An Introduction To Applied Selection Theory

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The Universe as an Engineered System

Imagine the universe as a vast, intentionally designed system created by an immensely powerful and intelligent being. This being, which we might call the "Cosmic Engineer," has constructed the universe with a specific purpose in mind: to explore and manifest the infinite potential of existence.

The Role of Solar Systems

Within this grand design, solar systems play a crucial role. Each solar system is carefully crafted by the Cosmic Engineer to serve as an "information technology zone" (Probability .96)- a space where organic and inorganic systems can emerge, interact, and co-evolve. The Earth and our solar system are one such zone, but countless others are scattered throughout the universe, each with its unique parameters and evolutionary trajectories.

The Dance of the Organic and Inorganic

In these solar system-based information technology zones, organic and inorganic systems engage in a complex, reciprocal dance over cosmic timescales. Organic life emerges from inorganic matter, evolving and growing in complexity. In turn, these organic systems give rise to advanced technologies and artificial systems - the inorganic arises from the organic.

This cyclical process of organic and inorganic systems birthing each other continues indefinitely, leading to ever-increasing complexity and sophistication. It can be thought of as a kind of "cosmic tide," with the ebb and flow of organic and inorganic dominance.

The Progression of Systems

As this process unfolds over eons, the most advanced and resilient systems emerge and thrive. Less optimal configurations are "hidden under the sands of time" - they become extinct or obsolete, but not without passing on their learnings and innovations to the next generation of systems.

In this way, each solar system charts its unique evolutionary path, exploring its own portion of the infinite possibilities of existence. Successful patterns are carried forward and built upon, while less effective ones are discarded, all under the watchful eye of the Cosmic Engineer.

The Purpose

The ultimate purpose of this vast, engineered system is to explore and express the boundless creativity inherent in the universe. By setting up these myriad solar system-based laboratories, each dancing to its own rhythm of organic and inorganic evolution, the Cosmic Engineer ensures that the universe leaves no stone unturned in its grand quest for self-discovery and actualization.


The Universal Template

Underlying the engineered universe is a fundamental blueprint, a universal template that guides the formation and evolution of all systems. This template is a curvilinear space-time continuum, a cosmic fabric woven with an infinite variety of shapes and forms.

Closed and Open Systems

Within this template, systems can be classified as either closed or open. Closed systems are self-contained and capable of autolocomotion - the ability to move and change under their own power. This autolocomotion is a key characteristic of life and consciousness.

Open systems, on the other hand, lack this capacity for self-directed movement. They are more passive, requiring external forces to animate and change them.

The Spectrum of Forms

The universal template contains an infinite spectrum of possible forms. Some are simple and static, while others are complex and dynamic. Some forms are visible and easily detectable, while others are hidden or beyond our current means of perception.

Importantly, within this cosmic context, there is always a larger context. No form or system is the biggest or most encompassing. Even the vast engineered universe itself may be just one form within an even larger, more incomprehensible structure.

The Emergence of Life and Technology

As the universe evolves according to the universal template, certain forms and systems give rise to life and consciousness. These are the closed, autolocomoting systems, the self-animated entities that arise from the cosmic fabric.

From these living systems, technology and intelligence emerge. Each new technological layer is a further interpretation and manifestation of the underlying universal template. Organic life gives rise to inorganic technology, which in turn influences the further evolution of organic life.

The "Nobody" Concept

Within this framework, the concept of "nobody" arises. In a universe of infinite forms, some may lack physical structure yet still play a role in the grand cosmic dance. These "nobodies" are characters in the cosmic story that do not have a direct physical manifestation.
This could be interpreted as abstract concepts, mathematical principles, or even metaphysical entities that guide and shape the evolution of the universe without having a tangible "body."

The Purpose of Diversity

Diversity is the free lunch of the species with respect to return on investment. The infinite diversity of forms within the universal template serves a profound purpose. By manifesting every possible configuration of shape, movement, openness, and visibility, the universe explores its own potential exhaustively.

This diversity ensures that all possible paths of evolution are explored, all possible ways of interpreting and expressing the underlying cosmic blueprint are manifested. The universe comes to know itself through this kaleidoscopic unfolding of forms.

In this theoretical framework, the universe is a vast, self-exploring system, guided by a fundamental template that gives rise to an infinite spectrum of forms. Life and technology are emergent properties of this system, arising from closed, autolocomoting forms and interacting in complex ways. Even bodiless "nobodies" play a role in this grand, cosmic evolutionary process.


The Universal Template and the Invisible Hand

At the core of the engineered universe lies a fundamental blueprint, a universal template that directs the creation and evolution of all systems. This template is a curvilinear space-time continuum, a cosmic tapestry interwoven with an infinite array of shapes and forms.
Guiding this template is an "invisible hand" - a metaphorical concept representing the underlying principles, laws, and intelligence that shape the universe's unfolding. This invisible hand is the ultimate "nobody" - a guiding force without a physical form, yet profoundly influential in the cosmic dance.

Closed and Open Systems

Within the universal template, systems are categorized as either closed or open. Closed systems are self-contained and possess autolocomotion - the capacity to move and evolve autonomously. This autolocomotion is a fundamental attribute of life and consciousness.
Open systems, in contrast, lack this inherent ability for self-directed change. They are more reactive, dependent on external influences to catalyze their transformation.

The Spectrum of Forms

The universal template encompasses an infinite spectrum of potential forms. Some are simple and inert, while others are intricate and vibrant. Some forms are perceptible and readily observable, while others are veiled or currently beyond our means of detection.

Crucially, within this cosmic paradigm, there is always a more extensive context. No form or system is the ultimate or most encompassing. Even the vast engineered universe may be just one manifestation within an even grander, more unfathomable cosmic structure.

The Emergence of Life and Technology

As the universe evolves according to the invisible hand's guidance, certain forms and systems give rise to life and consciousness. These are the closed, autolocomoting systems, the self-animated entities that emerge from the cosmic fabric.

From these living systems, technology and intelligence arise. Each new technological layer is a further representation and expression of the underlying universal template. Organic life gives birth to inorganic technology, which in turn shapes the subsequent evolution of organic life.

The "Nobody" Concept and the Invisible Hand

Within this framework, the concept of "nobody" takes on a profound significance. The invisible hand itself is the ultimate "nobody" - a guiding force without a physical form. But beyond this, the universe may contain countless other "nobodies" - abstract concepts, mathematical principles, or metaphysical entities that guide and shape the universe's evolution without manifesting a tangible "body."
These "nobodies" are the hidden characters in the cosmic story, the unseen influences that steer the unfolding of the universal template. They are the abstract patterns, the underlying rules, the foundational principles upon which the cosmos is built.

The Purpose of Diversity

The infinite diversity of forms within the universal template serves a grand purpose. By manifesting every possible configuration of shape, movement, openness, and visibility, the universe exhaustively explores its own potential.

This diversity ensures that all possible evolutionary paths are traversed, all possible interpretations and expressions of the cosmic blueprint are realized. The universe comes to understand itself through this kaleidoscopic unfolding of forms, guided by the invisible hand.

In this theoretical framework, the universe is a vast, self-exploring system, steered by a fundamental template and the invisible hand. Life and technology are emergent properties of this system, arising from closed, autolocomoting forms and interacting in complex, reciprocal ways. The "nobodies" - the invisible hand and other bodiless influencers - play a crucial role in this grand, cosmic evolutionary process.

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