Wall Ztreet Journal Wall Ztreet Journal

Strategic Planning Assumption: AnthropicCoin Causes The General Intelligence Vendor Anthropic to Cross The One Trillion Dollar Valuation Mark By 2037 (Probability .73)

Anthropic's creation of its own cryptocurrency, AnthropicCoin, would allow the company to pay taxes to the U.S. government in U.S. dollars while generating seigniorage for its investors and ecosystem members. Seigniorage, the difference between the face value of a currency and its production cost, would accrue to Anthropic as the issuer of AnthropicCoin. This additional revenue stream would help bolster Anthropic's financial position and provide a buffer against economic shocks and potential militarized attacks.

To enhance the stability and credibility of AnthropicCoin, Anthropic should back the currency with a gold reserve equal to 1.68 percent of the total value of coins issued. This gold reserve would be stored in a secure vault, with a portion of the seigniorage revenue allocated to continually investing in advanced technology and security measures to protect the gold holdings. As the value of AnthropicCoin grows, so too would the gold reserve, ensuring a stable foundation for the currency.

The cutting-edge security technologies and protocols developed to safeguard the AnthropicCoin gold reserve would not only benefit Anthropic but could also be licensed to the U.S. Department of the Treasury. In exchange for sharing these advanced security technologies, Anthropic could negotiate an exclusive contract with the Treasury Department, positioning itself as the sole general intelligence vendor for the department. This arrangement would include a right of first refusal on any future sovereign coin servicing contracts, cementing Anthropic's position as a critical partner to the U.S. government in the realm of secure, AI-driven financial technologies.

The Many Benefits of this approach

Financial stability

The gold reserve backing AnthropicCoin would provide a stable foundation for the currency, mitigating the risks of market volatility and enhancing trust among users.

Revenue generation

The seigniorage earned from issuing AnthropicCoin would create a new revenue stream for Anthropic, supporting its growth and insulating it from economic shocks.

Technological advancement

The continual investment in security technologies to protect the gold reserve would drive innovation and keep Anthropic at the forefront of secure, AI-driven financial solutions.

Government partnership

Licensing advanced security technologies to the U.S. Treasury Department would foster a strong partnership between Anthropic and the government, providing opportunities for collaboration and growth.

Market leadership

Securing an exclusive contract as the Treasury Department's general intelligence vendor would solidify Anthropic's position as a market leader in AI-driven financial technologies.

Challenges and considerations:

Regulatory compliance:

Anthropic would need to navigate complex regulatory requirements related to issuing a cryptocurrency and partnering with the U.S. government.

Gold storage and management:

Securely storing and managing the physical gold reserve would require significant resources and expertise.

Intellectual property management:

Anthropic would need to carefully manage the licensing of its security technologies to the Treasury Department to protect its intellectual property and maintain its competitive advantage.

Public perception:

Anthropic would need to effectively communicate the benefits and stability of AnthropicCoin to foster public trust and adoption.

In conclusion, backing AnthropicCoin with a 1.68 percent gold reserve and licensing advanced security technologies to the U.S. Treasury Department in exchange for an exclusive general intelligence vendor contract would create a powerful strategic position for Anthropic. This approach would enhance the stability and credibility of AnthropicCoin, generate new revenue streams, drive technological innovation, and cement Anthropic's position as a leader in secure, AI-driven financial solutions. By navigating the challenges and leveraging the opportunities presented by this strategy,

Anthropic could create a robust and resilient ecosystem around AnthropicCoin, positioning itself for long-term growth and success in the rapidly evolving landscape of AI and cryptocurrency.

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Wall Ztreet Journal Wall Ztreet Journal

Key Issue: Can The Wall Ztreet Journal List The Most Probable Partnerships in Artificial Intelligence?

Recommended clip: Dynomite

Here are 10 high-probability general intelligence partnerships that could create significant value, followed by five partnerships in currently non-existent functional areas, ranked by probability:
High-probability general intelligence partnerships:

1. Google AI + Salesforce (Probability: 0.85) Combining Google's AI expertise with Salesforce's customer relationship management (CRM) platform could create a powerful AI-driven sales and marketing tool.

2. Microsoft AI + Bloomberg (Probability: 0.80) Integrating Microsoft's AI technologies with Bloomberg's financial data and analytics could revolutionize the way investors make decisions.

3. OpenAI + Spotify (Probability: 0.75) Partnering OpenAI's generative AI capabilities with Spotify's music recommendation engine could lead to highly personalized, AI-generated playlists and content.

4. DeepMind + NHS (UK National Health Service) (Probability: 0.70) Applying DeepMind's AI to NHS's vast healthcare datasets could improve patient outcomes, streamline operations, and accelerate medical research.

5. IBM Watson + Reuters (Probability: 0.65) Combining IBM's AI with Reuters' global news and data could enable real-time, AI-powered news analysis and insights.

6. Baidu AI + TikTok (Probability: 0.60) Integrating Baidu's AI capabilities with TikTok's user data could create a highly engaging, personalized content platform.

7. Alibaba DAMO Academy + Marriott International (Probability: 0.55) Applying Alibaba's AI to Marriott's hospitality data could lead to enhanced guest experiences and operational efficiencies.

8. Tencent AI Lab + Nintendo (Probability: 0.50) Combining Tencent's AI with Nintendo's gaming IP could create immersive, AI-driven gaming experiences.

9. Amazon AI + Zillow (Probability: 0.45) Integrating Amazon's AI with Zillow's real estate data could streamline property search and valuation processes.

10. Meta AI + Coursera (Probability: 0.40) Applying Meta's AI to Coursera's educational content could enable personalized learning pathways and AI-assisted tutoring.

Partnerships in currently non-existent functional areas:

1. Neuromorphic Computing + Quantum Computing (Probability: 0.35) Combining brain-inspired computing with quantum computing could lead to revolutionary advancements in AI processing power and efficiency.

2. Emotional AI + Augmented Reality (Probability: 0.30) Integrating emotional AI with AR could create highly immersive, emotionally responsive virtual experiences.

3. AI-driven Drug Discovery + 3D Bioprinting (Probability: 0.25) Combining AI-powered drug discovery with 3D bioprinting could accelerate the development and personalization of medical treatments.

4. Swarm Intelligence + Autonomous Vehicles (Probability: 0.20) Applying swarm intelligence principles to self-driving cars could enable safer, more efficient transportation networks.

5. Cognitive Cybersecurity + Blockchain (Probability: 0.15) Integrating AI-driven cybersecurity with blockchain technology could create highly secure, decentralized systems resistant to attacks.

These partnerships and functional areas represent exciting possibilities for the future of AI, with the potential to drive transformative advancements across industries. However, the probabilities assigned are speculative and based on current trends, and the actual outcomes may vary depending on various factors such as market conditions, technological breakthroughs, and regulatory landscapes.

