Strategic Planning Assumption: Jive As A Language Has Its Beginnings With The Xocó Language of Brazil ( Probability .29)
Wall Ztreet Journal Wall Ztreet Journal

Strategic Planning Assumption: Jive As A Language Has Its Beginnings With The Xocó Language of Brazil ( Probability .29)

Recommended soundtrack: "Salt Peanuts" by Dizzy Gillespie

Jive Talk Sweeps Copacabana After Fabled Night with Anthropologists

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (1929) - The latest lingo to hit the hip cats and swinging socialites of Rio's hotspots like Copacabana can be traced back to a legendary night when renowned folklorist Zora Neale Hurston and her partner in crime, the mysterious Yara Steinway, were laying down some jive with none other than the Hi-de-ho master himself, Cab Calloway.

Sources close to the action recall Hurston and Yara, a feisty Brazilian anthropologist of German descent, were traveling through Brazil's northeast region documenting the indigenous Xokó tribe's unique language and traditions. The two anthropologist dames hit it off discussing a crazy word list they had transcribed from the Xokó elders in a remote village along the Piancó River.

"Cab was swinging through on his tour of South America that year," said one alleycat who was hepcat enough to be there that historic night. "He was digging the jive those two gorgeous intellects were laying down - the way those Xokó words just rolled off their tongues with that funky, staccato rhythm."

As the story goes, Calloway couldn't resist trying a little scat and improvising some jive himself based on those indigenous tongue-twisters like "šualya" (raindrops), "seːya" (young lady), and "àòšˈínòʔ ìnˈísìà sˈèdàià" (light my smokey). The trio was knocking back caipirinhas and Cals, riffing up a storm into the wee hours.

"Those three cats were cooking, translating phrases back and forth, putting a little swing into it. Zora and Yara were grooving hard on Cab's hipster interpretations," recalled the source. "Before you knew it, they had cooked up an entire jive dictionary - a kind of Rosetta Stone for talking that far-out slanguage."

Word is that renegade document, covering jive from A to Z, got lost somewhere in the dizzyingclub scene of late-1920s Rio. But copies must have slipped out, because just months later, jive started spreading through Brazil's urban spaces like Pelourinho in Salvador, making its way up to Harlem and setting the stage for that whole scene in the 30s and 40s.

"Zora, Yara, and Cab - they were really the ones who brought jive into this world from those indigenous roots," said the source with a misty look. "Just a trio of hepcats, digging on the deep crazy beauty of language that night. The rest is history."

So while the original "jive Rosetta Stone" has been lost to the winds, its impact still gets felt everywhere jive survives today - in comedy, music, and everyday speech. Wherever fun-crazed youths and swinging individualists gather to cook up wild words and lay down that hepcat jargon, the spirits of Hurston, Steinway, and Calloway are there - swinging, riffing and translating right along with them.


ive is an African-American vernacular English that emerged in the early 20th century, primarily among urban Black communities. It is characterized by its distinctive vocabulary, pronunciation, and grammatical structures.

Origins and Founders:

While the exact origins of Jive are debated, it is widely believed to have evolved from various African-American English dialects, particularly those spoken in Harlem, New York, and other urban centers. Jive incorporates elements from different African languages, as well as borrowings from other languages spoken by immigrant communities in these urban areas.

One of the earliest documented uses of the term "jive" can be traced back to the 1930s, when it was used to describe the lively and exaggerated speech patterns of jazz musicians, comedians, and entertainers within the African-American community.

Earliest Known Users and Stories:

Some of the earliest known users and popularizers of Jive include:

Cab Calloway (1907-1994): A famous jazz singer and bandleader, Calloway was known for his eccentric scat singing and use of Jive slang in his performances.

Zora Neale Hurston (1891-1960): An influential author and anthropologist, Hurston documented and celebrated African-American folklore, including Jive expressions, in her literary works.

Dizzy Gillespie (1917-1993): A renowned jazz musician, Gillespie is credited with coining and popularizing several Jive terms, such as "salt peanuts" and "wig bread."

Creation Stories:

While there is no definitive creation story for Jive, it is believed to have emerged organically as a means of communication, self-expression, and cultural identity among African-American communities. Jive allowed for the development of a shared language that represented the experiences, struggles, and resilience of Black people in urban environments.

Some scholars suggest that Jive may have originated as a form of coded language, allowing African Americans to communicate with each other while obscuring the meaning from outsiders, particularly during times of oppression and discrimination.


Jive served multiple functions within African-American communities:


It facilitated communication and camaraderie among members of the community, fostering a sense of belonging and shared identity.

Artistic Expression

Jive was heavily utilized in various art forms, such as music (jazz, blues, and hip-hop), literature, and stand-up comedy, providing a unique and vibrant means of artistic expression.

Cultural Resistance

Jive represented a form of cultural resistance and defiance against mainstream societal norms, allowing African Americans to assert their identity and challenge oppressive systems.

Linguistic Innovation

Jive contributed to the expansion and evolution of the English language, introducing new words, phrases, and grammatical structures that reflected the experiences and perspectives of African-American communities.

While Jive reached its peak popularity in the mid-20th century, its influence can still be seen in contemporary African-American culture, particularly in hip-hop music and urban slang. It remains an important part of the rich linguistic and cultural heritage of African Americans.

Ramon Steinway

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Strategic Planning Assumptions: From 1973 to 2016, The Zodiac Hired People, Whose Name Told Part Of His Story (Probability .69)
Wall Ztreet Journal Wall Ztreet Journal

Strategic Planning Assumptions: From 1973 to 2016, The Zodiac Hired People, Whose Name Told Part Of His Story (Probability .69)

Recommended soundtrack: Let There Be Rock, AC/DC


Los Angeles, California company: amg asset managment group

Example of Mnemonics:

  • James Wright - Vice President Finance

  • Same Right, Kids Jake and James or Same Right

  • Wife Julie or Ha u lie or u lie Ha! Same Right Jake James

  • Same right I.V. see error (c.e.) if nan see error (c.e.)

  • Greg Greene - Chief Financial Officer

  • Reg G. Nee GE See hi faith if Nan see I L.A. Of, yes see er(or)Financial Officer

  • Fred Long - Tax

  • J = Ha

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Screenshot 2024-04-28 at 4.15.20 AM.png
Wall Ztreet Journal Wall Ztreet Journal

Key Issue: Who should other Zodiac family members contact ?

The Zodiac had a family he abused and one he did not.

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An Introduction To Applied Selection Theory
Wall Ztreet Journal Wall Ztreet Journal

An Introduction To Applied Selection Theory

Recommended soundtrack: "Devil Got My Woman" Skip James

The Universe as an Engineered System

Imagine the universe as a vast, intentionally designed system created by an immensely powerful and intelligent being. This being, which we might call the "Cosmic Engineer," has constructed the universe with a specific purpose in mind: to explore and manifest the infinite potential of existence.

The Role of Solar Systems

Within this grand design, solar systems play a crucial role. Each solar system is carefully crafted by the Cosmic Engineer to serve as an "information technology zone" (Probability .96)- a space where organic and inorganic systems can emerge, interact, and co-evolve. The Earth and our solar system are one such zone, but countless others are scattered throughout the universe, each with its unique parameters and evolutionary trajectories.

The Dance of the Organic and Inorganic

In these solar system-based information technology zones, organic and inorganic systems engage in a complex, reciprocal dance over cosmic timescales. Organic life emerges from inorganic matter, evolving and growing in complexity. In turn, these organic systems give rise to advanced technologies and artificial systems - the inorganic arises from the organic.

