Strategic Planning Assumption: The Responsibility of Genetic Seed Creators in Seed Management Should Be Law (Probability .76)

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Opinion Piece: The Responsibility of Genetic Seed Creators in Seed Management Should Be Law

As we consider the issue of seed management and the costs associated with cleaning fields contaminated by genetically modified seeds, it is crucial to examine the responsibility of those who create and patent these seeds. Just as parents are responsible for the actions and well-being of their children, genetic seed creators should be held accountable for the impact of their products on farmers and the environment.

In the Bible, we find a relevant story in the Parable of the Wheat and the Tares (Matthew 13:24-30). In this parable, a farmer sows good seed in his field, but while he sleeps, an enemy comes and sows weeds among the wheat. When the servants discover the weeds, they ask the farmer if they should pull them up. The farmer instructs them to let both grow together until the harvest, at which time the weeds will be separated and burned, while the wheat will be gathered into the barn.

This parable teaches us that it is the responsibility of the sower to ensure that the seed they plant is pure and free from contamination. In the context of genetically modified seeds, this responsibility falls on the creators and patent holders of these seeds. They must take steps to prevent their products from unintentionally spreading to fields where they are not wanted and to mitigate the consequences when contamination does occur.

Just as a parent is responsible for the actions of their child, even when those actions are unintended, genetic seed creators should bear the cost of cleaning fields and managing the spread of their seeds. This responsibility is a natural extension of the role they play in bringing these seeds into existence and profiting from their use.

Placing the burden of seed cleaning and management on the farmers who have been unintentionally contaminated is akin to punishing the victim. These farmers have not chosen to use the genetically modified seeds and should not be forced to bear the financial and logistical burden of removing them from their fields.

Furthermore, the long-term environmental and economic impacts of genetic contamination are not yet fully understood. By placing the responsibility for seed management on the creators of these seeds, we can ensure that those who stand to profit from their use are also invested in studying and mitigating any negative consequences.

In conclusion, as we develop policies and regulations around genetically modified seeds, we must prioritize fairness, responsibility, and stewardship. By requiring genetic seed creators to bear the costs of seed cleaning and management, we can create a more just and sustainable agricultural system that respects the rights of all farmers and the integrity of our natural environment. Just as a parent must nurture and guide their child, genetic seed creators must be held accountable for the products they bring into the world.

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