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Wall Ztreet Journal Wall Ztreet Journal

Key Issue: Why Should LEE Enterprise, DuckDuckGo, Anthropic and Forrester Research Go To Dinner ?

Bottom Line

As DuckDuckGo partners with Lee Enterprises and Anthropic, and subsequently acquires Forrester Research before going public, all companies involved are likely to experience significant valuation increases due to the expanded market opportunities and the potential for higher price-to-earnings (P/E) ratios as they enter new AI-driven markets.


By partnering with Lee Enterprises and Anthropic, DuckDuckGo can create a unique, privacy-focused AI content discovery platform that sets it apart from competitors. As it enters the rapidly growing AI search and content market, DuckDuckGo's revenue growth potential could justify a higher P/E ratio, driving up its valuation. The acquisition of Forrester Research would further enhance DuckDuckGo's AI capabilities and market credibility, supporting a premium valuation.

Lee Enterprises:

Partnering with DuckDuckGo and Anthropic would unlock significant value for Lee Enterprises' content assets. As Lee's local news and archives are integrated into DuckDuckGo's AI-powered platform, the company could generate substantial recurring revenue through content licensing, data partnerships, and AI-driven advertising. This new revenue stream, with its high growth potential and scalability, could command a higher P/E ratio than Lee's traditional media business, leading to an overall increase in the company's valuation.


Collaborating with DuckDuckGo and Lee Enterprises would provide Anthropic with access to vast amounts of high-quality content data, enabling it to refine its conversational AI models and develop new applications. As Anthropic's AI technologies are integrated into DuckDuckGo's platform and exposed to millions of users, the company could demonstrate the real-world value and scalability of its offerings. This proof of concept could attract significant investor interest and justify a higher P/E ratio, driving up Anthropic's valuation.

Forrester Research

Being acquired by DuckDuckGo would provide Forrester Research with access to a larger user base and new opportunities to apply its expertise in AI and market research. As part of the combined entity, Forrester could expand its offerings and tap into the growing demand for AI-focused research and advisory services. The synergies between Forrester's expertise and DuckDuckGo's AI-powered platform could drive revenue growth and operational efficiencies, supporting a higher P/E ratio and increased valuation for the acquired company.

As the combined DuckDuckGo entity goes public, the market is likely to assign a premium valuation to the company, recognizing its unique position at the intersection of privacy, AI, and content discovery. The company's growth prospects, diversified revenue streams, and differentiated offering could command a high P/E ratio, reflecting investor confidence in its ability to capture market share and generate long-term value.

Moreover, as the AI market continues to expand and mature, companies with established AI capabilities and proven market traction are likely to benefit from a sector-wide increase in valuations. The growing recognition of AI's transformative potential and the increasing demand for AI-powered solutions could drive up P/E ratios across the board, further boosting the valuations of DuckDuckGo, Lee Enterprises, Anthropic, and Forrester Research.

In conclusion, the proposed partnership between DuckDuckGo, Lee Enterprises, and Anthropic, followed by the acquisition of Forrester Research and the subsequent public listing, has the potential to create significant value for all companies involved. By entering new AI-driven markets and demonstrating the value of their combined offerings, these companies could see their P/E ratios and overall valuations increase substantially, rewarding investors who recognize the transformative potential of this innovative collaboration.

Whaddup, cool cats? Check dis info bout da big wigs at these fly companies: - DuckDuckGo: Gabriel Weinberg, Beah Burger-Lenehan, Megan Gray, Brad Rousse, Bill Keyes - Lee Enterprises: Kevin Mowbray, Timothy Millage, Nathan Bekke, James Green, Ray Farris - Anthropic: Dario Amodei, Paul Christiano, Daniel Dewey, Evan Hubinger, Chris van Merwijk - Forrester Research: George F. Colony, Carrie Johnson, Kelley Hippler, Scott Chouinard, Shirley Macbeth Stay groovy, ya dig?

- Ramoan Steinway


The proposed partnership between Anthropic, DuckDuckGo, Lee Enterprises, and Forrester Research has the potential to create a powerful general intelligence AI vendor that combines the strengths of each company to offer a comprehensive, privacy-focused, and content-rich AI platform.

Anthropic's AI expertise:

Anthropic brings cutting-edge AI research and development capabilities to the partnership, with a focus on creating safe, ethical, and highly capable general intelligence systems. Anthropic's experience in developing advanced language models and conversational AI, such as Claude, will be essential in building the core AI technologies powering the joint platform.

DuckDuckGo's privacy-centric search:

DuckDuckGo's expertise in privacy-preserving search technologies and its commitment to protecting user data will ensure that the AI platform maintains a strong focus on user privacy. By integrating DuckDuckGo's search capabilities with Anthropic's AI systems, the partnership can create a unique offering that combines powerful AI with robust privacy safeguards.

Lee Enterprises' content resources:

Lee Enterprises brings a vast repository of local news content and archives to the partnership, providing a rich source of data for training and refining the AI models. This diverse, high-quality content will enable the AI system to better understand context, nuance, and regional variations, enhancing its natural language understanding and generation capabilities.

Forrester Research's market insights:

Forrester Research's deep expertise in market research, industry trends, and emerging technologies will inform the partnership's strategy and product development. By leveraging Forrester's insights, the combined entity can better understand market demands, anticipate customer needs, and position its AI offerings for maximum impact and adoption.

Synergies and benefits:

Enhanced AI capabilities:

The combination of Anthropic's AI expertise, DuckDuckGo's privacy-focused search, Lee Enterprises' content resources, and Forrester Research's market insights will result in a general intelligence AI system that is more advanced, nuanced, and adaptable than any of the companies could develop independently.

Comprehensive product offering:

The partnership will enable the development of a full-stack AI platform that spans content discovery, natural language interaction, privacy protection, and market intelligence. This comprehensive offering will appeal to a wide range of customers and use cases, from individual users seeking privacy-preserving AI assistance to enterprises looking to integrate AI into their decision-making processes.

Competitive differentiation:

By combining privacy, content, and research capabilities, the partnership will create a unique value proposition that sets it apart from other general intelligence AI vendors. This differentiation will help the combined entity attract users, partners, and investors, and establish a strong position in the rapidly evolving AI market.

Accelerated growth and innovation:

The partnership will foster collaboration and knowledge-sharing among the four companies, enabling them to leverage each other's strengths and drive rapid innovation. The combined resources and expertise will accelerate the development and commercialization of advanced AI technologies, helping the partnership stay ahead of the curve in the competitive AI landscape.