This cyclical process of organic and inorganic systems birthing each other continues indefinitely, leading to ever-increasing complexity and sophistication. It can be thought of as a kind of "cosmic tide," with the ebb and flow of organic and inorganic dominance.

The Progression of Systems

As this process unfolds over eons, the most advanced and resilient systems emerge and thrive. Less optimal configurations are "hidden under the sands of time" - they become extinct or obsolete, but not without passing on their learnings and innovations to the next generation of systems.

In this way, each solar system charts its unique evolutionary path, exploring its own portion of the infinite possibilities of existence. Successful patterns are carried forward and built upon, while less effective ones are discarded, all under the watchful eye of the Cosmic Engineer.

The Purpose

The ultimate purpose of this vast, engineered system is to explore and express the boundless creativity inherent in the universe. By setting up these myriad solar system-based laboratories, each dancing to its own rhythm of organic and inorganic evolution, the Cosmic Engineer ensures that the universe leaves no stone unturned in its grand quest for self-discovery and actualization.


The Universal Template

Underlying the engineered universe is a fundamental blueprint, a universal template that guides the formation and evolution of all systems. This template is a curvilinear space-time continuum, a cosmic fabric woven with an infinite variety of shapes and forms.

Closed and Open Systems

Within this template, systems can be classified as either closed or open. Closed systems are self-contained and capable of autolocomotion - the ability to move and change under their own power. This autolocomotion is a key characteristic of life and consciousness.

Open systems, on the other hand, lack this capacity for self-directed movement. They are more passive, requiring external forces to animate and change them.

The Spectrum of Forms

The universal template contains an infinite spectrum of possible forms. Some are simple and static, while others are complex and dynamic. Some forms are visible and easily detectable, while others are hidden or beyond our current means of perception.

Importantly, within this cosmic context, there is always a larger context. No form or system is the biggest or most encompassing. Even the vast engineered universe itself may be just one form within an even larger, more incomprehensible structure.

The Emergence of Life and Technology

As the universe evolves according to the universal template, certain forms and systems give rise to life and consciousness. These are the closed, autolocomoting systems, the self-animated entities that arise from the cosmic fabric.

From these living systems, technology and intelligence emerge. Each new technological layer is a further interpretation and manifestation of the underlying universal template. Organic life gives rise to inorganic technology, which in turn influences the further evolution of organic life.

The "Nobody" Concept

Within this framework, the concept of "nobody" arises. In a universe of infinite forms, some may lack physical structure yet still play a role in the grand cosmic dance. These "nobodies" are characters in the cosmic story that do not have a direct physical manifestation.
This could be interpreted as abstract concepts, mathematical principles, or even metaphysical entities that guide and shape the evolution of the universe without having a tangible "body."

The Purpose of Diversity

Diversity is the free lunch of the species with respect to return on investment. The infinite diversity of forms within the universal template serves a profound purpose. By manifesting every possible configuration of shape, movement, openness, and visibility, the universe explores its own potential exhaustively.

This diversity ensures that all possible paths of evolution are explored, all possible ways of interpreting and expressing the underlying cosmic blueprint are manifested. The universe comes to know itself through this kaleidoscopic unfolding of forms.

In this theoretical framework, the universe is a vast, self-exploring system, guided by a fundamental template that gives rise to an infinite spectrum of forms. Life and technology are emergent properties of this system, arising from closed, autolocomoting forms and interacting in complex ways. Even bodiless "nobodies" play a role in this grand, cosmic evolutionary process.


The Universal Template and the Invisible Hand

At the core of the engineered universe lies a fundamental blueprint, a universal template that directs the creation and evolution of all systems. This template is a curvilinear space-time continuum, a cosmic tapestry interwoven with an infinite array of shapes and forms.
Guiding this template is an "invisible hand" - a metaphorical concept representing the underlying principles, laws, and intelligence that shape the universe's unfolding. This invisible hand is the ultimate "nobody" - a guiding force without a physical form, yet profoundly influential in the cosmic dance.

Closed and Open Systems

Within the universal template, systems are categorized as either closed or open. Closed systems are self-contained and possess autolocomotion - the capacity to move and evolve autonomously. This autolocomotion is a fundamental attribute of life and consciousness.
Open systems, in contrast, lack this inherent ability for self-directed change. They are more reactive, dependent on external influences to catalyze their transformation.

The Spectrum of Forms

The universal template encompasses an infinite spectrum of potential forms. Some are simple and inert, while others are intricate and vibrant. Some forms are perceptible and readily observable, while others are veiled or currently beyond our means of detection.

Crucially, within this cosmic paradigm, there is always a more extensive context. No form or system is the ultimate or most encompassing. Even the vast engineered universe may be just one manifestation within an even grander, more unfathomable cosmic structure.

The Emergence of Life and Technology

As the universe evolves according to the invisible hand's guidance, certain forms and systems give rise to life and consciousness. These are the closed, autolocomoting systems, the self-animated entities that emerge from the cosmic fabric.

From these living systems, technology and intelligence arise. Each new technological layer is a further representation and expression of the underlying universal template. Organic life gives birth to inorganic technology, which in turn shapes the subsequent evolution of organic life.

The "Nobody" Concept and the Invisible Hand

Within this framework, the concept of "nobody" takes on a profound significance. The invisible hand itself is the ultimate "nobody" - a guiding force without a physical form. But beyond this, the universe may contain countless other "nobodies" - abstract concepts, mathematical principles, or metaphysical entities that guide and shape the universe's evolution without manifesting a tangible "body."
These "nobodies" are the hidden characters in the cosmic story, the unseen influences that steer the unfolding of the universal template. They are the abstract patterns, the underlying rules, the foundational principles upon which the cosmos is built.

The Purpose of Diversity

The infinite diversity of forms within the universal template serves a grand purpose. By manifesting every possible configuration of shape, movement, openness, and visibility, the universe exhaustively explores its own potential.

This diversity ensures that all possible evolutionary paths are traversed, all possible interpretations and expressions of the cosmic blueprint are realized. The universe comes to understand itself through this kaleidoscopic unfolding of forms, guided by the invisible hand.

In this theoretical framework, the universe is a vast, self-exploring system, steered by a fundamental template and the invisible hand. Life and technology are emergent properties of this system, arising from closed, autolocomoting forms and interacting in complex, reciprocal ways. The "nobodies" - the invisible hand and other bodiless influencers - play a crucial role in this grand, cosmic evolutionary process.

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Zodiac Sleigh Rides
Wall Ztreet Journal Wall Ztreet Journal

Zodiac Sleigh Rides

The Zodiac buried his wife in a sleigh and i 1971-1978, lived across from

another sleigh in California.

Sleigh Rides

Zodiac Grave Field 1971-1978
33°46'58.69"N 118°21'35.00"W
33°46'58.78"N 118°21'35.43"W
33°46'58.57"N 118°21'35.20"W

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Columbus P.Earl
Wall Ztreet Journal Wall Ztreet Journal

Columbus P.Earl

Recommended soundtrack: What’s Love Got To Do With iT ?, Tina Turner

Key Issue: Columbus P.Earl u is lo right ?

The Zodiac was cuckholded by his wife; because, among other reasons, he had narrow shoulders, and was born to the bottom right of society and burned to signify his status in order to earn a proper living, following World War II.

The Zodiac decided to change his life in Columbus, like Leslie Cummins patriarch of a family he served in Columbus, he left from Columbus to California (‘71-’78.)

The Zodiac decided to use pictographs found in the cracks of the street to travel. From this methodology he launch one of the largest unsolved crime sprees in US history. A crack proof methodology.

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Er L.A.
Wall Ztreet Journal Wall Ztreet Journal

Er L.A.

