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Based on the updated table, OpenAI emerges as the strongest performer with a total score of 92, followed closely by DeepMind with a score of 89. Both companies demonstrate exceptional capabilities across multiple categories, particularly in the areas of research, funding, scalability, and language modeling.

Cohere maintains its position as a leader in NLP-related categories, while Anthropic and Sight Machine continue to exhibit their respective strengths in AI alignment and vertical-specific AI for manufacturing.

Among the newly added companies, Ought stands out for its focus on AI alignment and corrigibility, while Adept AI, Robust AI, and AIBrain showcase above-average capabilities in specific domains such as robotics, safety, and computer vision.

It is important to note that these scores are based on the limited information provided and may not capture the full extent of each company's capabilities. Additionally, the importance of each category may vary depending on the specific use case and industry in which the AI solutions are being applied.

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