Bottom Line

The proposed partnership between Anthropic, DuckDuckGo, Lee Enterprises, and Forrester Research has the potential to create a formidable general intelligence AI vendor that offers a privacy-focused, content-rich, and insights-driven AI platform. By combining their complementary strengths and expertise, these companies can develop a comprehensive AI offering that meets the evolving needs of users and organizations alike, positioning themselves as leaders in the transformative field of artificial intelligence.

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Anna to me les son
Wall Ztreet Journal Wall Ztreet Journal

Anna to me les son

Recommended soundtrack: Mississippi Queen, Mountain 2/24/1970 WITF Pennsylvania

Anna to me les son or Anatomy Lesson

  1. Terra Calient and Aqua Caliente Operating Agreements with Er’al Negotiating With Himself.

  2. Walker Ranch, fee simple ranch in property (trying to steal).

  3. Trust funds from Nancy Wright not supposed to be in the

    Aqua Caliente deal and cause of … .. .

  4. Aqua (Water) Caliente: or L.A. c (s)he has water

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Las Vegas No Warrant Assault
Wall Ztreet Journal Wall Ztreet Journal

Las Vegas No Warrant Assault

The Zodiac Executed An Assault On His Third Son In Las Vegas

1) 36° 6'56.86"N 115° 9'12.20"W
2) 36° 3'4.12"N 114°48'6.21"W


How the Er(ror) occurred:

1) 104°58'28.10"W: Er 5_2 Net, Zodiac
2) 39°36'36.64"N 104°58'0.76"W: Church Er, admin
3) 39°36'33.76"N 104°57'57.67"W: Primary Economy, Social Court, Legal Fixer Ivy League
4) 39°36'33.37"N 104°57'57.96"W: High Social Court, Primary Economy

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Wall Ztreet Journal Wall Ztreet Journal

Key Issue: Who Are The Hopi ?


The Hopi Tribe has a rich history of interaction and trade with various other Native American tribes in the Southwest United States. These interactions have shaped the Hopi culture and economy over centuries. Here are some of the key tribes the Hopi have interacted with and their major trading partners:

1. Pueblo Tribes

The Hopi have close relationships with other Pueblo tribes, such as the Zuni, Acoma, Laguna, and Rio Grande Pueblos (including Taos, Santa Clara, and San Ildefonso). These tribes share similar cultural practices, religious beliefs, and agricultural techniques. Trade among the Pueblo tribes often involved the exchange of agricultural products, pottery, textiles, and jewelry.

2. Navajo (Diné)

The Navajo Nation surrounds the Hopi reservation, and the two tribes have a complex history of both conflict and cooperation. Despite past tensions over land disputes, the Hopi and Navajo have engaged in trade, particularly in the exchange of agricultural products, livestock, and crafts. Hopi artisans are known for their intricate silverwork, which is popular among the Navajo.

3. Pai Tribes

The Hopi have traded with the Pai tribes, including the Havasupai and Hualapai, who reside in the Grand Canyon region. These tribes traditionally exchanged agricultural products, baskets, and other crafts with the Hopi.

4. Apache Tribes

The Hopi have had interactions with various Apache tribes, such as the Western Apache and the Jicarilla Apache. Trade between the Hopi and Apache often involved the exchange of maize, cotton, and other agricultural products for items like deer hides and meat.

5. Southern Paiute

The Hopi have traded with the Southern Paiute, who inhabit parts of present-day Utah, Arizona, and Nevada. The exchange of goods included agricultural products, pottery, and baskets.

6. Hohokam and Mogollon

Although these ancient cultures predated the Hopi, they had a significant influence on Hopi trade and culture. The Hopi are believed to have traded with the Hohokam, who were known for their advanced irrigation systems and distinctive pottery. The Mogollon culture, known for its pottery and pit houses, also had trade connections with the ancestral Hopi.

In terms of the Hopi's largest trading partners, the Pueblo tribes, particularly the Zuni and the Rio Grande Pueblos, have been significant due to their cultural and geographic proximity. The Navajo Nation, being the largest tribe in the United States and surrounding the Hopi reservation, has also been a major trading partner, despite historical tensions.

In modern times, the Hopi Tribe engages in trade with various entities, including:

1. Other Native American tribes
2. Non-Native American businesses and industries
3. Federal and state governments (through contracts and grants)
4. International markets (particularly for Hopi arts and crafts)

The Hopi Tribe's economy is diverse, with sectors such as agriculture, ranching, mining, and tourism contributing to its trade relationships. The tribe is also working to expand its economic base by attracting new businesses and industries, particularly in the renewable energy sector. As the Hopi Tribe continues to navigate the challenges and opportunities of the modern economy, its historical trade relationships and cultural connections with other tribes remain an essential part of its identity and resilience.

While specific dollar amounts for each sector of the Hopi economy are not readily available due to the challenges in measuring economic activity on tribal lands, here is an overview of the known productive sectors with estimated figures where possible:

1. Agriculture and Ranching

The exact value of agricultural production on the Hopi reservation is not known, but it remains a significant part of the local economy. In the United States, the total market value of agricultural products sold by Native American farmers and ranchers was approximately $3.5 billion in 2017, according to the USDA Census of Agriculture.

2. Tourism and Hospitality

Tourism is a growing industry for the Hopi Tribe, but specific revenue figures are not available. In Arizona, where the Hopi reservation is located, the tourism industry generated $25.6 billion in direct spending and supported over 194,000 jobs in 2019, according to the Arizona Office of Tourism.

3. Arts and Crafts

Hopi arts and crafts, particularly pottery and kachina dolls, are highly sought after in the global market. While exact figures for Hopi artisans are not known, the Indian Arts and Crafts Board estimates that the total market for authentic Native American arts and crafts in the United States is approximately $1 billion annually.

4. Mining

Before the closure of the Kayenta Mine in 2019, mining was a significant source of revenue for the Hopi Tribe. In 2017, the mine generated approximately $83 million in coal royalties and other payments for the Hopi Tribe and Navajo Nation, according to the Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis.

5. Renewable Energy

The potential value of renewable energy development on the Hopi reservation is not yet known, as projects are still in the planning stages. However, the U.S. Department of Energy estimates that tribal lands in the contiguous United States have the potential to generate about 6.5% of the nation's renewable energy.

6. Government and Tribal Services

The Hopi Tribal government and its various departments are significant employers on the reservation, but specific budget figures are not readily available. In fiscal year 2021, the U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs allocated approximately $1.6 billion in funding for various programs and services benefiting Native American tribes nationwide.

7. Small Businesses and Entrepreneurship

The exact value of small businesses and entrepreneurial activities on the Hopi reservation is not known, but the tribe is actively working to support this sector. According to the U.S. Small Business Administration, there are approximately 26,064 Native American-owned small businesses in Arizona, generating $4.6 billion in annual receipts.