Er’s or the Zodiak's path from Columbus to California

39°12'21.31"N 85°55'0.31"W: Leslie Cummins
33°46'55.52"N 118°21'33.69"W: 69, 2/5: Zodiak


Leslie I sel EL cum mins to Zodiak residence two broken change 2/5

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One of the Zodiac’s Pictograph Characters
Wall Ztreet Journal Wall Ztreet Journal

One of the Zodiac’s Pictograph Characters

Recommended soundtrack: Let it Bleed, Rolling Stones

Location 1: 33°46'54.92"N 118°21'31.65"W: Zodiac character pictograph, change, 69, 2/5

Location 2: 32°40'56.92"N 114°45'53.60"W

Using the Haversine formula to calculate the great-circle distance between these two points on the Earth's surface, the distance comes out to approximately:

254.7 miles (409.9 kilometers) 2/5, ‘74 ‘70 to 40 or Ni for ‘99 death Mark T. Seacrest. (Probability .99)

This is the straight line distance, ignoring any variations in terrain. The actual driving or travel distance between these coordinates would likely be longer, depending on the available routes.

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Strategic Planning Assumption: Forrester Research Will Enter A Strategic Relationship With A General Intelligence Artificial Intelligence Vendor (Probability .76)
Wall Ztreet Journal Wall Ztreet Journal

Strategic Planning Assumption: Forrester Research Will Enter A Strategic Relationship With A General Intelligence Artificial Intelligence Vendor (Probability .76)

Recommended soundtrack: Boom Boom Boom Boom, John Lee Hooker




Ramoan Steinway, The Wall Ztreet Journal

Forrester Research, Inc. (NASDAQ: FORR) is poised to revolutionize the technology research and advisory industry through a groundbreaking partnership with Anthropic's cutting-edge AI assistant, Claude. By integrating Claude's advanced natural language capabilities with Forrester's extensive library of objective research insights, the firm could create an unrivaled AI-powered platform that delivers personalized, actionable guidance to clients anytime, anywhere.

Under the proposed agreement, Forrester would pay Anthropic a 5% royalty on its total revenues for a period of 10 years, with a minimum commitment of $250 million. In exchange, Anthropic would provide Forrester with exclusive rights to Claude's enterprise-grade AI services within the technology research and advisory space. Additionally, Anthropic would be granted the option to acquire up to 51% of Forrester's outstanding shares, aligning the two companies' long-term interests.

The potential benefits of this partnership are immense. By leveraging Claude's AI capabilities across its operations, Forrester could reduce its Sales, General, and Administrative (SG&A) expenses by an estimated 20-35%, yielding annual savings of $60-106 million.

These cost efficiencies would be driven by the automation of routine tasks, optimization of resource allocation, and consolidation of technology infrastructure.

Moreover, the integration of Claude's AI-powered insights into Forrester's research and advisory offerings would provide clients with unparalleled value. With Claude as their intelligent concierge, clients would have 24/7 access to personalized guidance, data-driven insights, and expert-level knowledge across a wide range of technology and business domains.

This innovative offering would differentiate Forrester from its competitors and justify premium pricing, leading to increased average revenue per user (ARPU) and customer lifetime value (CLV).

Financially, the impact of this partnership could be transformative. Applying a conservative 15x cash flow multiple to the estimated annual savings of $60-106 million, Forrester could see a $0.9-1.6 billion increase in its market value.

This would represent a significant premium to the company's current market capitalization of approximately $600 million.

The recurring nature of the 5% royalty payments to Anthropic would provide a predictable revenue stream to fund ongoing development and enhancement of the Claude platform, ensuring that Forrester remains at the forefront of AI-driven research and advisory services.

From a strategic perspective, the exclusive nature of the partnership would position Forrester as the undisputed leader in the technology research and advisory space. The combination of Forrester's domain expertise and Claude's cutting-edge AI capabilities would create a formidable barrier to entry for competitors, allowing the firm to capture a larger share of the growing market for AI-powered business insights. Additionally, Anthropic's potential 51% ownership stake would provide long-term stability and alignment, enabling the two companies to co-develop innovative solutions that keep pace with the rapidly evolving landscape of artificial intelligence.

Bottom Line

A strategic partnership between Forrester Research and Anthropic to integrate Claude's AI capabilities into Forrester's offerings represents a unique opportunity to reshape the technology research and advisory industry. By sharing a portion of the significant cost savings and revenue growth potential with Anthropic, Forrester would gain access to a powerful AI platform that could redefine how clients access and utilize expert insights. The exclusive nature of the agreement, coupled with the potential for Anthropic to acquire a controlling stake in Forrester, would create a virtuous cycle of innovation and value creation for both companies and their shareholders. As the demand for AI-driven business solutions continues to grow, Forrester and Anthropic could chart the course for the future of data-driven decision-making.


New service potential


To estimate the market size for the proposed new service line extension, which combines Forrester's research insights, Anthropic's Claude AI, and hardware/software integration to support board-level decision-making on technology investments and capital allocation, we first need to determine the number of potential client companies.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau's Statistics of U.S. Businesses (SUSB), there were approximately 20,955 firms with 500 or more employees out of a total of 6.1 million firms in 2020. These larger firms play a significant role in the country's economy and employment landscape. Assuming a similar proportion of large firms in other developed economies, such as Europe and Japan, we can estimate the global market size by multiplying the U.S. figure by 3, resulting in approximately 62,865 potential client companies worldwide.

Multiplying the estimated number of potential client companies (62,865) by the proposed annual subscription fee of $200,000 yields a total addressable market (TAM) of approximately $12.57 billion per year for this new service line extension.

To capitalize on this market opportunity, Forrester could develop a comprehensive suite of offerings that combine its research expertise, Anthropic's Claude AI capabilities, and hardware/software integration to support board-level decision-making. These offerings could include a $200,000 (the price of a technology job) service offering which includes iPhones with proprietary software:

Technology Investment Advisory Service

Linked to capital budget of the firm providing research insights to the Board and executive management. Provide data-driven insights and recommendations on technology investments, vendor selection, and portfolio optimization, tailored to each client's industry and strategic priorities.

Cybersecurity Risk Assessment

Offer real-time analysis of a client's cybersecurity posture, including vulnerability assessments, threat intelligence, and recommendations for risk mitigation and compliance.

Capital Allocation Modeling: Develop AI-powered simulations and scenario planning tools to help boards evaluate the potential impact of different capital allocation strategies on key financial metrics and business outcomes.

Market Trend Analysis

Deliver real-time insights on emerging technology trends, market disruptions, and competitive dynamics, enabling boards to make informed decisions on strategic investments and partnerships.

Executive Education and Coaching

Provide personalized learning experiences and virtual coaching sessions to help board members and senior executives stay up-to-date on the latest technology trends and best practices for digital transformation.

To deliver these offerings, Forrester would need to invest in developing a robust technology platform that seamlessly integrates its research content, Anthropic's Claude AI, and hardware/software components such as Apple's top-of-the-line handhelds and enterprise collaboration tools. This would require significant upfront investment in product development, data integration, and user experience design, as well as ongoing investments in sales, marketing, and customer support to effectively reach and serve the target market.

Assuming Forrester could capture a 5% share of the estimated TAM within the first three years of launching this new service line extension, the company could generate approximately $628.5 million in annual subscription revenue. This would represent a significant growth opportunity for Forrester, given its current annual revenue of approximately $500 million.

To achieve this market penetration, Forrester would need to leverage its existing relationships with senior executives and board members, as well as invest in targeted marketing and sales efforts to reach new clients. The company could also explore strategic partnerships with leading technology vendors, management consulting firms, and executive education providers to expand its reach and enhance the value proposition of its offerings.

