Key Issue: Can The Wall Ztreet Journal Show The Template For the Salamander Letters and Explain What They Are ?

The McLellin Collection and the Salamander Letter are two separate and unrelated topics, both of which have a connection to the Utah Lighthouse Ministry.

The McLellin Collection: This refers to a collection of papers and documents that once belonged to William E. McLellin, an early apostle of the LDS Church who later became disaffected with the church. The collection was rumored to contain documents that could potentially be damaging to the LDS Church's truth claims. The Utah Lighthouse Ministry played a role in publicizing the existence of the McLellin Collection and the search for its whereabouts. In the 1980s, the ministry obtained and sold a number of documents that were thought to be part of the collection, but their authenticity was later questioned. The full content and significance of the McLellin Collection remain a subject of debate and speculation.

The Salamander Letter: In 1984, a controversial document known as the "Salamander Letter" surfaced, which was allegedly written by Martin Harris, an early associate of Joseph Smith, the founder of the LDS Church. The letter presented a different narrative of the origins of the Book of Mormon, suggesting that Smith was led to the gold plates by a magical white salamander rather than an angel. The letter was initially promoted as authentic by the Utah Lighthouse Ministry and others critical of the LDS Church. However, it was later discovered to be a forgery created by Mark Hofmann, a notorious forger who had duped many experts and collectors. The Utah Lighthouse Ministry subsequently acknowledged the letter's fraudulent nature and published materials exposing Hofmann's deception. Hofmann was convicted of murder and fraud and is currently serving a life sentence in prison.

While the Utah Lighthouse Ministry was involved in publicizing both the McLellin Collection and the Salamander Letter, it is important to note that the ministry itself was not directly responsible for creating or forging these documents. The ministry's role was primarily in drawing attention to these controversial topics and providing a platform for discussing their potential implications for the LDS Church and its truth claims.


1) Angel Moroni

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2) Salamander Letter

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Strategic Planning Assumption: Its clear the Salamander Letters delt with making an unfair sexual advantage for their elders relative to younger inexperienced members. (Probability .76)

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