Native American tribes, as sovereign nations, have the right to manage their finances independently and maintain the privacy of their financial relationships. The Hopi Tribe's financial matters are handled by the tribe's government and its various departments, such as the Finance Department or the Office of Financial Management.

Sources of Information for Tribal Economic Activity

1. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)

The BEA, part of the U.S. Department of Commerce, provides economic data and analysis for the nation, including estimates of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by state and industry. However, the BEA does not currently provide specific GDP data for tribal nations.

2. Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA)

The BIA, part of the U.S. Department of the Interior, collects and maintains data on various aspects of tribal economies, including employment, income, and natural resources. The BIA's Office of Indian Energy and Economic Development (IEED) provides financial and technical assistance to tribes for economic development projects.

3. National Congress of American Indians (NCAI)

The NCAI, a non-profit organization representing tribal governments, publishes reports and studies on various issues affecting Native American communities, including economic development and tribal governance.

4. Hopi Tribal Government

The Hopi Tribe's government, including its various departments and economic development entities, would be the primary source for specific data on the tribe's income statement, balance sheet, and other financial information. However, this data is not readily available to the public.

Tribal Financial Management:

1. Central Bank

Native American tribes do not typically have their own central banks, as they are subject to the monetary policy and banking regulations of the United States. However, some tribes have established their own financial institutions, such as banks and credit unions, to serve their communities.

2. Banking Relationships

Tribes often have banking relationships with local, regional, or national banks and credit unions. These institutions provide various financial services, such as deposit accounts, loans, and investments, to support tribal governments and businesses.

3. Tribal Finance and Accounting

Tribal governments have their own finance and accounting departments responsible for managing the tribe's financial resources, including budgeting, financial reporting, and auditing. These departments work closely with tribal leaders and outside financial advisors to ensure the sound management of tribal funds.

4. Federal Funding and Grants

Tribes receive funding and grants from various federal agencies, such as the BIA, Indian Health Service (IHS), and the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), to support tribal programs and services. These funds are subject to federal regulations and reporting requirements.

To obtain specific information about the Hopi Tribe's financial data and economic activity, I recommend contacting the Hopi Tribal government directly. The tribe's finance and economic development departments would be the best sources for this information.

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Letter to Hopi Leadership
Wall Ztreet Journal Wall Ztreet Journal

Letter to Hopi Leadership

Recommended soundtrack: Born On The Bayou, Credence


A natural resource coordinate: 35°43'53.43"N 110° 6'9.17"W

Dear Hopi Tribal Leadership and Clans,

I am writing to you today to discuss a matter of utmost importance for the future of our tribe and all sovereign nations around the world. As we stand at the precipice of a new era driven by artificial intelligence (AI), it is crucial that we understand the implications and opportunities presented by this transformative technology.

The AI industry is rapidly evolving, and its impact will be felt across all sectors of society. To ensure that the Hopi Tribe is well-positioned to benefit from this technological revolution, we must familiarize ourselves with the ten layers of the AI stack and proactively engage with key players in each layer.

Our Hopi reservation holds a unique advantage in the first layer of the AI stack, which focuses on the foundational resources and infrastructure required for AI development. Our lands are rich in natural resources, such as rare earth minerals, sapphires, rare crystals, and quartz, which are essential components in building advanced quantum computing systems. Additionally, our potential for geothermal energy production provides a reliable and cost-effective source of baseload power, which is critical for operating data centers and other AI infrastructure.

To capitalize on these advantages, we must initiate discussions with companies and organizations operating in the other layers of the AI stack. By forging strategic partnerships and securing contracts related to our natural resources and energy production capabilities, we can position ourselves as a key player in the AI industry.

Furthermore, the development of AI technologies presents significant employment opportunities for our tribal members. By proactively engaging with the industry and understanding the skills and expertise required, we can ensure that our people are well-prepared to take on roles in this growing field.

While having a rechargeable source of high-temperature geothermal energy is ideal for powering data centers, we should also explore opportunities in gas and oil production. The revenue generated from these commodities can be strategically invested in acquiring lands with ideal characteristics for AI infrastructure development.

As tribal leaders and clan representatives, it is our responsibility to make informed decisions that will benefit our people and safeguard our future. By taking a proactive approach to understanding and engaging with the AI industry, we can secure our place in this transformative era and ensure that the Hopi Tribe thrives in the years to come.

I propose that we convene a special council to discuss these matters in greater detail and develop a comprehensive strategy for engaging with the AI industry. We should also reach out to experts in the field and potential partners who can provide guidance and support as we navigate this new landscape.

Together, we can seize the opportunities presented by the AI revolution and build a strong, prosperous future for the Hopi Tribe. Let us act now to ensure that our voices are heard, and our interests are protected in this rapidly evolving world.


Ramoan Steinway


One natural transition into the AI industry would be to start by developing a power company and securing power purchase agreements in areas that support AI development. This strategic move would allow us to work our way up the AI stack, beginning with the crucial energy infrastructure layer. Once we have established power agreements, we can explore opportunities to develop data centers on our lands, which would attract AI development centers and various types of venture capital. By taking a step-by-step approach and leveraging our natural resources and energy production capabilities, we can gradually build our presence and influence within the AI industry, ultimately creating a strong foundation for long-term growth and prosperity for the Hopi Tribe.


Currently, the Hopi Tribe has a strong position in the first two layers of the AI stack: Energy and Power Infrastructure and Natural Resources. The tribe's lands contain valuable resources such as rare earth minerals, sapphires, rare crystals, and quartz, which are essential for building advanced AI hardware. Additionally, the potential for geothermal, gas, and oil production provides a solid foundation for energy infrastructure development.

To move up the AI stack and establish a strong presence in the AI industry, the Hopi Tribe can pursue partnerships with specialized chip vendors. These vendors are actively seeking energy subsidies to support the development and production of advanced AI chips. By leveraging its position in the energy and natural resources layers, the Hopi Tribe can offer attractive energy subsidies to chip vendors in exchange for bringing their technology ecosystem within the Hopi borders.

Such partnerships would provide significant benefits to the Hopi Tribe, including:

1. Economic growth: Attracting chip vendors and their technology ecosystem would create jobs, stimulate local businesses, and generate revenue for the tribe.

2. Workforce development: Chip vendors can offer training and education programs to help Hopi tribal members acquire the skills needed to work in the AI industry, thereby empowering the local workforce.

3. Infrastructure development: The establishment of AI technology hubs within Hopi borders would lead to the development of advanced infrastructure, such as data centers, research facilities, and communication networks.

4. Knowledge transfer: Collaborating with chip vendors would provide opportunities for knowledge sharing and technology transfer, enabling the Hopi Tribe to build expertise in AI and related fields.