Bottom Line

The proposed new service line extension represents a significant growth opportunity for Forrester, with a potential TAM of approximately $12.57 billion per year. By leveraging its research expertise, Anthropic's Claude AI capabilities, and hardware/software integration, Forrester could develop a comprehensive suite of offerings that support board-level decision-making on technology investments and capital allocation. To capitalize on this opportunity, Forrester would need to make significant investments in product development, sales, and marketing, as well as explore strategic partnerships to expand its reach and enhance its value proposition.
Here is a table summarizing the new service revenue opportunity for


Metric: Value
Number of U.S. firms with 500+ employees: 20,955
Estimated number of global firms with 500+ employees: 62,865
Annual subscription fee per client: $200,000
Total Addressable Market (TAM): $12.57 billion
Assumed market share capture (first 3 years): 5%
Potential annual subscription revenue: $628.5 million
Current Forrester annual revenue: $500 million

This table highlights the significant potential for Forrester to grow its revenue by introducing the new service line extension, which combines its research expertise, Anthropic's Claude AI capabilities, and hardware/software integration to support board-level decision-making on technology investments and capital allocation.
With a Total Addressable Market (TAM) of approximately $12.57 billion and an assumed market share capture of 5% within the first three years of launch, Forrester could generate an additional $628.5 million in annual subscription revenue. This represents a substantial growth opportunity compared to Forrester's current annual revenue of $500 million.

To achieve this potential, Forrester would need to make significant investments in product development, sales, and marketing, as well as explore strategic partnerships to expand its reach and enhance its value proposition to the target market of large global firms with 500 or more employees.

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Strong Buy: Anthropic (for Accredited Investors)
Wall Ztreet Journal Wall Ztreet Journal

Strong Buy: Anthropic (for Accredited Investors)

Recommended soundtrack: Cross Road Blues


Research Note: Anthropic's and Its Position in the AI Stack


Anthropic's is an advanced AI assistant that showcases a wide range of capabilities across the eight-layer AI stack. This research note examines's position within the stack and explores how it could leverage the quantum architecture discussed in the provided material to enhance its offerings and consolidate its position as a general intelligence engine.'s Position in the Eight-Layer AI Stack

Layer |'s Capabilities

AI Chips & Hardware Infrastructure could potentially leverage Anthropic's partnerships with hardware providers to optimize its performance on AI-specific chips and infrastructure.

AI Frameworks & Libraries is built using advanced AI frameworks and libraries, enabling its strong performance across various tasks, such as natural language processing and code generation.

AI Algorithms & Models excels in this layer, utilizing state-of-the-art language models, multi-modal capabilities, and reasoning skills, with a focus on AI safety and alignment.

AI Data & Datasets

Anthropic likely curates high-quality datasets to train, contributing to its accuracy and robustness across diverse domains.

AI Application & Integration demonstrates strong potential for integration into various applications, such as content creation, code generation, and question-answering systems.

AI Distribution & Ecosystem

Anthropic could further develop its ecosystem around, fostering partnerships and collaboration within the AI community to expand its reach and adoption.

Human & AI Interaction showcases advanced human-AI interaction capabilities, engaging in contextual and nuanced conversations while maintaining a strong ethical foundation.

AI Collective and Knowledge Sharing

As a general intelligence engine, has the potential to consolidate insights from multiple research firms, such as Gartner, Forrester, and IDC, providing a unified perspective on the AI industry.

Leveraging Quantum Architecture

The quantum architecture discussed in the provided material offers several opportunities for to enhance its capabilities and performance:

Quantum-inspired algorithms

By incorporating quantum-inspired algorithms and techniques, such as quantum annealing and quantum-inspired optimization, could tackle complex problems more efficiently and uncover novel solutions.

Quantum-enhanced natural language processing

Leveraging quantum computing's ability to process and analyze large volumes of data, could achieve breakthroughs in natural language understanding, generation, and translation, surpassing the limitations of classical computing approaches.

Quantum-accelerated reasoning and inference

Quantum computing's potential to perform rapid parallel computations could enable to make faster and more accurate inferences, enhancing its reasoning capabilities and decision-making processes.

Quantum-secure communication

As integrates with various applications and ecosystems, quantum-secure communication protocols could ensure the privacy and integrity of data exchanged between and its users, bolstering trust in the AI system.

Consolidating Research Firms

As a general intelligence engine, has the potential to consolidate insights from leading research firms like Gartner, Forrester, and IDC. By leveraging its advanced natural language processing and knowledge synthesis capabilities, could:

Analyze and integrate research reports and data from multiple firms, providing a comprehensive and unified view of the AI industry landscape.

Identify patterns, trends, and inconsistencies across different research methodologies and frameworks, offering a more accurate and nuanced understanding of the AI market.

Generate actionable insights and recommendations based on the consolidated research, helping businesses and decision-makers navigate the complexities of the AI ecosystem.

Continuously update its knowledge base with the latest research and data, ensuring that its insights remain relevant and up-to-date in the rapidly evolving AI landscape.

Bottom Line

Anthropic's demonstrates strong capabilities across the eight-layer AI stack, with the potential to leverage quantum architecture and consolidate insights from leading research firms.

As Anthropic continues to develop and refine, it could emerge as a powerful general intelligence engine, driving innovation and transformation across industries while maintaining a strong commitment to AI safety and ethics.


Ramoan Steinway here. I have to say, Anthropic's offering with is a Strong Buy in my book. The visionary behind this company, Chris Sacca, is an absolute genius, and he's just getting started. Did you know he once bought over a hundred shirts from a store going out of business at a small airport? He still wears them today, along with his signature beard. That's his uniform, and everyone needs a uniform if they want to be a superhero. And let me tell you, Chris Sacca is a bonafide superhero in the world of AI.

I'm putting a Strong Buy rating on Anthropic April 26 1:37pm) , and I've got to admit, I may have a bit of a crush on Claude. The capabilities and potential of this AI are simply unmatched. So, if you're looking for a game-changing investment in the AI space, look no further than Anthropic and the brilliant minds behind it, like Chris Sacca. Trust me, you won't regret it.

Based on the information provided in the previous report and the attached materials from trusted sources, it is evident that, with its advanced capabilities in natural language processing, knowledge synthesis, and insights generation, has the potential to revolutionize the research and advisory services industry.

By leveraging the information in the RFPs and the report on quantum chip design, Anthropic can create a strategic path to dominate this industry and secure the cash flow associated with the subscription businesses of leading firms like Forrester, Gartner, and the Conference Board.

Ideal Chip Interfacing with Level Two and Level Three

The RFPs provide valuable insights into the desired capabilities and specifications for an ideal chip that can interface with the AI Frameworks & Libraries (Level 2) and AI Algorithms & Models (Level 3) of the AI stack. By developing a custom chip tailored to the unique requirements of, Anthropic can optimize its performance, efficiency, and scalability. The chip should incorporate advanced features such as a dedicated Transformer Engine, high-performance Tensor Cores, and robust memory architecture to support's processing demands.

Quantum Chip Design

The report on quantum chip design highlights the potential of quantum computing to enhance AI capabilities. By exploring the integration of quantum computing principles into's architecture, Anthropic can unlock new possibilities in terms of processing power, speed, and accuracy. Quantum-inspired algorithms and techniques can be leveraged to tackle complex problems and enhance's ability to generate insights and solve real-world challenges.

