Strategic Planning Assumption: A.I. Will Assemble Behemoths Capable of Gaining Increasing Proportions of World Currency As An Obtainable Mission. (Probability .77)

Partnership Complex Around Microsoft and OpenAI:

Layer 1: Energy and Power Infrastructure

Microsoft's extensive data center infrastructure and investments in renewable energy would provide the necessary power for the AI behemoth.

Layer 2: Natural Resources

Mining companies associated with OpenAI's investors, such as Peter Thiel and Sam Altman, could secure access to critical raw materials needed for advanced AI hardware.

Layer 3: AI Chips & Hardware Infrastructure
Microsoft's partnership with Intel and NVIDIA could help develop specialized AI chips and hardware optimized for the behemoth's requirements.

Layer 4: AI Frameworks & Libraries
Microsoft's Cognitive Toolkit and OpenAI's frameworks could be combined to create a powerful set of AI tools and libraries.

Layer 5: AI Algorithms & Models
OpenAI's extensive research capabilities would lead the development of state-of-the-art AI algorithms and models.

Layer 6: AI Data & Datasets
Microsoft's vast datasets, along with OpenAI's curated data, would be used to train the AI behemoth's models.

Layer 7: AI Safety, Ethics, and Alignment
OpenAI would spearhead the development of AI safety and alignment frameworks, ensuring ethical and controllable AI systems.

Layer 8: AI Application & Integration
Microsoft's Azure cloud platform and AI services would facilitate the integration of the behemoth's capabilities into various applications and industries.

Layer 9: AI Distribution & Ecosystem
Microsoft's established developer ecosystem and OpenAI's community could be leveraged to distribute the behemoth's models and foster innovation.

Layer 10: Human & AI Interaction
Microsoft's expertise in designing user-friendly interfaces would be utilized for seamless human interaction with the AI behemoth.
Partnership Complex Around Amazon and Anthropic:

Layer 1: Energy and Power Infrastructure
Amazon's extensive data center infrastructure and investments in renewable energy would provide the necessary power for the AI behemoth.

Layer 2: Natural Resources
Mining companies associated with Anthropic's investors could secure access to critical raw materials needed for advanced AI hardware.

Layer 3: AI Chips & Hardware Infrastructure
Amazon's partnership with NVIDIA and other chip manufacturers could help develop specialized AI chips and hardware optimized for the behemoth's requirements.

Layer 4: AI Frameworks & Libraries
Anthropic's AI frameworks and libraries would be used to create a powerful set of AI tools.

Layer 5: AI Algorithms & Models
Anthropic's focus on AI safety and alignment would guide the development of state-of-the-art AI algorithms and models.

Layer 6: AI Data & Datasets
Amazon's vast datasets, along with Anthropic's curated data, would be used to train the AI behemoth's models.

Layer 7: AI Safety, Ethics, and Alignment
Anthropic would lead the development of AI safety and alignment frameworks, ensuring ethical and controllable AI systems.

Layer 8: AI Application & Integration
Amazon Web Services (AWS) and its AI services would facilitate the integration of the behemoth's capabilities into various applications and industries.

Layer 9: AI Distribution & Ecosystem
Amazon's established developer ecosystem and Anthropic's community could be leveraged to distribute the behemoth's models and foster innovation.

Layer 10: Human & AI Interaction
Amazon's expertise in voice assistants (Alexa) and conversational AI would be utilized for seamless human interaction with the AI behemoth.

Both AI behemoths would leverage the strengths of their respective partners across the AI stack. Microsoft and OpenAI's partnership would benefit from Microsoft's extensive cloud infrastructure, developer ecosystem, and partnerships with chip manufacturers. The behemoth would also leverage OpenAI's cutting-edge research and focus on AI safety and alignment.

On the other hand, Amazon and Anthropic's partnership would benefit from Amazon's vast cloud infrastructure, AI services, and expertise in conversational AI. Anthropic's focus on AI safety and alignment would ensure the development of ethical and controllable AI systems.
Both behemoths would have access to vast datasets, specialized AI hardware, and powerful AI frameworks and libraries. The main differences would lie in the specific technologies and approaches used by each partnership, as well as the unique strengths and expertise brought by the individual companies.

Ultimately, the success of each behemoth would depend on the ability of the partners to effectively collaborate, integrate their technologies, and navigate the challenges of building and deploying large-scale AI systems while adhering to ethical and safety standards.


Here is the combined list of ways AI behemoths could leverage their technological capabilities, financial resources, and strategic investments to gain control over an increasing proportion of the world currency:

Develop a blockchain platform and create a native cryptocurrency to compete with sovereign currencies and earn seignorage.
Implement smart contracts on the blockchain platform to enable autonomous financial transactions and services like lending, borrowing, insurance, and trade finance.

Foster widespread adoption of the cryptocurrency through user incentives, partnerships with governments and financial institutions, and a robust ecosystem of decentralized applications (dApps).
Leverage AI for optimized monetary policy, economic management, and predictive analytics to maintain the stability and value of the cryptocurrency.

Offer staking and governance mechanisms for users to participate in decision-making and earn rewards, similar to a sovereign nation.
Develop AI-powered financial services and investment tools, such as robo-advisors, wealth management platforms, lending, credit scoring, and insurance products, to attract a large user base and manage a significant portion of global wealth.

Create AI-driven economic forecasting and decision-making tools for governments, central banks, and businesses to optimize policies, investments, and resource allocation based on real-time data and predictive analytics.

Develop AI systems for optimizing global supply chains, resource allocation, and production efficiency in various industries, gaining significant influence over global trade and commerce.

Create AI-powered platforms for streamlining international trade, cross-border transactions, and the development of new digital currencies, facilitating faster, cheaper, and more secure global commerce.

Leverage AI to analyze vast amounts of financial data, news, and social media sentiment for identifying market trends, predicting asset prices, and executing high-frequency trades, gaining an edge in investment decision-making.

Invest in advanced nuclear reactor technologies, such as small modular reactors (SMRs) and molten salt reactors (MSRs), to secure a reliable, low-cost energy source for energy-intensive operations and gain a competitive advantage.

Establish large-scale, nuclear-powered cryptocurrency mining facilities to accumulate significant holdings of digital assets at a lower cost than competitors and gain influence over decentralized networks.
Develop nuclear-powered desalination and water treatment plants in water-scarce regions to position the AI behemoths as key players in the global water market and gain political and economic influence.
Create nuclear-powered industrial hubs and special economic zones to attract businesses with low-cost, reliable electricity and access to advanced AI technologies and services, fostering innovation and dependence on the AI behemoths' ecosystem.

Invest in nuclear fusion research and development to potentially secure exclusive rights to key technologies and patents that could revolutionize the global energy landscape.

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