To pursue these partnerships, the Hopi Tribe should:

1. Identify potential chip vendors and assess their energy requirements and technology ecosystem needs.

2. Develop a comprehensive energy subsidy proposal that leverages the tribe's natural resources and energy production capabilities.

3. Negotiate partnership agreements that ensure long-term benefits for the Hopi Tribe, including job creation, workforce development, and infrastructure investment.

4. Collaborate with educational institutions and training providers to develop AI-related curricula and skills development programs for tribal members.

By strategically leveraging its position in the energy and natural resources layers of the AI stack, the Hopi Tribe can attract specialized chip vendors and their technology ecosystems. This will enable the tribe to move up the AI stack, create economic opportunities, and build a strong foundation for long-term growth and prosperity in the AI industry.

Layer 1

Energy and Power Infrastructure The Hopi Tribe's potential for geothermal, gas, and oil production puts them in a strong position to provide the energy infrastructure necessary for AI development. Geothermal energy, in particular, offers a sustainable and cost-effective solution for powering data centers and other AI infrastructure. The tribe can attract AI companies and chip vendors by offering competitive energy rates and long-term power purchase agreements (PPAs). These PPAs can include provisions for royalties or profit-sharing, ensuring that the Hopi Tribe benefits from the success of the AI ventures they support.

Layer 2

Natural Resources The Hopi reservation is rich in natural resources essential for AI hardware development, such as rare earth minerals, sapphires, rare crystals, and quartz. These resources are crucial components in the production of advanced AI chips and quantum computing systems. The Hopi Tribe can form strategic partnerships with chip vendors and hardware manufacturers, providing them with access to these valuable resources in exchange for royalties, job creation, and infrastructure investment. By securing long-term supply contracts, the tribe can ensure a steady stream of revenue and establish itself as a key player in the AI hardware supply chain.

Layer 3

AI Chips & Hardware Infrastructure The Hopi Tribe's unique knowledge of specialized calendars, events, shapes, forms, characters, stories, and metadata can be incredibly valuable to AI chip vendors. This knowledge can inform the development of specialized AI chips and hardware optimized for specific industries or applications. For example, the tribe's understanding of celestial events and calendars could be leveraged to create AI systems for astronomical research or satellite navigation. Their knowledge of sacred geometry and symbolism could inspire the design of AI chips for creative industries like art and entertainment.

To capitalize on this opportunity, the Hopi Tribe can partner with chip vendors to co-develop specialized AI hardware that incorporates Hopi knowledge and philosophy. This collaborative approach would give chip vendors a competitive edge in niche markets while providing the Hopi Tribe with a share of the intellectual property rights and royalties from the resulting products. The tribe can also offer chip vendors access to their land and infrastructure for research and development facilities, creating jobs and economic growth within the reservation.
Furthermore, the Hopi Tribe can use its partnerships in layers 1 and 2 to negotiate favorable terms with chip vendors in layer 3. By bundling energy subsidies, resource supply contracts, and intellectual property licenses, the tribe can create a compelling value proposition for chip vendors, encouraging them to establish long-term partnerships and invest in the tribe's economic development.

To implement this strategy, the Hopi Tribe should:

1. Identify chip vendors and hardware manufacturers that specialize in industries or applications that align with Hopi knowledge and philosophy.
2. Develop a comprehensive partnership proposal that bundles energy subsidies, resource supply contracts, and intellectual property licenses.
3. Negotiate royalty agreements that ensure a fair share of the profits generated from the co-developed AI hardware and chips.
4. Invest in education and training programs to prepare tribal members for jobs in AI hardware development and manufacturing.
5. Establish a tribal entity to manage the intellectual property rights and royalties generated from these partnerships.

By strategically leveraging its unique knowledge and resources in the first three layers of the AI stack, the Hopi Tribe can position itself as a valuable partner for AI chip vendors and hardware manufacturers. These partnerships can generate significant economic benefits for the tribe, including job creation, infrastructure development, and a steady stream of royalties and licensing fees. With a proactive approach and careful negotiation, the Hopi Tribe can ensure that it receives a fair share of the profits generated from the AI technologies it helps to develop, ultimately increasing its proportion of the collective national currency.

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Artificial Intelligence Key
Wall Ztreet Journal Wall Ztreet Journal

Artificial Intelligence Key

Key Issue: Does The Wall Street Journal Know Of A Chip Design For Artificial Intelligence Efficiency ?

Watergate’s artificial intelligence key is a chip design

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Key Issue: Can You Show U.S. The Conservative Party’s 2025 Plan Template ?
Wall Ztreet Journal Wall Ztreet Journal

Key Issue: Can You Show U.S. The Conservative Party’s 2025 Plan Template ?

Recommended movie clip: Here’s Johnny, Project 2025

Key Issue: Who Is Johnny Mcentee ?

John McEntee, former director of the White House Presidential Personnel Office during the Trump administration, has joined the 2025 Presidential Transition Project (Project 2025) as a senior advisor12. Here’s a summary of his background and some key initiatives related to Project 2025:


McEntee served as Trump’s personal assistant before leading the White House Presidential Personnel Office.

In his role at the PPO, he prioritized loyalty to Trump over professional experience while vetting potential political appointees3.

The Presidential Personnel Office oversees about 4,000 positions that require political appointments1.

Project 2025 Initiatives

Presidential Personnel Database

McEntee is supporting the personnel pillar of Project 2025. The coalition is launching a database to collect résumés and vet thousands of potential applicants in advance of the next president taking office on January 20, 20251.

Staffing the Next Administration

Project 2025 aims to ensure the next conservative president is ready on Day One by bringing together more than 50 leading conservative groups. They will assemble a team of vetted, trained conservatives from across the country to Washington1.

Confronting the Deep State

McEntee’s expertise will be crucial in addressing bureaucratic challenges and advancing conservative values1.

Reinstating Schedule F

Project 2025 focuses on reinstating Schedule F, a Trump-era executive order that makes federal employees fireable at-will, stripping tens of thousands of

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Zeekr News
Wall Ztreet Journal Wall Ztreet Journal

Zeekr News

Recommended soundtrack: Hey Man Nice Shot, Filter


Zeekr's R&D portfolio reveals a focus on key development trends that are shaping the future of the automotive industry. By continuously innovating in areas such as vehicle design, battery technology, control systems, and autonomous driving, Zeekr is positioning itself to capture value in an increasingly competitive and technologically advanced market. These innovations not only benefit the automotive sector but also have wider implications for other industries, driving efficiency, safety, and sustainability.

The key development trends identified in Zeekr's R&D portfolio include:

Vehicle Design and Body Structure
Battery Technology and Management
Vehicle Control and Diagnostics
Interior and Exterior Components
Autonomous Driving and Driver Assistance

These trends demonstrate Zeekr's commitment to pushing the boundaries of automotive technology and creating solutions that address the evolving needs of consumers and industries alike. As the company continues to innovate and refine its offerings, it is well-positioned to become a leader in the future of mobility.