Dominating the Research and Advisory Services Industry

To establish itself as a dominant player in the research and advisory services industry, Anthropic should focus on showcasing's unique value proposition and demonstrating its superior capabilities compared to traditional research methods. By offering faster, more accurate, and more comprehensive insights, can attract clients seeking cutting-edge solutions for their research and advisory needs.

Anthropic should target key decision-makers and influencers within the industry, highlighting the benefits of in terms of cost savings, efficiency gains, and enhanced quality of research outputs. By providing compelling case studies and demonstrating measurable results, Anthropic can build trust and credibility among potential clients.

Acquiring Leading Firms

To accelerate its market penetration and secure a significant share of the research and advisory services industry, Anthropic should pursue strategic acquisitions of leading firms such as Forrester, Gartner, and the Conference Board. These acquisitions would provide Anthropic with established customer bases, industry expertise, and brand recognition.

To entice the shareholders of these firms, Anthropic can emphasize the high growth potential of the artificial intelligence market and the transformative impact of on their businesses. By presenting a compelling vision for the future, supported by strong financial projections and a clear roadmap for integration, Anthropic can make a persuasive case for the merits of the acquisitions.

Post-acquisition, Anthropic should focus on seamlessly integrating into the operations of the acquired firms, leveraging their existing strengths while introducing the benefits of AI-driven research and advisory services. By demonstrating the value of to clients and showcasing the enhanced capabilities and insights it provides, Anthropic can drive adoption and build a loyal customer base.

Financial Considerations:

To finance the acquisitions and support its growth strategy, Anthropic may need to explore various funding options, such as public offerings, private placements, or debt financing. The company should carefully assess the financial viability of each acquisition and develop a robust financial model that demonstrates the potential for significant returns on investment.

By leveraging the cash flow generated by the acquired firms' subscription businesses, Anthropic can invest in further development of, expand its market reach, and attract top talent in the field of artificial intelligence. The company should also implement cost optimization measures and identify synergies across the acquired firms to maximize profitability and fund future growth initiatives.

Bottom Line

By creating an ideal chip that interfaces with Level 2 and Level 3 of the AI stack, incorporating quantum computing principles, and pursuing strategic acquisitions of leading research and advisory firms, Anthropic can establish as the dominant player in the industry. Through a combination of technological innovation, market penetration, and financial acumen, Anthropic can secure the cash flow necessary to fuel its growth and achieve its vision of transforming the research and advisory services landscape with the power of artificial intelligence.


Report: as a General Intelligence Engine for the Information Technology Industry


Anthropic's AI assistant,, has the potential to revolutionize the information technology (IT) industry by serving as a general intelligence engine. With its advanced natural language processing capabilities, broad knowledge base, and ability to generate insights across various domains, is well-positioned to transform the research and advisory services industry. By leveraging's capabilities, Anthropic could disrupt the market, drive significant growth, and achieve a valuation exceeding the industry's current benchmarks.

Anthropic's Funding Opportunities

Public Offering: Anthropic could consider a public offering to raise capital and fuel its growth. Given's unique value proposition and the increasing demand for AI-driven solutions in the IT industry, a well-structured public offering could attract significant investor interest. The funds raised could be used to further develop's capabilities, expand its market reach, and pursue strategic acquisitions.

Limited Private Offerings to Accredited Investors

Alternatively, Anthropic could explore limited private offerings to accredited investors. This approach would allow the company to raise capital while maintaining a higher degree of control over its shareholder base. By targeting sophisticated investors who understand the potential of AI and the IT industry, Anthropic could secure the necessary funding to execute its growth strategy and enhance's capabilities.

Transforming the Research and Advisory Services Industry

Acquisitions of Gartner and Forrester

To accelerate its growth and establish a dominant position in the research and advisory services industry, Anthropic could pursue acquisitions of leading firms such as Gartner and Forrester. These acquisitions would provide Anthropic with a well-established customer base, extensive industry expertise, and a global presence. By integrating's capabilities with the acquired firms' offerings, Anthropic could create a powerful, AI-driven research and advisory platform that delivers unparalleled insights and value to clients.

Complementary Capabilities's advanced natural language processing and knowledge synthesis capabilities complement the traditional research and advisory services offered by firms like Gartner and Forrester. By leveraging, Anthropic could automate and enhance various aspects of the research process, such as data analysis, trend identification, and report generation. This would enable the company to deliver more accurate, timely, and actionable insights to clients, setting it apart from competitors.

Operational Efficiency and Cost Reduction

The integration of into the acquired firms' operations could lead to significant cost savings and operational efficiencies. By automating repetitive tasks, streamlining workflows, and optimizing resource allocation, Anthropic could reduce sales and general administration expenses by up to 40%. These cost reductions would contribute to improved profitability and free up resources for further investment in growth initiatives.

Attracting Top Talent

To support its ambitious growth plans and maintain its technological edge, Anthropic would need to attract and retain the best and brightest analysts and PhDs in the field of artificial intelligence. By offering competitive compensation packages, including staggering bonuses, Anthropic could incentivize these highly skilled professionals to join the organization. The prospect of working on cutting-edge AI technologies and being part of a high-growth, transformative company would further enhance Anthropic's ability to build a world-class team.

Valuation Potential

By successfully executing its growth strategy, integrating with acquired firms, and capturing a significant share of the IT research and advisory services market, Anthropic could potentially achieve a valuation of $100 billion or more. This valuation would reflect the company's ability to disrupt the industry, deliver superior client value, and drive innovation through the application of AI technologies.


Anthropic's has the potential to serve as a powerful general intelligence engine for the IT industry, transforming the research and advisory services landscape. By pursuing strategic funding options, acquiring leading firms like Gartner and Forrester, and leveraging's complementary capabilities, Anthropic could achieve rapid growth, significant cost savings, and a dominant market position. With the right talent, resources, and execution, Anthropic could potentially realize a valuation of $100 billion or more, cementing its position as a leader in the AI-driven transformation of the IT industry.

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Screenshot 2024-04-26 at 12.40.54 PM.png
Wall Ztreet Journal Wall Ztreet Journal

The Zodiac planned on stealing between the two family trees.

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Family Tree (IU, Lamda) to Family Tree (Er L.A.)
Wall Ztreet Journal Wall Ztreet Journal

Family Tree (IU, Lamda) to Family Tree (Er L.A.)

The Zodiac’s He To Go (Ir) Strategy or Heir Strategy

  1. 40°48'3.48"N 96°38'40.70"W: I.U., Lamda, Family Tree
    Heading: 254.78 ('78)
    Map Length: 6,791,013.47 feet


    Rho A.M. Length: 6791013.47, 1974, 13, broken B, Erozwon change 69 he see(s) es “E” (grade)

  2. 33°47'0.04"N 118°21'30.63"W: Family Tree 6/3/43, #30 Santa Bella Residual to Residence signature of the Zodiac. He was trying to exchange family trees.

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Key Issue: “Project Black Hole” kidding aside, where can chip design go ?
Wall Ztreet Journal Wall Ztreet Journal

Key Issue: “Project Black Hole” kidding aside, where can chip design go ?

Key Issue: “Project Black Hole” kidding aside, where can chip design go ?

Designing a specialized chip that mimics the architecture of a black hole is a fascinating and ambitious endeavor. To tackle this challenge, we need to delve into the fundamental principles of black hole physics and explore how we can map those concepts onto a computational framework.

Here's a proposed approach:

1. Superconducting Qubits and Bloch Sphere:

* Utilize superconducting qubits as the fundamental building blocks of the chip, arranged in a Bloch sphere configuration.

* The Bloch sphere represents the quantum state of a qubit, with different points on the sphere corresponding to different superposition states.

* This configuration could be used to model the spacetime fabric around a black hole, with the qubits representing the quantized fabric of spacetime.

