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John McEntee, former director of the White House Presidential Personnel Office during the Trump administration, has joined the 2025 Presidential Transition Project (Project 2025) as a senior advisor12. Here’s a summary of his background and some key initiatives related to Project 2025:


McEntee served as Trump’s personal assistant before leading the White House Presidential Personnel Office.

In his role at the PPO, he prioritized loyalty to Trump over professional experience while vetting potential political appointees3.

The Presidential Personnel Office oversees about 4,000 positions that require political appointments1.

Project 2025 Initiatives

Presidential Personnel Database

McEntee is supporting the personnel pillar of Project 2025. The coalition is launching a database to collect résumés and vet thousands of potential applicants in advance of the next president taking office on January 20, 20251.

Staffing the Next Administration

Project 2025 aims to ensure the next conservative president is ready on Day One by bringing together more than 50 leading conservative groups. They will assemble a team of vetted, trained conservatives from across the country to Washington1.

Confronting the Deep State

McEntee’s expertise will be crucial in addressing bureaucratic challenges and advancing conservative values1.

Reinstating Schedule F

Project 2025 focuses on reinstating Schedule F, a Trump-era executive order that makes federal employees fireable at-will, stripping tens of thousands of

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