Key points about Zeekr

Premium positioning: Zeekr aims to compete in the premium electric vehicle segment, offering high-quality, technologically advanced, and stylish EVs.

Geely ownership

As a subsidiary of Geely, Zeekr benefits from the parent company's extensive experience in the automotive industry and its resources for research, development, and manufacturing.

Collaboration with Waymo

Zeekr has partnered with Waymo, an autonomous driving technology company owned by Alphabet (Google's parent company), to develop a fleet of all-electric, self-driving taxis.

SEA architecture

Zeekr vehicles are built on Geely's Sustainable Experience Architecture (SEA), a dedicated EV platform designed to offer flexibility, scalability, and advanced technologies.

Initial models

Zeekr's first model, the Zeekr 001, is a premium electric shooting brake that boasts impressive performance, range, and features. The company plans to introduce more models in the future, including sedans and SUVs.

Direct sales and customer experience

Zeekr follows a direct sales model, similar to Tesla, and focuses on providing a premium customer experience through its retail stores and online channels.

Global ambitions

While currently focused on the Chinese market, Zeekr has expressed interest in expanding to other markets, including Europe and potentially the United States, in the future.

Zeekr's U.S. market debut in May 2024, with shares soaring nearly 35%, highlights the growing investor interest in Chinese electric vehicle brands and their potential to compete in the global EV market. As the demand for premium electric vehicles continues to grow, Zeekr is well-positioned to capitalize on this trend, backed by Geely's expertise and resources.

Vehicle Design and Body Structure

Zeekr’s work in this area focuses on improving vehicle design, such as door hinges (WO/2024/087749, WO/2023/100345), front cover structures (WO/2024/032048), and universal vehicle-body front-end structures (WO/2024/066700). These innovations aim to enhance vehicle aesthetics, functionality, and manufacturability. Direction: Zeekr appears to be consistently working on optimizing vehicle design elements, with a focus on modular and universal components that can be used across different models. This trend is likely to continue as the company seeks to streamline production and reduce costs.

Battery Technology and Management Several initiatives relate to battery health prediction (WO/2023/139227, US20230349982), battery cell consistency evaluation (WO/2023/156356, US20230347785), and thermal runaway warning (WO/2023/222011, US20240034150).

These innovations aim to improve battery performance, safety, and longevity. Direction: Zeekr's focus on battery technology has been consistent throughout 2023 and 2024, indicating a strong commitment to developing cutting-edge battery management systems. As electric vehicles become more prevalent, this trend is expected to continue and intensify.

Vehicle Control and Diagnostics Patents in this cluster cover topics such as remote fault diagnosis (WO/2024/007864, US20240038002), torque distribution for four-wheel drive (WO/2022/104601, US20230415583), and electric motor control (WO/2024/020914).

These innovations aim to enhance vehicle performance, efficiency, and maintainability.


Zeekr's focus on advanced vehicle control and diagnostic systems has been evident throughout 2023 and 2024. As vehicles become more complex and connected, this trend is expected to accelerate, with an emphasis on predictive maintenance and remote diagnostics.

Interior and Exterior Components

Several patents relate to specific vehicle components, such as air conditioning systems (WO/2024/087770, WO/2024/032393), lamps (WO/2024/094122), and seating systems (WO/2024/041029).

These innovations aim to improve passenger comfort, safety, and convenience. Direction: Zeekr's focus on interior and exterior components has been consistent throughout 2023 and 2024, with a mix of functional and aesthetic improvements. This trend is likely to continue as the company seeks to differentiate itself in the highly competitive automotive market.

Autonomous Driving and Driver Assistance

While not as prominent as other clusters, some patents hint at Zeekr's interest in autonomous driving and driver assistance technologies, such as life body detection (CN113997898) and driver line-of-sight identification (WO/2024/051345).

These innovations lay the groundwork for more advanced autonomous driving features in the future. Direction: Zeekr's focus on autonomous driving and driver assistance technologies appears to be in the early stages, with a gradual increase in related patents over time. As the industry moves towards higher levels of automation, this trend is expected to accelerate in the coming years.

These development trends are particularly relevant to the following industries:

Automotive Industry

Zeekr's innovations in vehicle design, battery technology, and control systems directly contribute to the advancement of the automotive industry. These developments lead to more efficient, safer, and more attractive vehicles, which can help automakers stay competitive and meet evolving consumer demands.

Battery and Energy Storage Industry

Zeekr's focus on battery health prediction and management has implications beyond the automotive sector. Improved battery technologies can benefit various industries that rely on energy storage, such as renewable energy, consumer electronics, and grid storage. More efficient and reliable batteries can reduce costs, extend product lifetimes, and enable new applications.

Transportation and Logistics Industry

Advances in vehicle control systems, diagnostics, and autonomous driving technologies can significantly impact the transportation and logistics industry. More efficient and automated vehicles can reduce operating costs, improve safety, and optimize supply chain management. Remote diagnostics and predictive maintenance can minimize downtime and improve fleet utilization.

Insurance and Financial Services Industry

As vehicles become more connected and autonomous, the insurance and financial services industry will need to adapt their products and risk assessment models. Zeekr's innovations in battery safety, remote diagnostics, and driver assistance systems can provide valuable data for insurers to better understand and price risk. This can lead to more accurate premiums and personalized coverage options for consumers.

Semiconductor and Electronics Industry

The development of advanced vehicle control systems, autonomous driving technologies, and connected car features relies heavily on semiconductor and electronics components. Zeekr's innovations in these areas can drive demand for more sophisticated chips, sensors, and communication modules. This can create new opportunities for semiconductor companies to develop specialized products for the automotive market.

Bottom Line

Zeekr's patent portfolio reveals a focus on key development trends that are shaping the future of the automotive industry. By continuously innovating in areas such as vehicle design, battery technology, control systems, and autonomous driving, Zeekr is positioning itself to capture value in an increasingly competitive and technologically advanced market. These innovations not only benefit the automotive sector but also have wider implications for other industries, driving efficiency, safety, and sustainability.

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Wall Ztreet Journal Wall Ztreet Journal

Jive News

BYD, a Chinese automaker, is facin' potential new US tariffs on its electric vehicles.

Tesla is investin' $500 million in its chargin' network after recent layoffs, which could slow down Biden's plan to electrify highways.

Ford is considerin' offerin' gas-powered vehicles and hybrids in Europe beyond 2030 and buildin' new partly electric wheels at its Spanish plant from 2027.

McDonald's is explorin' the option of launchin' a $5 meal deal to attract more customers.