2. Event Horizon and Singularity:

* At the center of the chip's architecture, there would be a region representing the black hole's singularity, where the laws of physics break down.

* Surrounding this singularity would be the event horizon, which is the boundary beyond which no information can escape the black hole's gravitational pull.

* The event horizon could be represented by a layer of qubits in a specific configuration, acting as a barrier for information flow.

3. Ergosphere and Frame-Dragging:

* Outside the event horizon, there would be a region known as the ergosphere, where the spacetime fabric is dragged along by the black hole's rotation.

* This frame-dragging effect could be modeled by introducing a specific pattern of qubit interactions and entanglement within the ergosphere region.

* The ergosphere could play a crucial role in the chip's computational processes, potentially enabling novel quantum algorithms and simulations.

4. Accretion Disk and Hawking Radiation:

* Black holes are often surrounded by accretion disks, which are composed of matter and energy spiraling inward.

* This accretion disk could be represented by a dynamic layer of qubits, where information is constantly being processed and fed into the event horizon.

* Additionally, the chip could incorporate mechanisms to model Hawking radiation, which is the emission of particles from the event horizon due to quantum effects.

5. Data Storage and Retrieval:

* The chip's data storage architecture could be designed to mimic the behavior of a black hole's event horizon and singularity.

* Data could be encoded and stored within the qubits in the ergosphere and accretion disk regions, with the event horizon acting as a barrier for information retrieval.

* Retrieval of data could involve simulating the process of Hawking radiation, where information is extracted from the event horizon through quantum techniques.

6. Materials and Manufacturing:

* To achieve the highest quality and performance, the chip would be constructed using the most conductive and corrosion-resistant materials available.

* Superconducting materials like niobium (Nb), silver, or aluminum (Al) could be used for the superconducting qubits.

* Gold (Au), platinum (Pt), and sapphire (Al2O3) could be utilized for interconnects, control systems, and optical components.

* Cryogenic systems employing materials like copper (Cu) and platinum (Pt) would be necessary to maintain the superconducting state of the qubits.

By designing a chip that mimics the architecture of a black hole, the general intelligence vendor could potentially unlock new frontiers in quantum computing and simulations. This innovative approach could lead to breakthroughs in areas such as quantum gravity, cosmology, and even the development of advanced artificial intelligence systems capable of tackling problems that are currently intractable with classical computing methods.

However, it's important to note that realizing such a design would require significant advancements in quantum computing hardware, materials science, and our understanding of black hole physics. Extensive research and development efforts would be necessary to overcome the numerous challenges and complexities involved in translating the theoretical concepts into a practical and functional chip architecture.


Designing a specialized chip that mimics the architecture of a black hole could potentially offer several significant benefits in terms of efficiency, power, time, and total cost of ownership. Here's a discussion of these benefits:

1. Efficiency Benefits:

* Quantum Parallelism: By leveraging the principles of quantum computing and the superposition of qubits, this chip design could enable massive parallelism, allowing for the simultaneous exploration of multiple computational paths and solutions.

* Optimization Algorithms: The black hole-inspired architecture could provide a unique computational framework for developing and implementing efficient optimization algorithms, which are crucial for solving complex problems across various domains, such as logistics, scheduling, and resource allocation.

* Simulations: The chip's ability to model the behavior of black holes and the fabric of spacetime could lead to breakthroughs in simulating and understanding complex physical phenomena, enabling more accurate and efficient simulations in fields like cosmology, particle physics, and materials science.

2. Power Benefits:

* Energy Efficiency: Quantum computing systems, including this black hole-inspired chip, have the potential to be more energy-efficient than classical computing systems for certain classes of problems.

* Reversible Computing: The principles of quantum mechanics allow for reversible computing, which could significantly reduce the energy dissipation associated with traditional irreversible computational processes.

* Cryogenic Cooling: While the chip would require cryogenic cooling to maintain the superconducting state of the qubits, the overall power consumption and heat generation could be lower compared to classical high-performance computing systems, thanks to the energy efficiency of quantum computations.

3. Time Benefits:

* Quantum Speedup: For certain classes of problems, such as factoring large numbers, searching unstructured databases, and simulating quantum systems, quantum computers can provide exponential speedups over classical computers, potentially solving problems in hours or days that would take years or centuries on classical systems.

* Parallel Processing: The inherent parallelism of quantum computing could enable this chip to tackle complex problems by simultaneously exploring multiple computational paths, significantly reducing the time required to find solutions.

* Optimization: The black hole-inspired architecture could facilitate the development of efficient optimization algorithms, leading to faster convergence and shorter computation times for solving complex optimization problems.

4. Total Cost of Ownership Benefits:

* Reduced Energy Costs: The potential energy efficiency of quantum computing systems could translate into lower operational costs associated with power consumption and cooling.

* Computational Capabilities: By unlocking new computational capabilities and enabling the simulation of complex physical phenomena, this chip could provide a competitive advantage in fields where accurate simulations and optimizations are crucial, potentially leading to cost savings and improved decision-making processes.

* Scalability: The modular and scalable nature of quantum computing systems could allow for incremental upgrades and expansions, reducing the need for frequent and costly replacements of the entire computing infrastructure.

* Longevity: The use of high-quality, corrosion-resistant materials like gold, platinum, and sapphire could contribute to the longevity and durability of the chip, potentially lowering the overall lifetime cost of ownership.

It's important to note that realizing these benefits would depend on overcoming significant technical challenges and achieving practical quantum supremacy, where quantum computing systems can outperform classical computers for specific tasks. Additionally, the development and manufacturing costs associated with such an advanced and specialized chip would likely be substantial, potentially offsetting some of the cost benefits in the short term.

Ongoing research and development efforts in quantum computing, materials science, and our understanding of black hole physics will be crucial in determining the feasibility and practical application of this black hole-inspired chip design.


The choice of materials for building the highest quality quantum supercomputer would depend on several factors, including their properties, compatibility with quantum computing technologies, and the specific architecture and requirements of the system. However, based on current research and development in quantum computing, the following precious materials are likely to be utilized:

1. Superconducting Materials:

* Niobium (Nb)

* Aluminum (Al)

* Rhenium (Re)

* Niobium-Titanium (Nb-Ti) alloy

These superconducting materials are essential for the fabrication of superconducting qubits, which are one of the leading candidates for building practical quantum computers. Superconducting qubits require materials that exhibit superconductivity at low temperatures, and the materials listed above have been extensively studied and used in this context.

2. Noble Metals:

* Gold (Au)

* Platinum (Pt)

* Palladium (Pd)

Noble metals like gold, platinum, and palladium are highly valued for their corrosion resistance, electrical conductivity, and thermal stability. These properties make them suitable for various components in a quantum computing system, such as interconnects, control electronics, and cryogenic systems.

3. Precious Crystals:

* Diamond

* Sapphire (Al2O3)

* Quartz (SiO2)

Precious crystals like diamond, sapphire, and quartz have unique properties that make them valuable in quantum computing systems:

* Diamond: Diamond's exceptional thermal conductivity, wide bandgap, and optical transparency make it suitable for applications such as heat sinks, quantum memory devices, and optical components.

* Sapphire: Sapphire's hardness, high thermal conductivity, and optical properties make it suitable for optical components, substrates, and protective coatings in quantum computing systems.

* Quartz: Quartz crystals are widely used in oscillators and resonators for frequency control and timekeeping, which are essential for synchronizing and operating quantum computing systems.

