General Intelligence: Market Component Combinations

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Dear Aaron Levie (Box), Andrew Houston (Dropbox), and Thomas Siebel (,

I hope this letter finds you all well. I am writing to you today to propose a significant opportunity that could revolutionize the artificial intelligence market and create immense value for your shareholders. As leaders in your respective fields, you have each built remarkable companies that have transformed the way organizations manage, collaborate, and derive insights from their data. However, I believe that by coming together through a series of strategic acquisitions and partnerships, we can create a new entity that will dominate the AI landscape and shape the future of this rapidly evolving industry.

The AI market is growing at an unprecedented pace, with new advancements and applications emerging every day. To stay ahead of the curve and capitalize on this growth, it is essential to have a comprehensive platform that spans all layers of the AI stack, from frameworks and algorithms to data integration, application development, and distribution. By combining your strengths in content management, collaboration, and AI platforms, we can create a juggernaut that will be unmatched in the industry.

Here's how I envision this transformation taking place:

1. acquires Box and Dropbox, consolidating the market for cloud content management and collaboration, and creating a larger customer base with enhanced AI capabilities, integrating its comprehensive AI platform and expanding its presence across all layers of the AI stack.

2. Finally, the new company partners with or acquires Anthropic, incorporating its cutting-edge natural language AI, Claude, into the platform. This integration will create a powerful general intelligence AI platform with a vast commercial intelligence base.
The resulting company would be a dominant force in the AI market, with a comprehensive platform, a massive customer base, and a wealth of commercial data to fuel its AI models. The cross-selling opportunities within this combined entity would be immense, as it could offer a full suite of AI-powered content management, collaboration, and analytics tools, tailored to the specific needs of various industries and use cases.

Moreover, by joining forces, you can leverage your combined financial strength, with strong cash positions, low debt ratios, and access to public markets, to drive innovation and growth. This financial flexibility will allow the new company to invest in cutting-edge research and development, acquire complementary technologies and talent, and scale its operations to meet the growing demand for AI-powered solutions.

The AI market waits for no one, and the time to act is now. By seizing this opportunity and creating a unified platform that spans the entire AI stack, you can unlock tremendous value for your shareholders and position the combined company as the undisputed leader in the AI revolution. The synergies and growth potential of this proposed combination are simply too compelling to ignore.

I urge you to consider this proposal seriously and to act swiftly to capitalize on the rapid advancements in the AI market. The potential benefits for your companies, your shareholders, and the broader AI ecosystem are enormous, and I am confident that by working together, we can shape the future of artificial intelligence and create a legacy that will endure for generations to come.

I would welcome the opportunity to discuss this proposal further with you and to explore how we can make this vision a reality. Together, we can build an AI powerhouse that will transform industries, drive innovation, and create unparalleled value for all stakeholders.

  • Sincerely, Ramoan Steinway

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Company Note: NVIDIA


Corporate Communication: Letter to Mr. Siebel