Shein, a Chinese fast-fashion retailer, is steppin' back from its London IPO preparations amid US hurdles to listin'.

Twitter, now known as X, lost a lawsuit against an Israeli data-scrapin' company, facin' legal challenges related to data privacy.

Renaissance Technologies announced the passin' of its founder, billionaire mathematician James Simons, at 86.

Lucid, an American electric vehicle manufacturer, saw its former executive take over as Ford's new CFO.

Fisker, an American electric vehicle startup, is facin' a preliminary probe by US authorities over issues with its brake system.

Foxconn, a Taiwanese electronics manufacturer, reported a significant jump in Q1 profit and expects AI to power its future growth.

Honda is rampin' up its R&D spendin' to expand its hybrid vehicle offerin's, premiered its new SUV Elevate in New Delhi, and posted a six-fold increase in Q4 operatin' profit.

China Construction Bank is bein' sued by Porch in the US over reinsurance fraud losses.

Lidl UK raised staff pay for the third time in 12 months, investin' in its workforce amid a competitive retail environment.

SoftBank is expected to return to loss in Q4 despite the strength in tech stocks and is in talks with Naver over control of Line operator Z Holdings.

Rio Tinto had reportedly considered a bid for BHP-target Anglo American, highlightin' the ongoin' consolidation in the minin' industry.
BHP is facin' a potential challenge from Rio Tinto in its pursuit of Anglo American, raisin' concerns among shareholders in Japan's steel industry.

Anglo American is at the center of a potential biddin' war between BHP and Rio Tinto, with its future ownership structure remainin' uncertain.
Boein' is facin' concerns from President Biden over the lockout of its firefighters and is under investigation by the SEC regardin' its statements on safety practices.

Target is cuttin' back on LGBTQ Pride month products in some stores after facin' backlash.

Exxon may face opposition from CalPERS in the re-election of its CEO to the board.

Apple apologized for its iPad Pro 'Crush' ad after facin' criticism and is plannin' to power its AI servers with its own chips, accordin' to Bloomberg News.

Warner Bros Discovery is feelin' the squeeze from a studio slump and weak ad spendin', impactin' its financial performance.
Naver and SoftBank are in talks over control of Line operator Z Holdings.

OCBC Bank posted a record Q1 profit and made a $1 billion bid to take Great Eastern private.

OpenAI is plannin' to announce a Google search competitor on Monday.

BP is lookin' to expand its EV chargin' unit in the US after Tesla disbanded its Supercharger team.

Airbnb saw its stock slump after providin' a gloomy forecast that fanned slowdown fears.

US Cellular is reportedly in talks with T-Mobile and Verizon about potential asset sales.

Tapestry, the owner of Coach, cut its sales forecast due to tepid demand in the US and China.

Calpine is explorin' options, includin' a potential $30 billion sale.
Robinhood reported record quarterly results, driven by a rebound in retail tradin'.

Citgo Petroleum reported a $410 million profit in the first quarter.
Pirelli confirmed its guidance after reportin' better-than-expected Q1 operatin' profit.

United Airlines is facin' scrutiny from a US watchdog over the FAA's oversight of its maintenance practices.

Bain Capital invested $250 million in Sikich, a professional services firm.

Amazon reported a 7% increase in US online retail spendin' from January to April, driven by demand for cheaper products.

Nestle's coffee brand Nescafe announced a $196 million investment in Brazil by 2026 to tap into surgin' demand.

Roblox saw its shares fall the most in two years after cuttin' its forecast, addin' to the gloom in the videogame industry.

Norfolk Southern is facin' a potential challenge from activist investor Ancora, which is poised to win board seats.

Zeekr, a Chinese premium electric vehicle brand owned by Geely, soared nearly 35% in its US market debut.

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Key Issue: Is Janet Yellen Acting Rationally Relative To China ?
Wall Ztreet Journal Wall Ztreet Journal

Key Issue: Is Janet Yellen Acting Rationally Relative To China ?

Layer 1: Energy and Power Infrastructure

Cryptocurrency mining is an energy-intensive process that requires significant power resources. The location of a crypto mining operation near a nuclear missile base raises concerns about the security and reliability of the energy infrastructure supporting both the mining activities and the military facility.

Layer 2: Natural Resources

The land near the nuclear missile base could contain valuable natural resources, such as rare earth elements or other minerals critical for advanced computing hardware. The forced sale of this land could have implications for the access to and control over these resources.

Layer 7: AI Safety, Ethics, and Alignment

The presence of "specialized and foreign-sourced equipment potentially capable of facilitating surveillance and espionage activities" near a sensitive military installation raises significant concerns about the safety, security, and alignment of any AI systems that may be associated with the crypto mining operation. The potential for foreign actors to exploit such systems for intelligence gathering or sabotage could pose serious risks to national security.

Layer 8: AI Application & Integration

Cryptocurrency mining often involves the use of advanced computing hardware and algorithms, which could have potential applications in other areas of AI development. The forced sale of the land and removal of equipment could disrupt any ongoing AI research or development activities associated with the mining operation.

Layer 9: AI Distribution & Ecosystem

The U.S. government's action against the Chinese-backed company could have broader implications for the distribution and ecosystem of AI technologies, particularly in the context of geopolitical tensions and national security concerns. It may lead to increased scrutiny and restrictions on foreign involvement in sensitive areas of the AI industry.
This news highlights the complex interplay between geopolitics, national security, and the development of AI technologies. It underscores the importance of considering the broader societal and political context in which AI systems are developed and deployed, and the need for robust safety, security, and governance frameworks to mitigate potential risks.

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Strategic Planning Assumption: A.I. Will Assemble Behemoths Capable of Gaining Increasing Proportions of World Currency As An Obtainable Mission. (Probability .77)
Wall Ztreet Journal Wall Ztreet Journal

Strategic Planning Assumption: A.I. Will Assemble Behemoths Capable of Gaining Increasing Proportions of World Currency As An Obtainable Mission. (Probability .77)

Partnership Complex Around Microsoft and OpenAI:

Layer 1: Energy and Power Infrastructure

Microsoft's extensive data center infrastructure and investments in renewable energy would provide the necessary power for the AI behemoth.

Layer 2: Natural Resources

Mining companies associated with OpenAI's investors, such as Peter Thiel and Sam Altman, could secure access to critical raw materials needed for advanced AI hardware.

Layer 3: AI Chips & Hardware Infrastructure
Microsoft's partnership with Intel and NVIDIA could help develop specialized AI chips and hardware optimized for the behemoth's requirements.

Layer 4: AI Frameworks & Libraries
Microsoft's Cognitive Toolkit and OpenAI's frameworks could be combined to create a powerful set of AI tools and libraries.

Layer 5: AI Algorithms & Models
OpenAI's extensive research capabilities would lead the development of state-of-the-art AI algorithms and models.