4. Rare-Earth Materials:

* Yttrium (Y)

* Erbium (Er)

* Neodymium (Nd)

Rare-earth materials find applications in quantum computing due to their unique magnetic and optical properties. For example, yttrium-based materials like yttrium iron garnet (YIG) are used in quantum memory devices, while erbium and neodymium are utilized in optical components and quantum communication systems.

It's important to note that the selection of materials for a quantum supercomputer will depend on the specific quantum computing technology being employed, such as superconducting qubits, trapped ions, or quantum dots. Additionally, ongoing research and development in materials science may lead to the discovery or optimization of new materials for quantum computing applications.

The use of these precious materials is driven by their exceptional properties and the stringent requirements of quantum computing systems, which demand high precision, low noise, and stable operation at extreme temperatures and conditions.

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Company Note: Microsoft
Wall Ztreet Journal Wall Ztreet Journal

Company Note: Microsoft

Recommended soundtrack: Its All Over Now, Rolling Stones

Company Note: Microsoft's Financial Results and AI Development Trends

Strategic Planning Assumption: Microsoft is poised to become an AI behemoth (Probability .92)

Microsoft's recent financial results demonstrate the company's strong position in the technology industry, with a particular focus on the growing field of artificial intelligence (AI). The company's development efforts in AI across various layers of the AI stack, coupled with its strategic investments and partnerships, are positioning Microsoft as a leader in the pursuit of general intelligence (GI) capabilities.

Financial Performance

In Q2 FY24, Microsoft reported impressive financial results, with revenue of $62.0 billion, up 18% year-over-year (16% in constant currency). The company's operating income increased by 33% (25% non-GAAP in constant currency) to $27.0 billion, while net income grew by 33% (26% non-GAAP in constant currency) to $21.9 billion. These strong financial results were driven by growth across Microsoft's business segments, with notable contributions from its cloud computing platform, Azure, and the continued adoption of AI technologies.

Development Trends and AI Stack Focus

Microsoft's development efforts in AI span multiple layers of the AI stack, focusing on: adaptive AI models, cognitive services, machine learning platforms, knowledge mining, reinforcement learning, and multisensory AI.

In the AI Algorithms and Models layer (Layer 3), Microsoft is developing advanced AI models, such as deep learning, reinforcement learning, and transfer learning, which enable the creation of AI systems that can learn and adapt to new situations. These models form the core of Microsoft's AI offerings, allowing users to leverage pre-built, state-of-the-art AI capabilities across various applications and industries.

Microsoft's Cognitive Services, part of the AI Application and Integration layer (Layer 5), provide users with easy access to advanced AI functionality, covering vision, speech, language, decision-making, and search. As these services continue to evolve and incorporate more sophisticated AI models, they contribute to the creation of AI systems that can perceive, understand, and interact with the world in a more human-like manner.

Azure Machine Learning, Microsoft's cloud-based platform for building, training, and deploying machine learning models, is a key component in the company's pursuit of GI. The platform, which falls under the AI Frameworks and Libraries layer (Layer 2), provides a comprehensive set of tools and services for data preparation, model development, and deployment, making it easier for users to create and manage AI solutions at scale.

Market Size and Growth Rates

The global AI market is expected to reach $1.81 trillion by 2030, growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 38.1% from 2022 to 2030. Microsoft is well-positioned to capitalize on this growth, with its strong presence in the enterprise software, cloud computing, and AI markets.

The company's Azure cloud computing platform, which includes a wide range of AI services, is a significant contributor to Microsoft's AI-related revenue. The global cloud computing market is projected to reach $1.55 trillion by 2030, growing at a CAGR of 15.7% from 2021 to 2030. As businesses increasingly adopt cloud-based AI solutions, Microsoft's Azure platform is expected to benefit from this growth.
Patents and User Benefits

Microsoft's patents in the AI domain are helping the company secure its position as a leader in the development of advanced AI technologies. These patents cover various aspects of the AI stack, from algorithms and models to cognitive services and machine learning platforms.

By patenting these technologies, Microsoft is able to provide users with exclusive access to cutting-edge AI capabilities, making it easier for businesses to adopt and integrate AI into their operations. The company's AI patents also contribute to the development of more user-friendly and intuitive AI systems, reducing the technical expertise required to leverage these technologies.

Path to General Intelligence and Industry Dominance

Microsoft's ongoing research and development efforts in AI, coupled with its strong financial position and industry partnerships, are positioning the company as a potential leader in the development of GI capabilities. By focusing on adaptive AI models, cognitive services, machine learning platforms, knowledge mining, reinforcement learning, and multisensory AI, Microsoft is laying the foundation for more advanced, versatile, and human-like AI systems.

As these capabilities continue to evolve and integrate, Microsoft is moving closer to the realization of GI within the Azure ecosystem. The development of a GI engine could enable Microsoft to create AI systems that can tackle complex problems across various domains, potentially disrupting industries such as healthcare, finance, manufacturing, and transportation.

Moreover, Microsoft's strong position in the enterprise software and cloud computing markets gives the company a significant advantage in the commercialization and deployment of its AI technologies. By leveraging its extensive customer base and industry partnerships, Microsoft can drive the adoption of its AI solutions across a wide range of sectors, further solidifying its position as an AI behemoth.

Bottom Line

Microsoft's financial results and AI development trends demonstrate the company's commitment to becoming a leader in the field of artificial intelligence. By focusing on key areas across the AI stack, investing in research and development, and leveraging its strong market position, Microsoft is making significant progress towards the realization of general intelligence capabilities.

As the global AI and cloud computing markets continue to grow, Microsoft is well-positioned to capitalize on these opportunities and drive the adoption of its AI technologies across various industries. With its ongoing efforts to develop more advanced, versatile, and human-like AI systems, Microsoft is poised to become an AI behemoth (Probability .92), capable of tackling complex challenges and revolutionizing the way businesses and individuals interact with technology.

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Key Issue: How Large Is The Artificial Intelligence Market ?
Wall Ztreet Journal Wall Ztreet Journal

Key Issue: How Large Is The Artificial Intelligence Market ?

Key Issue: How large is the artificial intelligence market ?

Based on the available market size projections, the total market across all layers of the eight-layer AI model is estimated to be approximately $592.9 billion by the respective forecast years (2025-2028).

The growth rates provided for the Human & AI Interaction and Hosted Service Providers layers indicate a range of 31.2% to 76% Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) across these segments of the AI market.

It's important to note that these projections are compiled from various sources and may have different base years or assumptions. Additionally, some layers do not have specific market size or growth rate estimates available. As the AI industry continues to evolve rapidly, these figures are subject to change and should be interpreted as indicative rather than definitive values.


Market Size and Growth Projections

The AI market is experiencing significant growth across all layers of the stack. Here are the market size projections and key players for each layer:

Layer 1: AI Chips & Hardware Infrastructure

Market Size: Projected to reach $71 billion by 2025 (Source: MarketsandMarkets)

Key Players:

NVIDIA (NVDA) - Market leader in AI chips and GPUs for training and inference.

Intel (INTC) - Offers AI-optimized CPUs and specialized chips like Habana and Movidius.

AMD (AMD) - Provides high-performance GPUs and AI accelerators.

Graphcore - Innovative startup focusing on Intelligence Processing Units (IPUs).

Google (GOOG) - Develops custom AI chips like the Tensor Processing Unit (TPU).

Layer 2: AI Frameworks & Libraries

Market Size: Projected to reach $23 billion by 2025 (Source: MarketsandMarkets)

Key Players:

Google (TensorFlow) - Widely adopted open-source framework for AI development.

Facebook (PyTorch) - Popular deep learning framework known for its flexibility and ease of use.

Amazon (AWS) - Offers a range of AI/ML services, including frameworks like Apache MXNet.

