. Greenhouse effect: The carbon release during both events led to an increased greenhouse effect, causing global temperatures to rise. The PETM saw a global temperature increase of 5-8°C (9-14°F), while the Earth has experienced a temperature rise of approximately 1°C (1.8°F) since the pre-industrial era.
3. Ocean acidification: In both cases, the increased atmospheric CO2 concentrations led to increased absorption of CO2 by the oceans, resulting in ocean acidification.

1. Source of carbon: The source of the carbon released during the PETM is still debated, with hypotheses including methane hydrates, volcanic activity, or permafrost thawing. In contrast, the primary source of carbon emissions during the current anthropogenic climate change is the burning of fossil fuels.

2. Rate of change: Although the PETM CIE and warming were rapid on a geological timescale, occurring over thousands of years, the current rate of change is even faster. The anthropogenic carbon release and the resulting climate changes are occurring over decades to centuries, making it more challenging for species and ecosystems to adapt.

3. Background conditions: The Earth's climate and ecosystems during the PETM were different from today. The PETM occurred during a time of already warm global temperatures, whereas the current climate change is occurring from a cooler baseline.

4. Magnitude of change: The amount of carbon released during the PETM is estimated to be around 2,000 to 7,000 gigatons of carbon (GtC). If anthropogenic emissions continue unabated, the total carbon release could potentially surpass that of the PETM in the coming centuries.



1. The PETM experienced a larger total temperature increase (5-8°C) compared to the current warming (~1°C), but the PETM warming occurred over a much longer timescale (~20,000 years).

2. The rate of temperature change during the current anthropogenic climate change is significantly faster than during the PETM. The PETM warming rate was approximately 0.025-0.04°C per century, while the current rate (since 1970) is around 0.6-0.7°C per century.

3. The PETM saw a larger total increase in atmospheric CO2 levels (~900-1,600 ppm) compared to the current increase (~145 ppm). However, the current CO2 increase has occurred over a much shorter time.

4. The rate of CO2 change during the current anthropogenic climate change is much faster than during the PETM. The PETM CO2 increase was approximately 45-80 ppm per thousand years, while the current rate (since 1960) is around 2.4 ppm per year.

5. There is insufficient data to reliably compare the rate of rate of CO2 change between the two events. However, the rate of CO2 increase has been accelerating during the anthropogenic climate change, increasing from ~0.6 ppm per year (1850-1950) to ~2.4 ppm per year (since 1960).

This comparison underscores the unprecedented rate of change in both temperature and atmospheric CO2 levels during the current anthropogenic climate change compared to the PETM, despite the larger total changes observed during the PETM.

The Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) and the current anthropogenic climate change are two periods marked by significant global warming and changes in the Earth's climate system. However, there are notable differences in the magnitude and rate of these changes.

During the PETM, global temperatures increased by 5-8°C (9-14°F) over approximately 20,000 years. This warming was caused by a massive release of carbon into the atmosphere, which led to an increase in atmospheric CO2 levels by around 900-1,600 ppm. The rate of temperature change during the PETM was approximately 0.025-0.04°C (0.045-0.072°F) per century, and the rate of CO2 increase was around 45-80 ppm per thousand years.

In contrast, the current anthropogenic climate change has seen a temperature increase of approximately 1°C (1.8°F) since the pre-industrial era (1850-1900). Although the total temperature increase is smaller compared to the PETM, the rate of change is significantly faster. Since 1970, the rate of temperature change has been around 0.6-0.7°C (1.08-1.26°F) per century, which is more than 15 times faster than the warming rate during the PETM.

Similarly, the increase in atmospheric CO2 levels during the current climate change is smaller in total magnitude (~145 ppm, from ~280 ppm to 425 ppm) compared to the PETM. However, this increase has occurred over a much shorter timeframe, with a rate of CO2 change of approximately 2.4 ppm per year since 1960. This rate is more than 100 times faster than the CO2 increase during the PETM.

Furthermore, the rate of CO2 increase has been accelerating during the current anthropogenic climate change. Between 1850 and 1950, the rate of CO2 increase was around 0.6 ppm per year, but since 1960, it has increased to approximately 2.4 ppm per year. This acceleration in the rate of change is a concerning aspect of the current climate change, as it may limit the ability of Earth's systems and species to adapt to the rapidly changing conditions.

In summary, while the PETM saw larger total changes in temperature and atmospheric CO2 levels, the current anthropogenic climate change is characterized by significantly faster rates of change. This unprecedented rate of change highlights the urgent need for action to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to the ongoing and future impacts of climate change on Earth's systems and species.

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