Layer 6: AI Data & Datasets
Microsoft's vast datasets, along with OpenAI's curated data, would be used to train the AI behemoth's models.

Layer 7: AI Safety, Ethics, and Alignment
OpenAI would spearhead the development of AI safety and alignment frameworks, ensuring ethical and controllable AI systems.

Layer 8: AI Application & Integration
Microsoft's Azure cloud platform and AI services would facilitate the integration of the behemoth's capabilities into various applications and industries.

Layer 9: AI Distribution & Ecosystem
Microsoft's established developer ecosystem and OpenAI's community could be leveraged to distribute the behemoth's models and foster innovation.

Layer 10: Human & AI Interaction
Microsoft's expertise in designing user-friendly interfaces would be utilized for seamless human interaction with the AI behemoth.
Partnership Complex Around Amazon and Anthropic:

Layer 1: Energy and Power Infrastructure
Amazon's extensive data center infrastructure and investments in renewable energy would provide the necessary power for the AI behemoth.

Layer 2: Natural Resources
Mining companies associated with Anthropic's investors could secure access to critical raw materials needed for advanced AI hardware.

Layer 3: AI Chips & Hardware Infrastructure
Amazon's partnership with NVIDIA and other chip manufacturers could help develop specialized AI chips and hardware optimized for the behemoth's requirements.

Layer 4: AI Frameworks & Libraries
Anthropic's AI frameworks and libraries would be used to create a powerful set of AI tools.

Layer 5: AI Algorithms & Models
Anthropic's focus on AI safety and alignment would guide the development of state-of-the-art AI algorithms and models.

Layer 6: AI Data & Datasets
Amazon's vast datasets, along with Anthropic's curated data, would be used to train the AI behemoth's models.

Layer 7: AI Safety, Ethics, and Alignment
Anthropic would lead the development of AI safety and alignment frameworks, ensuring ethical and controllable AI systems.

Layer 8: AI Application & Integration
Amazon Web Services (AWS) and its AI services would facilitate the integration of the behemoth's capabilities into various applications and industries.

Layer 9: AI Distribution & Ecosystem
Amazon's established developer ecosystem and Anthropic's community could be leveraged to distribute the behemoth's models and foster innovation.

Layer 10: Human & AI Interaction
Amazon's expertise in voice assistants (Alexa) and conversational AI would be utilized for seamless human interaction with the AI behemoth.

Both AI behemoths would leverage the strengths of their respective partners across the AI stack. Microsoft and OpenAI's partnership would benefit from Microsoft's extensive cloud infrastructure, developer ecosystem, and partnerships with chip manufacturers. The behemoth would also leverage OpenAI's cutting-edge research and focus on AI safety and alignment.

On the other hand, Amazon and Anthropic's partnership would benefit from Amazon's vast cloud infrastructure, AI services, and expertise in conversational AI. Anthropic's focus on AI safety and alignment would ensure the development of ethical and controllable AI systems.
Both behemoths would have access to vast datasets, specialized AI hardware, and powerful AI frameworks and libraries. The main differences would lie in the specific technologies and approaches used by each partnership, as well as the unique strengths and expertise brought by the individual companies.

Ultimately, the success of each behemoth would depend on the ability of the partners to effectively collaborate, integrate their technologies, and navigate the challenges of building and deploying large-scale AI systems while adhering to ethical and safety standards.


Here is the combined list of ways AI behemoths could leverage their technological capabilities, financial resources, and strategic investments to gain control over an increasing proportion of the world currency:

Develop a blockchain platform and create a native cryptocurrency to compete with sovereign currencies and earn seignorage.
Implement smart contracts on the blockchain platform to enable autonomous financial transactions and services like lending, borrowing, insurance, and trade finance.

Foster widespread adoption of the cryptocurrency through user incentives, partnerships with governments and financial institutions, and a robust ecosystem of decentralized applications (dApps).
Leverage AI for optimized monetary policy, economic management, and predictive analytics to maintain the stability and value of the cryptocurrency.

Offer staking and governance mechanisms for users to participate in decision-making and earn rewards, similar to a sovereign nation.
Develop AI-powered financial services and investment tools, such as robo-advisors, wealth management platforms, lending, credit scoring, and insurance products, to attract a large user base and manage a significant portion of global wealth.

Create AI-driven economic forecasting and decision-making tools for governments, central banks, and businesses to optimize policies, investments, and resource allocation based on real-time data and predictive analytics.

Develop AI systems for optimizing global supply chains, resource allocation, and production efficiency in various industries, gaining significant influence over global trade and commerce.

Create AI-powered platforms for streamlining international trade, cross-border transactions, and the development of new digital currencies, facilitating faster, cheaper, and more secure global commerce.

Leverage AI to analyze vast amounts of financial data, news, and social media sentiment for identifying market trends, predicting asset prices, and executing high-frequency trades, gaining an edge in investment decision-making.

Invest in advanced nuclear reactor technologies, such as small modular reactors (SMRs) and molten salt reactors (MSRs), to secure a reliable, low-cost energy source for energy-intensive operations and gain a competitive advantage.

Establish large-scale, nuclear-powered cryptocurrency mining facilities to accumulate significant holdings of digital assets at a lower cost than competitors and gain influence over decentralized networks.
Develop nuclear-powered desalination and water treatment plants in water-scarce regions to position the AI behemoths as key players in the global water market and gain political and economic influence.
Create nuclear-powered industrial hubs and special economic zones to attract businesses with low-cost, reliable electricity and access to advanced AI technologies and services, fostering innovation and dependence on the AI behemoths' ecosystem.

Invest in nuclear fusion research and development to potentially secure exclusive rights to key technologies and patents that could revolutionize the global energy landscape.

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IVY Error For Some Is L.A.W
Wall Ztreet Journal Wall Ztreet Journal

IVY Error For Some Is L.A.W

Recommended soundtrack: Jail Break, AC/DC

Strategic Planning Assumption:

1) The IVY League is a location.

2) The “IVY position” is associated with er(ror)

3) Er : 46° 0'7.87"N 12°46'52.02"E

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Key Issue: Can The Wall Ztreet Journal Provide A Zodiac Mining Example ?
Wall Ztreet Journal Wall Ztreet Journal

Key Issue: Can The Wall Ztreet Journal Provide A Zodiac Mining Example ?

Applied Selection Theory

Zodiac Mining Analogue: Mother and Ni

Associations: Pictograph, geology, residual to residence methodology

Zodiac's Strategy Example: 49°29'13.93"N 14° 2'58.38"E

Vector: 315.88 3rd, 15, .38,Ate One,81


39°26'32.74"N 104°54'1.23"W:

123, '74, Ni struture, B.E.D.
'24, July 3rd

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