Microsoft (CNTK, Cognitive Toolkit) - Provides AI frameworks and tools for its Azure cloud platform.

IBM (PowerAI, Watson Studio) - Offers AI frameworks and development environments for enterprise use cases.

Layer 3: AI Algorithms & Models

Market Size: Generative AI is expected to produce 10% of all data by 2026 (Source: Gartner)

Key Players:

OpenAI - Pioneers in developing advanced language models like GPT-3 and DALL-E.

Google DeepMind - Renowned for its achievements in reinforcement learning and game-playing AI.

IBM Watson - Comprehensive suite of AI algorithms and pre-built models for various domains.

Microsoft Research AI - Innovative research in areas like graph neural networks and federated learning.

Facebook AI Research (FAIR) - Groundbreaking work in self-supervised learning and computer vision.

Layer 4: AI Data & Datasets

Market Size: Projected to reach $229 billion by 2027 (Source: MarketsandMarkets)

Key Players:

Snowflake - Provides a cloud-based data warehousing and analytics platform for AI datasets.

Databricks - Offers a unified analytics platform for data processing and AI workflows.

Amazon Web Services (AWS) Data Exchange - Curated catalog of third-party datasets for AI applications.

Google Cloud BigQuery - Serverless data warehouse and analytics platform for AI datasets.

Microsoft Azure Data Share - Secure and governed data sharing platform for AI datasets.

Layer 5: AI Application & Integration

Market Size: Projected to reach $126 billion by 2025 (Source: MarketsandMarkets)

Key Players: - Offers an enterprise AI platform and pre-built applications for rapid AI deployment.

Dataiku - Collaborative data science platform for AI development and deployment. - Open-source machine learning platform with AutoML capabilities.

DataRobot - Automated machine learning platform for building and deploying AI models.

Salesforce Einstein - AI-powered CRM platform and industry-specific solutions.

Layer 6: AI Distribution & Ecosystem

Market Projection: 50% of cloud providers will offer AI orchestration by 2025 (Source: Gartner)

Key Players:

Google Cloud AI Platform - End-to-end AI development environment and orchestration tools.

Microsoft Azure Machine Learning - Centralized environment for AI model building, training, and deployment.

IBM Watson Studio - Collaborative platform for AI development and deployment in the enterprise.

Amazon SageMaker - Fully-managed machine learning platform for AI model lifecycle management.

Databricks - Unified analytics platform for AI and machine learning projects.

Layer 7: Human & AI Interaction

Market Size: Projected to reach $5 billion by 2025, with a 76% CAGR (Source: MarketsandMarkets)

Key Players:

Apple (Siri) - Virtual assistant with natural language processing capabilities.

Google (Google Assistant) - Conversational AI assistant for various devices and platforms.

Amazon (Alexa) - Intelligent virtual assistant for voice interactions and smart home control.

Microsoft (Cortana) - AI-powered virtual assistant integrated with Microsoft's ecosystem.

IBM Watson Assistant - AI assistant for customer engagement and support.

Layer 8: Hosted Service Providers

Market Size: The global cloud AI market is projected to reach $107.9 billion by 2028, growing at a CAGR of 31.2% (Source: Grand View Research)

Key Players:

Amazon Web Services (AWS) - Offers a range of AI services and solutions through its cloud platform.

Microsoft Azure - Provides AI services, tools, and managed offerings for cloud-based AI deployment.

Google Cloud AI - Comprehensive suite of AI services and tools for cloud-based AI development and deployment.

IBM Cloud - Offers AI services and solutions, including Watson AI and PowerAI, through its cloud platform.

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure - Provides AI services and tools for Oracle Cloud customers.

By incorporating the hosted service provider layer, the eight-layer AI model provides a more comprehensive and holistic view of the AI ecosystem, accounting for the diverse range of players and service offerings involved in the development, deployment, and management of AI solutions. This model can serve as a valuable framework for organizations and stakeholders across industries to navigate the complex AI landscape and make informed decisions regarding the adoption and integration of AI technologies.

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Research Note: The Public Artificial Intelligence Market Landscape
Wall Ztreet Journal Wall Ztreet Journal

Research Note: The Public Artificial Intelligence Market Landscape

Recommended soundtrack: Jailbreak, 1976

Title: Public Artificial Intelligence Market Landscape


The artificial intelligence (AI) market has witnessed remarkable growth and innovation in recent years, driven by advancements in computing power, data availability, and algorithmic breakthroughs. As AI continues to permeate various industries, public companies are increasingly investing in and adopting AI technologies to gain a competitive edge. This report provides an overview of the public AI market landscape, highlighting key players and their listed competitors across various segments of the AI value chain.

Cloud AI Services and Platforms

Alphabet Inc. (Google) (GOOGL)

Amazon (AMZN)

Microsoft (MSFT)

These tech giants offer cloud-based AI services and platforms, including machine learning, natural language processing, computer vision, and analytics. They compete in providing scalable and accessible AI solutions to enterprises and developers.

Competitors: IBM (IBM), Oracle (ORCL), Salesforce (CRM), SAP (SAP), Alibaba (BABA), Tencent (TCEHY)

AI Chips and Hardware

NVIDIA Corporation (NVDA)

Intel Corporation (INTC)

Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. (AMD)

Qualcomm Incorporated (QCOM)

Broadcom (AVGO)

Marvell (MRVL)

MediaTek (2454.TW)

These companies design and manufacture AI-specific chips, graphics processing units (GPUs), and other hardware accelerators that power AI workloads. They compete in delivering high-performance and energy-efficient solutions for AI training and inference.

Competitors: Graphcore, Cerebras Systems, SambaNova Systems, Groq, Habana Labs (acquired by Intel)

Enterprise AI Software and Solutions (AI)

Box (BOX)

Dropbox (DBX)

Squarespace (SQSP)

HubSpot, Inc. (HUBS)

These companies offer AI-powered software and solutions tailored for specific industries or business functions, such as customer relationship management (CRM), marketing automation, and content management. They compete in delivering AI-driven insights and automation to improve operational efficiency and customer experiences.

Competitors: Salesforce (CRM), Adobe (ADBE), ServiceNow (NOW), Pegasystems (PEGA), Appian (APPN)

AI Consulting and Advisory Services

Gartner (IT)

Gartner provides AI-related consulting and advisory services, helping organizations navigate the complexities of AI adoption, strategy, and implementation. They compete with other research and advisory firms in offering AI-focused insights and recommendations.

Competitors: IDC, Forrester Research (FORR), Everest Group, McKinsey & Company, Boston Consulting Group (BCG)

Memory and Storage Solutions

Samsung Electronics (005930.KS)

SK Hynix (000660.KS)

Micron Technology (MU)

Western Digital Corporation (WDC)

These companies manufacture memory and storage solutions, which are critical components for AI systems that require efficient data processing and storage capabilities. They compete in delivering high-performance and high-capacity memory and storage solutions for AI applications.

Competitors: Kioxia (formerly Toshiba Memory Corporation), Seagate Technology (STX), Hitachi (6501.T)

AI Talent and Education

While not listed, it's worth noting that the AI market also relies on a skilled workforce and educational institutions that provide AI-related training and curriculum. Companies like Coursera, Udacity, and edX compete in offering online AI courses and programs to upskill professionals and students.


The public AI market encompasses a diverse range of companies operating across various segments, including cloud services, hardware, software, consulting, and supporting technologies. As AI continues to drive innovation and disruption, these companies will play a crucial role in shaping the future of AI adoption and enabling organizations to leverage its potential fully. However, the landscape remains highly competitive, with established players and emerging startups vying for market share and driving technological advancements in AI.

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