

Companies like Starbucks, Pizza Hut, and KFC reported surprising drops in same-store sales for their latest quarters, signaling that the long-predicted consumer spending pullback is finally arriving.

Rising prices and interest rates are causing some consumers, especially lower-income ones, to cut back on dining out and seek more value options.

Fast food prices have climbed faster than grocery prices, making eating at home relatively more affordable. This is intensifying competition among chains for the shrinking pool of diners still eating out frequently.

Some major chains like McDonald's say they have adopted a "street-fighting mentality" to fiercely compete for these more value-conscious customers.

However, the pullback is not being felt evenly. Higher-income chains like Chipotle and treats like Wingstop continue to see strong sales as their customer bases are less affected.

Chains are citing factors like bad weather, but executives acknowledge the major driver is simply consumers tightening their belts and dining out less amid inflation pressures.

The spending caution appears to be a global phenomenon hitting markets like the U.S., Australia, Canada, Germany, Japan and the U.K.

In summary, after many warnings, major fast food chains are finally feeling the brunt of consumer belt-tightening amidst high inflation and interest rates, leading to an intensifying battle for the diminishing pool of diners still eating out regularly.

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